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COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY of the hallux abducto valgus (HAV) deformity (1-6). In general these procedures are selected based upon their ability to address either structural or

dynamic components of the deformity depending upon the presumptive etiology. It is common to perform both an osseous correction (structural re-arrang COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

ement) and a soft tissue balancing procedure (dynamic rebalancing) in an attempt to address combination deformities. The recurrence rate after the mos


t common of HAV procedures, the distal metaphyseal osteotomy, has been reported between 1.85% and 10%. (2, 3, 6). Revision surgery pursued after a com

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYion in the same location may well increase the risk of nerve entrapment, the development of a painful or unsightly scar, vascular compromise, wound an

d bone healing complications as well as the risk of chronic edema, nerve irritation or entrapment and the development of chronic pain. In addition, as COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

in any surgical procedure, revision surgery necessarily includes the risk of infection, over correction and under correction of the deformity.EVALUAT


ION AND PROCEDURE SELECTIONThe subjective complaintWhile conservative measures should always be exhausted many patients suffering from complications o

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY To ensure that the patient's goals and expectations are understood it is prudent to begin with a cursory exercise where the patient is asked to point

to the target of their most important discomfort and to describe their pain in that area thoroughly. Is the target of tenderness at the Is* metatarso COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

phalangeal joint (MTPJ). the hallux interphalangeal joint (HIPJ), beneath the metatarsal head or in a combination of areas? Often, the target of tende


rness is actually beneath the second MTPJ due to the inability of the Is' MTPJ to bare weight. Once the location of the chief complaint is determined

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYs, burning and pins & needles sensations are often associated with entrapment neuritis or sensory neuropathy indicating that a nerve decompression may

be required as a sole procedure or as an adjunctive portion of the surgical plan. When the complaint includes pain about the inferior aspect of the I COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

9' metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) this may indicate an abnormal articulation with a sesamoid bone or fibrous adhesions between the plantar plate and


the sesamoids and therefore may require a release of the capsular and sesamoidal structures about the periphery of the MTPJ. This can result from an

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYhead. Fig. 1 When the patient describesa painful grinding with motion of the joint loose bodies or intra articular damage is likely and suggests degen

erative changes of one or both chondral surfaces of the MTPJ. Such crepitation and dysfunction may indicate the need for an arthroplasty if not a join COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

t destructive procedure depending upon the nature and extent of the chondral defects present. Tightness, cramping and / or spasm of the extensor hallu


cis longus (EHL) tendon are often associated with lateral bow stringing of the structure and a hallux over or under ridding the 2rrt digit. These stru

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYaluation in Complications of HAV SurgeryEvaluation of recurrent or residual hallux abducto valgus should be performed in a step wise fashion to most c

onsistently identify the full extent of deformity and dysfunction. Clinical evaluation includes both weight bearing and non weight bearing examination COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

s of the foot and ankle, identical to that performed prior to first time elective bunion surgery. The stance evaluation is the key to determine the 1'


- ray position and alignment under normal weight bearing conditions.Weight bearing assessment will reveal the true nature of the deformity be it struc

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY 2a & b So too the presence of compensatory digital deformities, such as flexor or extensor substitution and flexor stabilization can shed light onto

additional components of the functional problem. When thoroughly conductedthis portion of the clinical evaluation will demonstrate the true nature of COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

the deformity and muscle - tendon imbalances which will have a weighty impact on procedure selection. When the weight bearing condition reveals shifti


ng of load to the lesser MTPJ’s it becomes obvious that the 1* MTPJ is dysfunctional. Fig. 3 a & b. The gait examination can be done strictly by visua

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYclinical evaluation without the benefit of additional technical support. When watching the patient it is best to be methodical and review the patient

from head to toe as they walk away and walk towards their starting point. Noting posture, position and alignment of the axial and appendicular skeleto COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

n will provide the most comprehensive assessment. This exam should reveal a predictable heel to toe gait pattern with stride length and cadence that f


alls into normal parameters given the patients habitus. Taking note of shoulder, hip and knee alignment should prompt adjunctive orthopedic consultati

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYon is interrupted as is the case when an abductory twist is present or if antalgia. vaulting or splinting away from the 1st MTPJ is obviated in gait.

A completely apropulsive gait Will be evident when the Is* MTPJ is significantly subluxed. dislocated or impinged. In addition, the weight bearing exa COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

m reveals the extent of r' metatarsal head prominence whether it is dorsal, medial, plantar or a combination and this helps to clarify the structural


deformity present such asr- metatarsal elevatus and hallux limitus. sesamoid apparatus dysfunction or end stage 1* MTPJ subluxation.The non weight bea

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYtal planes are considered since the deformity is typically multiplanar. Whether or not the deformity is reducible IS an important clue as to whether t

he condition is flexible enough to be corrected with revision of the original procedure (assuming a distal metaphyseal osteotomy and soft tissue balan COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

cing) or if an alternate procedure is warranted. The examination of the 1st MTPJ begins with stabilizing the l51 ray at the metatarsal neck and manipu


lating the hallux at the MTPJ level. With the foot at 90 degrees to the ankle and the STJ in neutral position the hallux is manipulated into a rectus

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY to evaluation to eliminate the effects of hyper mobility and masking of structural deformities such as metatarsus primus elevatus. When motion is abs

ent, limited in dorsiflexion, or restricted to solely plantar flexion then it is suspected that there is a metatarsus primus elevatus present and furt COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

her study is required. If the Is* MTPJ motion is limited with a bone-on-bone end range of motion or when crepitation is present a degenerative conditi


on is suspected and significant articular defects are likely. If there IS limitation with the joint held in a congruous position and a spongy end rang

COMPLICATIONS IN HALLUX ABDUCTO VALGUS SURGERYINTRODUCTIONRecurrence of deformity can occur in the face of any procedure performed for the correction

COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERYed. If the medial column exhibits hyper mobility and the Is' metatarsocuneiform joint is excessively mobile then the peroneus longus muscle becomes in

effective at both plantar flexing the I8' ray and abducting the fore foot allowing the I81 ray to deviate medially and rotate into varus (4, 5).To det COMPLICATIONS BUNION SURGERY

ermine the transverse plane deformity again the first metatarsal is stabilized at the metatarsal neck. With the hallux placed into neutral position on


the metatarsal head the range of motion of the 1st MTPJ is then assessed. If the motion at the I8’ MTPJ remains unrestricted with the joint in a cong

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