CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

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Nội dung chi tiết: CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description1.Major and minor changes.........................................................316.1.2.Discovering changes.........................................

....................316.2.Title changes (MARC field 245)......................................................416.2.1.Historical background........... CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

................................................416.2.2.The decision process............................................................416.2.3.Major

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

changes in title proper...................................................516.2.4.Minor changes in title proper.......................................

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description100-130)...............................2416.3.1.Changes to authorized access points for names (fields 100/110/111).............2416.3.2.Changes to qua

lifiers in preferred titles for the serial work created according to LC-PCC PS CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

........ 2516.3.3.Changes in die preferred title for a serial work that is associated with differentlanguage expressions (translations and language e

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

ditions)...............................2516.4 Other changes........................................................................2616.4.1.Media and

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description.......2816.4.3.Mode of issuance...............................................................2916.4.4.Type of serial: newspapers and monographic ser

ies..............................2916.5.Further examples...................................................................2916.1.Introduction16.1.1.M CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

ajor and minor changes. RD/\ characterizes changes in a publication as being major, requiring creation of a new description, or minor, not requiring a

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

new description but perhaps jusli lying a revision of the existing description in some way. This succinct terminology, borrowed from ISRD, was introd

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionges.” That practice sometimes caused confusion because there are changes that require a new description but that don't involve a c hange in title prop

er and there are minor c hanges in the title proper of a serial that do not require a new desc ription.Changes to the following areas may constitute m CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

ajor changes, depending on the circumstances. The c ategories are covered by rules in PDA and the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Catalogi

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

ng Policy Statements (Ĩ.C-PCC PS).•Title proper (RDA, PDA, RDA/Ĩ.C PCC-PS, RDA6.•Authorized access poin

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description3.2-•Corporate body when used as an addition to the authorized access point representing a work (RDA, RDA, and LC-

PCC PS (serials. 4))•Preferred title for different language expressions (LC-PCC PS 1.6.2 and LC-PCC PS6.1.3.2)•Carrier (RDA and RDA 3 CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

.1.6.1)•Edition statement (RDA, RDA, and RDA•Mode of issuance (RDA changes. There are a numbe

CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

r of ways in which changes may be discovered. When a catalogcr is creating a description W'ith a run of a serial in hand, the change may be delected f

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptioning in the serial. For online resources, the change may be noticed first by a patron or reference librarian. Once the change is detected, the cataloge

d must then decide whether it is major or minor (see CCM16.2.2.). CCM Module 16 When to create a new description

CCM Module 16 When to create a new descriptionContents16.1.Introduction........................................................................316.1.1

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