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Nội dung chi tiết: californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6


Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ector by 2030 with the aid of battery storageAbstract: The costs of solar photovoltaics (PV). Wind, and battery storage have fallen by approximately 6

5% to 85% since 2010 and are projected to decline further in the near future—creating opportunities for aggressive power-sector decarbonization that w californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

ere seldom envisioned even a few years ago. We assess the ability of large-scale PV and wind deployment in conjunction with modest amounts of battery


storage to enable near-complete decarbonization of California’s power sector by 2030. Our study improves on previous analyses by accounting for the dr

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ge costs do not decline further, a carbon-free generation share of 80% can be achieved by 2030 in California at a total system cost lower than the cos

t in a baseline noadditional-clean* energy scenario. If costs decline at half the rate observed since 2010. 95% carbon-free generation IS feasible at californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

a total system cost similar to the cost in a baseline scenario. This IS the first study to suggest California could cost-effectively achieve near-comp


lete power-sector decarbonization by 2030 using existing teclmologies. The results also indicate potential for similar opportunities in other regions

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6omic sectors such as transportation, buildings, and industry.Authors:Amol Phadke, Nikit Abhyankar, Ran jit Deshniukh. JuliaSzinai, and Anand GopalLawr

ence Berkeley National LaboratoryEnergy Analysis and Environmental Impacts DivisionInternational Energy Analysis Department43617DISCLAIMERThis Is a wo californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

rklug paper, therefore intended to facilitate discussion on research in progress. This paper represents the opinions of tire authors, and not meant to


represent the position or opinions of the authors' institutions. Any errors arc the fault of the authors. Woridng paper* published under this Scries

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6 is believed to contain coircct information. neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor The Regents of the University of Califor

nia, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or useful californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

ness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference her


ein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by Its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ornia. The views aud opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency ther

eof, or The Regents of the University of California.Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory' is an equal opportunity employerCOPYRIGHT NO californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

TICEThis manuscript has been authored by au author at Lawrence Berkeley' National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-ACO2-O5CHI1231 with the U.S. Depart


ment of Energy. The U.S. Government retains, and the publisher, byaccepting the article for publication, acknowledges, that the U.S. Government retain

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ol U.S. Government purposes.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the Hewlett Foundation wider Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory' Contract No

. DE-AC02-05CH11231.2Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power sector by 2030 with the aid of battery storageAmol Phadke, Nikit Abhyankar, californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

Ranjit Deshmukh, Julia Szinai, and Anand GopalABSTRACTThe costs of solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, and battery storage have fallen by approximately 65


% to 85% since 20Ĩ0 and are projected to decline further in the near future—creating opportunities for aggressive power-sector decarbonization that we

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6torage to enable near-complete decarbonization of California's power sector by 2030. Our study improves on previous analyses by accounting for the dra

matic recent cost reductions and therefore assessing the possibility of more rapid decarbonization. We find that, even if renewable energy and storage californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

costs do not decline further, a carbon-free generation share of 80% can be achieved by 2030 in California at a total system cost lower than the cost


in a baseline no-additional-clean-energy scenario. If costs decline at half the rate observed since 2010, 95% carbon-free generation is feasible at a

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6te power-sector decarbonization by 2030 using existing technologies. The results also indicate potential for similar opportunities in other regions of

the world. This is especially important because power-sector decarbonization could catalyze electrification-based decarbonization across other econom californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

ic sectors such as transportation, buildings, and industry.If current trends continue, the world is on a path toward warming by 3 degrees c by the end


of the century, likely resulting in irreversible environmental, social, and economic impacts (!]. Many studies suggest an accelerated transition to l

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ion of end uses such as vehicles, industrial operations, and buildings [2], Producing carbon-free electricity is the key to enabling carbon-free elect

rification of these other sectors. Most analyses of near-complete power- sector decarbonization (80% decarbonization or greater) project achievement o californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

f this goal by no earlier than 2050 owing to high assumed renewable energy costs [3] [5].1 Such a timeframe provides little hope that climate change c


ould be held to a manageable level in this century. However, these existing studies even those published only a few years ago—do not adequately captur

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6ld shift decarbonization assumptions to a timeframe commensurate with climaterealities while transforming the policy dialog about the feasibility and

cost of near-term decarbonization.1 The one study [6] that assesses complete decarbonization of the U.S. power sector by 2030 does not assume a signif californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

icant role for battery storage, as our study does. Instead, it relies on expansion of the U.S. transmission network, v/hich is technically and economi


cally challenging |7|,https://khothuvien.cori!In this article, we use the latest renewable energy and battery cost trends to analyze the costs, benefi

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6 (GHGs) and a leader in climate change mitigation, making its technology and policy choices important within the United States and worldwide [2], [8],

[9]. The state's existing policies mandate a 40% GHG reduction by 2030 (compared with 1990 levels), targeting an 80% reduction by 2050 (10), [11]. Re californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

cently passed state legislation, SB 100, also requires that investor-owned utilities produce 60% and 100% of their power from renewable sources by 203


0 and 2045 respectively, extending a prior mandate of 50% renewable energy by 2030 [12].Our analysis employs an industry-standard electricity producti

Working Paper 009International Energy Analysis DepartmentLawrence Berkeley National Laborator)’Cost-effective decarbonization of California's power se

californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6renewable energy and battery cost reductions based on current trends. For different scenarios of generation portfolios, we use the production cost mod

el to evaluate the operational behavior and the operating cost, and also evaluate the total capital cost of added renewable capacity. Because the assu californiapowerdecarbonizationdraft_v6

med cost reductions are a global phenomenon—and most countries and U.S. states have significant potential for generation from solar PV, wind, or both—


the results can also inform rapid power-sector decarbonization efforts in other regions.Cost Assumptions and Modeling ScenariosFigure 1 shows our wind

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