Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

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Nội dung chi tiết: Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinale with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe University of LeedsSchool of Civil EngineeringApril, 2014iThe candidate confirms thi

ll the work submitted is his own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.This copy has been sup Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

plied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.The rig

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

ht of Audi! Isa Ibrahim Dakas to be identified as Author of this work has beenasserted by him in accordance with the Copyright. Designs and Patents Ac

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinalfirst teachers who laid the foundation for this journey, and to my wife Mrs Zaliha Abdullahi Dakas for looking after the family while I was away on th

is journey.iiiAcknow lodgements1 wish 1 could really express in words and within this short space my deep gratitude to the people and organisations th Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

at have made this journey possible and successtill for me. lhesc include family, employers, colleagues, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and many

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

more that cannot be mentioned all.First and foremost. Ĩ would like to appreciate the untiring and unrelenting guidance of my able supervisors. Profess

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinalhD. 1 have been really fortunate to have these two supervisors that 1 live to understand from two angles of a PhD processes, the big picture and the d

etails. Ĩ could not be more fortunate to have the benefit of these perspectives.To other staff of the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure in the Sc Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

hool of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Engineering at the University of Leeds, who at one time or the other during the course of this research had pick

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

ed interest and had to ask questions about the progress of the work, which encouraged me to push and have faith. I would like to say. thank you.To my

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinaln Nigeria. I wish to appreciate the opportunity given to me to undertake this study in one of the renown universities in the UK and world. Also at thi

s point I wish to acknowledge my Head of Department, former and present Dean at the University of Jos, Nigeria. Professors Emmanuel Achuenu. Zanzan A. Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

Uji, and A. c. Eziashi respectively for their support before and during the period of this lifetime journey, not forgetting Professor Natasha Anigbog

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

u at University' of Jos. Nigeria who has been supportive and very inquisitive and encouraging about the progress of the researchFurthermore, my apprec

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinalrough the process of the PhD research. You guys have been wonderful! I wish I could mention you by your names, but the space here is not enough for th

at. 1 will continue to remember this union that has impacted on our research Eves.Above all. 1 thank God for giving me good health and understanding d Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

uring the course of this study.ivTable of ContentsDedication.............................................................iiAcknowledgements...........

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

...........................................iiiTable of Contents......................................................ivList of Tables.................

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal....................................XVAbbreviations and acronyms............................................xviGlossary...............................

.............................xviii Audu Dakas'' PhD Thesis University of Leeds, UK - CurrentFinal

Management of project stakeholders: facilitating project success in public sector projects in NigeriabyAudi! Isa Ibrahim DakasSubmitted ill accordance

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