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Nội dung chi tiết: A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectednd precise objectives of this work. Il equally presents the scope as well as the significance of the study.1.1 Background of the studyThe proliferatio

n of wireless mobile devices has revolutionized the world, leading to the popularity of the mobile ad hoc networking technology [1]. This emergence of A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) has facilitated the drift from personal computing to ubiquitous computing in our society. Today, mobile devices suc


h as smartphones, laptops, notebooks and tablets are fast becoming an integral part of man’s life and a good number of those in the academia and indus

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected collection of wireless mobile devices that communicate and cooperate with each other in a distributed manner in order to provide the necessary networ

k functionality in the absence of a fixed infrastructure [3]. It consists of a group of independent network mobile devices that are linked over variou A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

s wireless links. Normally, mobile ad hoc networks operate on a constrained bandwidth, have dynamic network topologies and enable devices to seamlessl


y link up without pre-existing communication infrastructure. Due to the ease and speed with which MANETs are established, they are widely used anytime

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedeen gainfully employed in University campuses, airports, hotels and conference settings because they facilitate collaboration and provide efficient co

mmunication. Consequently the opportunities due to the application of MANETs are enormous. On the other hand, they have high risks and possibilities o A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

f attacks, therefore security issues impose various challenges to the application of mobile ad hoc networks. Besides, securing, this network has becom


e even more intricate due (0 the fact that mobile devices constituting MANETS, have limited processing and memory' resources [5].The fact that MANETs

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedhentication and encryption developed for the protection of mobile ad hoc networks are insufficient for operating in mobile ad hoc networks 16].As the

importance and intricacy of MANETs increases, more complex and distributed attacks continue to emerge. One of the most widespread network attacks that A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

poses a grave danger and hampers the application of the mobile ad-hoc network is the denial of service (DOS) attack. A denial of service attack is an


explicit malicious attempt to render a service, system or network unusable by its legitimate users [7J. This attack can lead to the clogging up of so

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedm multiple sources, it is referred to as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack [8]. By using2multiple attack sources, the power of a DDOS atta

ck is amplified and the problem of defense is made more complex. The impact of DDOS attacks can vary from minor inconvenience to users of a web site t A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

o severe financial losses for institutions that rely on their online availability to carry out their businesses.In contrast to other forms of intrusio


n, a denial of service attack does not require the attacker to gain physical access or entry into the targeted server. Typically, a DDOS attack is coo

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedrge number of hosts, without their owners’ knowledge, and install software that will later enable the coordinated attack. These compromised hosts, cal

led zombies, are then used to perform the actual attack [9].Distributed denial of service attacks exhaust host resources; take up a lot of bandwidth, A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

making the victim host unable to accept normal network requests, resulting in substantial economic losses. In a typical DDOS attack, a huge number of


compromised hosts are amassed to send useless packets to the victim, which is deprived of gaining access to the Internet or its resources. DDOS attack

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedto curtail such losses by countering DDOS attacks.A denial-of-service (DOS) attack directed against one or more network resources often floods the tar

get with an overwhelming number of Synchronous (SYN), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)3packets or with an ove A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

rwhelming number of SYN fragments. Depending on the attackers’ intent and the extent and success of previous intelligence gathering efforts, the attac


kers might single out a specific host, or might aim at random hosts across the targeted network. Either approach has the potential of upsetting the se

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedur by the world's largest DDOS mitigation service, known as the Prolexic Company, indicates that majority (90-94%) of DDOS attacks are performed using

Transmission Control Protocol. In the first quarter (QI) of 2012, attackers used more network layer attacks than application layer attacks (Layer 7). A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

The three most common forms of DDOS attacks are Transmission Control Protocol Synchronous (TCPSYN) floods. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) floods and In


ternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) floods. Typical application layer attacks are GET Floods and POST Floods. According to the figures provided by

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedternet occurred in August 1999 on a network used by faculty and students at the University of Minnesota. This attack shut down the network for more th

an two days [12). Currently, a good number of educational institutions who provide Internet access still experience frequent downtime due to DDOS atta A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

cks.Hence, the convenience of the Internet comes at the cost of various security risks. In other words, while the Internet has facilitated the provisi


on of crucial services in4https://khothuvien.cori!educational and financial institutions, it has equally served as a means of diffusing network attack

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected accommodating the influx of staff, students' and faculty devices [13].In spite of the fact that several efforts have been made to design intrusion de

tection systems for MANETS, yet most of these approaches have neither been effective nor reliable and have been unable to adequately consider the requ A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

irements for a mobile ad hoc network. Thus, while many intrusion detection schemes exist, yet their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.Related li


terature have shown that conventional intrusion detection systems developed for wired networks are not well suited for MANETs and have a number of dra

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotectedtacks and protecting the access of legitimate users to networks has attracted attention from both the industry and (he academia.On the other hand, mul

ti-agent systems [15] and data mining [16] have emerged as promising fields of research for developing distributed intrusion detection systems. Studie A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

s have shown that these technologies have the potential to improve the performance of intrusion detection systems and thus can be employed in the deve


lopment of intrusion detection systems.5https://khothuvien.cori!In this ubiquitous age, where nearly everyone owns at least one mobile device [17], th

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction to the research work; it gives an overview of the problem statement, the aim an

A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected. Based on the fact that these mobile devices are further expanding in their abilities to intercommunicate, simple static methods are no longer adequa

te in providing security to these computational scenarios.Consequently, this thesis presents a distributed intrusion detection system that integrates A_Review_of_Intermediate_Ecumenical_Life_in_England_August_2011Word_unprotected

the desirable features of the multi-agent methodology with data mining techniques in order to make the intrusion detection system more autonomous and


efficient.In order to address the snags in existing intrusion detection systems, cooperative, distributed intrusion detection architecture that takes

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