English for life beginner wb www frenglish ru
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English for life beginner wb www frenglish ru
EnglishI Pl■BeginnerWorkbook with keyTom HutchinsonOXFORDIntroducing yoursetf Numbers'WỆ.:;____:__1Complete the conversation.Mike _________!__1 o . 'M English for life beginner wb www frenglish ruM_____name's Mike.Irena ’P_____________________to m you,Mike. T____Irena Larsen.Mike to meet y_______________________too, Irena.Irena What's *y___________surname?Mike My ‘s______________________is Hall.2Make sentences. Use short forms.1I am Irena.f’ffi irvnđ.2What is your name?4 Write the phone numb English for life beginner wb www frenglish ruers.123 My name is Mike.4 I am Pedro.5 My surname is Hall.3 Complete the crossword. Use numbers 0-10.My phone number is oh, one, seven, two, six-doublEnglish for life beginner wb www frenglish ru
e two, five, eight double nine; and my mobile number IS oh, double seven, nine, five-eight, nine, two, four, double three.toneKibeL-iMy home number isEnglishI Pl■BeginnerWorkbook with keyTom HutchinsonOXFORDIntroducing yoursetf Numbers'WỆ.:;____:__1Complete the conversation.Mike _________!__1 o . 'MEnglishI Pl■BeginnerWorkbook with keyTom HutchinsonOXFORDIntroducing yoursetf Numbers'WỆ.:;____:__1Complete the conversation.Mike _________!__1 o . 'MGọi ngay
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