A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

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Nội dung chi tiết: A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiencesonal Works?Amaeshi, Kenneth; Adegbite, Emmanuel; Ogbechie, Chris; Idemudia. Uwafiokun; Kan. Konan Anderson Seny; Issa. Mabumba; Anakwue, Obianuju I. J

.DOI:10 1007/S10551 -015-2633-1License:None: All rights reservedDocument VersionPeer reviewed versionCitation for published version (Harvard):Amaeshi A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

K. Adegbite. E Ogbechie. c. Idemudia, u. Kan. KAS. Issa. M &Anakwue OU 2015. 'Corporate Social Responsibility In SMEs: A Snift from Philanthropy to In

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

stitutional Works?'. Journal of Business Ethics.https://doi.Org/10.1007/S10551-015-2633-1Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portalPublisher

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

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UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

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UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers ExperiencesResponsibility (CSR) amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is often characterised in the literature as unstructured, informal, and ad hoc discre

tionary philanthropic activities. Drawing insights from recent theoretical analytical frameworks (i.e. Crane. Matten. and Spence. 2013; and Valente an A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

d Crane. 2010). and on empirical data collected from both Nigeria and Tanzania, we found that CSR practices in SMEs are much more nuanced than previou

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

sly presented. In addition. SMEs undertake their CSR practices to varying degrees in multiple spaces - i.e. the workplace, marketplace, community and

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experienceshe institutional gaps in the environments where these SMEs operate. The paper makes a contribution by drawing attention to the multiple spaces of CSR

practices amongst SMEs, and the institutional works they do, which are often taken for granted in the extant literature. We provide a unique perspecti A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

ve - by arguing that what is frequently conceptualised as philanthropic CSR in Africa is (or may include) • institutional works'.Paper Type: Research

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

paper.Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Nigeria, Tanzania. Sub-Saharan Africa. SMEs. Institutional works1IntroductionCorporate Social R

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiencess). The emphasis has rather been on the CSR practices of multinational corporations (MNCs) in Africa, based on three restrictive assumptions (see Ladz

ani and Seeletse. 2012). First, it is implicitly assumed that the societal role of businesses should be primarily, if not exclusively, undertaken by c A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

ompanies which are seen as more powerful and visible (i.e.. MNCs). Second, it is assumed that SMEs lack sufficient influence or resources to adequatel

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

y address social issues. Third. SMEs should be encouraged to avoid irresponsible behaviour and not focus on social activism. As a result. CSR by SMEs

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiencesf employment creation; and their cumulative social and environmental impacts are highly significant (Fox. 2004). For instance, in Nigeria. SMEs repres

ent about 90 percent of the country’s industrial sector (Aruwa. 2004), contribute around 50 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), account for 60 pe A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

rcent of employment in national or local economies, and about 30 percent of exports (Peoples Daily. 2013). This is also the case in Tanzania where the

A Case Study of Virtual Physical Education Teachers Experiences

government clearly considers SMEs as engines of economic development.1 Besides. SMEs do not only outnumber MNCs in Africa, they are also closer to so

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

UNIVERSITY^ BIRMINGHAM University of Birmingham Research at BirminghamCorporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutio

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