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Nội dung chi tiết: Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance


The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancefects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies Curriculum" American Educational Research Journal. 54( 1): 127-166. DOI: 10.3102/00028312

16677002.AbstractAn extensive theoretical and qualitative literature stresses the promise of instructional practices and content aligned with minority Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

students' experiences. Ethnic studies courses provide an example of such “culturally relevant pedagogy" (CRP). Despite theoretical support, empirical


evidence on the effectiveness of these courses is limited. We estimate the causal effects of an ethnic studies curriculum. using a “fuzzy” regression

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance to this course increased ninth-grade attendance by 21 percentage points. GPA by 1.4 grade points, and credits earned by 23. These surprisingly large

effects suggest that GRP. when implemented in a high-fidelity context, can provide effective support to at-risk students.Key words: Culturally Relevan Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

t Pedagogy. Ethnic Studies. Regression DiscontinuityThe authors would like to thank Laura Wentworth. Bill w. Sanderson, and other members of the San F


rancisco Unified School District (SFUSD) High School Leadership Team and the Stanford-SFUSD Research Partnership for supporting this research: Jim She

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancen earlier drafts of this manuscript. Research reported in this study is supported by the Stanford Graduate School of Education Incentive Fund for Proj

ects in San Francisco Unified School District and the Institute of Education Sciences Postdoctoral Training Fellowship Award (R3O5B13OO17). The conten Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

t is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Institute of Education Sciences.THE CAUSAL


EFFECTS OF CUL.__________________The racial and ethnic gaps that exist across a variety of important student outcomes in the United States are both di

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevanceate that, on average, the mathematics knowledge of eighth-grade Black and Hispanic students in public schools lags behind that of their White peers by

an amount equivalent to roughly two to three full years of learning (i.e., 0.84 and 0.59 standard deviations, respectively).* Black and Hispanic stud Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

ents are also substantially overrepresented among students diagnosed with specific learning disabilities relative to their White peers (Aud, Fox, & Ke


walRamani. 2010). Furthermore, while roughly 14 percent of White students in public high schools fail to graduate on time, the corresponding dropout r

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancenequal educational opportunities and outcomes have been documented over several decades in national policy reports, including the Coleman Report and A

Nation at Risk (Coleman et al.. 1966; National Commission on Excellence in Education. 1983). Recent work using nationally-representative datasets ove Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

r several decades suggests that, while racial achievement gaps narrowed, they remain sizable (Reardon. 2011). The striking patterns identified by this


work have motivated a broad array of aggressive federal, state, and local policies that have shaped the governance and operations of public schools o

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancelementary and Secondary Education Act. its subsequent re-authorizations including No Child Left Behind, the Standards-based Education Reform in the 19

90s. vouchers, and charters) as well as initiatives to promote effective teaching through performance-based compensation systems.THE CAUSAL EFFECTS OF Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

CUL'.________________Over (he same period, historians and social scientists advocated for teaching the histories of specific race-ethnic groups to co


mbat the harmful effects of segregation and a neglect of diverse histories (Banks. 1993). One prominent example was the development of “ethnic studies

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancet focus on the experiences of racial and ethnic minorities with a particular emphasis on historical struggles and social movements. The development an

d expansion of FS contributed to the contemporaneous development of multicultural education and its influence on school pedagogy.More recently, a fast Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

-growing (and largely qualitative) research literature in education has focused on classroom pedagogy and stressed the importance of “culturally relev


ant pedagogy" (CRP) as a compelling way to unlock the educational potential of historically marginalized students (e.g.. Ladson-Billings. 1992b. 1994.

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevanceen differentiated to align with the distinctive cultural priors that individual students experience outside of school, and when they also affirm both

cultural identity and critical social engagement (e.g., Gay. 2010). Modern F.s courses provide a particularly prominent example of CRP. Apart from the Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

relevance of LS content for students who arc racial and ethnic minorities. LS courses often incorporate other elements of CRP through their emphasis


on cultural identities and conscious engagement with social and political issues (Banks. 1997. 2012: Cammarota & Romero. 2009; Slccter. 2011; Yosso. 2

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancer major urban school districts (c.g., Los Angeles and San Francisco) have begun implementing new F.s courses in hopes of supporting the academic achie

vement of their diverse studentTHE CAUSAL EFFECTS OF CUL'. ______________ .populations. In September 2016, Governor Brown of California signed a bill Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

that will require the state to develop a model ES curriculum for high schools and encourage every school district and charter school in the state to o


iler the course beginning with the 2020-21 school year (Wang. 2016).Although ES courses are proliferating, the available quantitative evidence on the

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancengs. This study provides such evidence through examining the effects of a ninth-grade ES course piloted over several years in the San Francisco Unifie

d School District (SFUSD). Specifically, using data on 1.405 students from five school-by-year cohorts, we examine the effects of ES participation for Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

students on the margin of assignment to the ES course on several proximate academic outcomes (i.e.. attendance, grade point average, and credits earn


ed) that are highly relevant for high school persistence. Our research design identifies the causal effects of taking the ES course on key ninth-grade

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevancese if they were identified as at-risk of dropping out (i.e., an eighth-grade GPA below 2.0). We estimate the effects of ES participation through a "re

gression discontinuity” (RD) design that effectively compares outcomes among students whose eighth-grade GPA placed them just below versus just above Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

this threshold condition. RD designs such as this can credibly support causal inferences because they are based on the "as good as randomized" assignm


ent to treatment that exists for students proximate to this threshold (D. s. Lee & Lemieux, 2010).We find that ES participation had large, positive ef

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies CurriculumCite as: Dee. Thomas s. and Emily K. Penner. 2017. “The Causal Eff

Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017ThecausaleffectsofculturalrelevanceECTS OF CUE'. ____________ .21 percentage points, cumulative ninth-grade GPA by 1.4 grade points, and credits earned by 23 credits. “ These GPA gains

were larger for boys than for girls, and higher in math and science than in ELA. We find that these large effects are robust to a variety of model spe Emily-Penner-DeePenner2017Thecausaleffectsofculturalrelevance

cifications as well as checks for possible confounds related to the treatment contrast we study (e.g., unobserved teacher effects, the possibly indepe


ndent effects of an at-risk designation, ‘’heaping" of the assignment variable). We also argue that these large effects are consistent with the hypoth

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