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Nội dung chi tiết: An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017


Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017gaporeStuart A. Gabriel5UCLAAbstractWe document increased ruthlessness of mortgage default option exercise over the financial crisis and find the mark

ed upturn in default option exercise was even more important to crisis period defaults than was the collapse in home equity. Analysis farther indicate An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

s that much of the variation in default ruthlessness can be explained by the local business cycle, house price expectations, and consumer distress. Al


so, results suggest elevated default option exercise in the wake of enactment of crisis-period loan modification programs.JEL Classification: G21; G12

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017a. Gene Amromim. Linda Allen. Brent Ambrose. Bob Avery. Gadi Barlevy. Neal Bhutta. Shaun Bond. Alex Borisov. Raphael Bostic. John Campbell. Paul Calem

. Alex Chinco. John Cotter. Larry Cordell. Tom Davidoff. Moussa Diop. Darrell Duffle. Ronel Elul. Jianqing Fan. Andra Ghent. Matt Kahn. Bill Lang. Dav An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

id Ling. Crocker Liu. Jaime Luque. Steve Malpezzi. Andy Naranjo. Raven Molloy. Kelley Pace. Erwan Quintin, Tim Riddiough, Dan Ringo, Amit Seni. Shane


Sherhind. Steve Ross. Eduardo Schwartz. Joe Tracy. Alexi Tschisty. Kerry Vandell. Paul Willen. Wei Xiong. Vincent Yao. Abdullah Yavas and conference a

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017Federal Reserve Board. Georgia State University, the Homer Hoyt Institute. National University of Singapore. Tel Aviv University. Urban Economics Asso

ciation, uc Irvine. UIUC. University of Cincinnati. University of Connecticut and University of Wisconsin for helpful comments. The authors acknowledg An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

e financial support from the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate and the NUS Institute of Real Estate Studies. The authors also gratefully acknowledge t


he excellent research assistance provided by Chenxi Luo and Xiangyu Guo. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Ban

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017on. Regulation, and Credit. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Email:• Department of Real Estate and NUS Business School. Na

tional University of Singapore. Email: author. UCLA Anderson School of Management. Email: An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

IntroductionDefault on residential mortgages skyrocketed during the late-2000s. giving rise to widespread financial institution failure and global fi


nancial crisis. Among factors salient to mortgage failure, analysts have pointed to the importance of property value declines induced rising negative

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017aper, we provide new evidence of increased ruthlessness of default option exercise as another (but yet to be fully explored) fundamental driver of cri

sis period defaults. In fact, we find shifts in default option exercise behavior were even more important to the run-up in defaults than w declines in An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

home equity.In research dating from the 1980s. mortgage default is modeled as borrower exercise of the put option (see literature reviews by Quercia


and Stegman. 1992 and Kau and Keenan. 1995). Indeed, empirical findings have shown that negative equity, a proxy for the intrinsic value of the put op

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017ecent research, however, indicates that home equity must turn deeply negative before most borrowers exercise the default option (see. for example. Bhu

tta. Dokko and Shan. 2016). Those findings offer empirical support for a "non-ruthless option-exercise” theory of mortgage default (see. for example. An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

Vandell. 1995; Ambrose, Buttimer and Capone. 1997). We extend this literature to show systematic variability in ruthlessness of default option exercis


e among a cross-section of MSAs and over the economic cycle.1 2To empirically identify the dynamics of default option exercise, we apply microdata to

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017temporaneous value of negative equity of the underlining property and numerous other factors. The estimated coefficient on negative equity1 The long l

ist of references include but are not limited to Mayer. Pence and Sherhind. 2009, Demyanyk and Van Hemert. 2011; Mian and Sufi, 2009; Keys, et al. 201 An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

0; Agarwal et al, 2011, 2012. 2014, 2016; Piskorski. Sent, and Witkin, 2015; Rajan, Seni, and Vig, 2015; Cheng. Rama and Xiong. 2014; Gerardi, et al.


2008; Mian and Sufi. 2011; Mian. Sufi, and Trebbi. 2010. 2015: An. Deng and Gabriel. 2011; Taylor and Sherlund. 2015. Haughwout, et al. 2011, 2014; Li

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017015; Cotter. Gabriel, and Roll. 2015; Ambrose. Conklin and Yoshida. 2015; Bayer. Ferreira and Ross. 2016. Keys, et al. 2016. etc.■ In related literatu

re on corporate default. Duffle et al (2009) find evidence of dynamic variation in the role of common latent factors in predicting firm level default. An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

(below labelled the negative equity beta) is a measure of borrower ruthlessness (or propensity) to default in the presence of negative equity. Contrar


y to the existing mortgage default literature, we allow the negative equity beta to vary over lime and place.Recent research has further underscored t

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017nd Gerardi, el al. 2015 for the double trigger argument).3 Hence, our default model includes highly disaggregated zip code-level income controls. Also

, our model includes a large number of other covariates including controls for incentive to refinance (to address for the competing risks in option ex An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

ercise) as well as numerous borrower, loan, and locational characteristics.We estimate our models using expansive micro data on loan performance durin


g the 2006-2013 period.4 Our primary datasets include monthly mortgage performance history’ for both private-label securitizations (PLS) and Freddie M

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017 0.07 in 2007 to about 0.7 in 2012 (Figure 1), leading to substantially higher default probabilities for a given level of negative equity (Figure 2).

Model simulation indicates that defaults would have been only one-third of their actual crisis period level, in the wake of the recorded house price i An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

mplosion, had borrower propensity to default not turned up (Figure 3). These findings suggest that the rise in the negative equity beta during the cri


sis period was highly salient to the elevated default rate.We also find substantial heterogeneity in the negative equity beta among sampled MSAs. Figu

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017equity beta time-series differ both in slope and in turning point.We then explore possible explanations of heterogeneity in borrower propensity to def

ault. Tn so doing, we lay out a simple theoretical framework that illuminates the role of negative equity and other key variables in the borrower’s de An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

cision to default. Our model builds on existing literature and assumes that borrowers have rational expectations and engage in default to maximize' Ac


cording to the double-nigger argument, negative equity is a necessary but not sufficient condition tor mortgage default. That argument timber stresses

Default Option Exercise over the Financial Crisis and Beyond 'Xudong An* Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelphiaYongheng Deng*National University of Sing

An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017attern of default exercise during the GFC period. We have also estimated our default models with extended sampling period by including data prior to t

he crisis period. Our findings remain robust.1wealth (see. for example. Kau et al. 1992; Riddiough and Wyatt. 1994b; Ambrose. Buttimer and Capone. 199 An_Deng_Gabriel_Default_Option_Exercise_over_the_Financial_Crisis__and_Beyond__8-18-2017

7; Campbell and Cocco. 2015; and Corbae and Quintin. 2015). The model suggests that borrower propensity to default can vary' over time due to factors


such as changing borrower expectations on the path of the local economy, borrowers* subjective assessment of the conditional probability of foreclosur

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