Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

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Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Searche Gradation Optimization - Literature Search.5. Report Date: January, 2005.6. Performing Organization Code:7. Author(s): David N Richardson.8. Perform

ing Organization Report No.:9. Performing Organization Name and Address: University of Missouri - Rolla. Department of Civil. Architectural, and Envir Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

onmental Engineering. Rolla. Missouri.10. Work Unit No.:11. Contract or Grant No.: RI 98 - 035.12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address: Missouri Depart

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

ment of Transportation. Research. Development and Technology. PO Box 270. Jefferson City. MO. 65102.13. Type of Report: Final Report.14. Sponsoring Ag

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search Federal16. Abstract: A brief analysis of cunent MoDOT specified limits on gradations was undertaken. Depending on which side (fine or course) the gra

dations were running in relation to the limits, various combinations of sand and course aggregates A. B. or D were all over the Coarseness Factor char Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

t, with behavior ranging from rocky to good to sandy.17. Keywords: Aggregate, gradation, concrete, optimization, sand, coarseness factor, gap-graded,

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

well-graded, percent retained. ASTM c 33.18. Distribution Statement: No restrictions. This document is available to the public through National Techni

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search. No. of22. Price: page):Pages: Unclassified.113.Form DOT Fl 700.7 (06/98)AGGREGATE GRADATION OPTIMIZATIONLITERATURE SEARCHTASK ORDER CONTRACT NO. Rl


Y OF MISSOURI-ROLLAROLLA, MISSOURI38353iiEXECUTIVE SUMMARYFor almost 100 years, efforts have been made to achieve desired concrete properties through

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

adjustments in aggregate gradation. Initial efforts dealt with the concept of maximum density with the idea that a denser gradation would contain fewe

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Searchhe overall aggregate gradation started to be removed for use in other products, and typical practice evolved into the use of two distinct aggregate fr

actions, coarse and fine, for routine production of concrete. Many times this left the gradations in a gap-graded state. In the early 1970's, Shilston Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

e began to propose that the industry revert to a more well-graded set of materials. He developed and promoted the evaluation of total gradations on a

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

volume basis, not a weight basis, by use of the following analysis charts: 1) the individual percent retained plot, 2) the Coarseness Factor Chart, an

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Searchcommended. The use of aggregates that would not necessarily meet ASTM c 33 specifications was put forth as a possibility. Certain state DOT'S (Iowa, M

innesota, Kansas, Washington) as well as other specifying agencies (ACPA. MCIB, USAF), have formally adopted some form of the concept of optimization Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

of aggregate gradations. A number of other states are in the stages of considering optimizationiiiand allowing it on an experimental, case-by-case bas

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

is. Based on discussions on the internet, private industry seems to have moved forward more quickly than the public sector. Several commonly used spec

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Searchnd ACI 304.A side issue related to the general concept of optimization is the so-called "8-18" band. The consensus, even among specifiers, seems to be

that the 8-18 (or 8-22) should be used as a guide and an ideal to strive for, not a rule, knowing that absolute adherence may be too costly to be of Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

practical use.Concurrent with the Shilstone movement is the growing body of specifiers that want a return to coarser, higher fineness modulus sands to

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

get away from water demand related shrinkage issues.Most reports of the use of aggregate optimization point out the benefits of using a more well-gra

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Searchixtures tend not to have as many problems as gap-graded mixes in terms of pavement edge slump, segregation during vibration, finishing, raveling at jo

ints, and wear resistance. One of the main benefits of characterizing the mix as a single point on a Coarseness Factor-type chart is the ability to ad Aggregate Gradation Optimization -- Literature Search

apt to changing gradations in a timely manner.

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Report No.: RDT 05 - 001.2. Government Accession No.:3. Recipient’s Catalog No.:4. Title and Subtitle: Aggregate

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