Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

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Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainerestimate or neglect altogether the implications of the privatisation of migration management. Outsourcing control and detention functions (0 private

companies is part of the paradigm of new public management. Such outsourcing has created self-reinforcing mechanisms and lock-in effects. However, th Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

e extent to which such privatization is embraced varies internationally depending on the degree of neoliberalization of the state. Empirically, the ar

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

ticle therefore analyses developments in countries with divergent levels of privatization of migration management, including the UK, Australia, the US

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainished in Competition and Change, Vol. 15, No. 2,2011: 116-3511. INTRODUCTIONExisting political science scholarship on migration is somewhat state-cent

ric (Brochmann and Hammar 1999; Geddes 2003; Cornelius et al. 2004), whilst the activities of non-state actors are commonly somewhat neglected (a coge Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

nt exception is Lahav 1998).Conversely, disciplines associated with business have virtually ignored the question of migration management, despite the

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

significant involvement of large transnational corporations (TNCs). Migration scholars base (heir assumptions about Slate sovereignty-on an outmoded c

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargaineology. This neoliberalization does not only imply a change in policy output, but, more importantly perhaps, a change in institutional dynamics and th

e number and nature of actors involved in the formulation, design, and implementation of migration policy. However, it is also acknowledged that neoli Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

beralization has not assumed the same phenotype everywhere; different varieties of neoliberalism exist across different countries.This article examine

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

s empirical developments regarding the privatization and outsourcing of migration management countries prima facie associated with neoliberalization,

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainent form, namely the Netherlands and Germany. The main hypothesis is (hat different varieties of neoliberalism2correlate with varying degrees of invol

vement of private actors in migration management. This hypothesis informs the case selection.Privatization and outsourcing does not necessarily imply Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

that migration control is carried out by private actors in lieu of actions otherwise taken by public authorities. Ihus, neoliberalizalion even in the

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

varieties of neoliberalism where it is most pronounced does not entail the retreat of the state entirely, rhe outsourcing to private companies is purs

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainrs in migration enforcement in addition to maintaining - and often extending - a state migration management apparatus. The involvement of airlines, sh

ipping companies and private security companies in the detention, prevention and control of migration flows, especially those considered unwanted, thu Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

s provides an additional layer of migration management and does not automatically result in the retreat of the state. Transportation companies are inc

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

orporated into the design of migration flow management and. in some cases, private security companies manage detention facilities. This is migration m

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainto account lor c hanges in migration management that the seminal contribution by Guiraudon and Lahav (2000) charts, but ultimately snuggles to categor

ise. Migration control is indeed being extended ‘upwards, |...| downward |...| and outward’ (Guhaudon and Lahav 2000:164). but there is systemic drink Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

ing behind these phenomena.3The neoliberalized state therefore neither abandons migration control, nor does it necessarily become much "leaner”. Migra

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

nts are desirable in principle so long as they are perceived as useful human resources, while barriers are erected against the unsolicited entry of ‘u

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainstrategies (Menz 2008). States have not lost their control capacity, but instead have sought new channels and mechanisms of control, including greater

involvement of private sector actors. The neoliberal Slate prioritizes preoccupations about establishing business-friendly investment conditions. By Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

no means does this imply a retreat or reduction of the punitive and disciplinary state functions and related capacities. If anything, the repressive a

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

nd controlling elements of state power are expanded, whilst economic ‘embedding’ functions central to the Keynesian-dominated Fordist phase of mass pr

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargaintate theorists, including Poulantzas (2002) and Hirsch (1980), forecast a dichotomy between a liberalized economy and an increasing control and survei

llance regime aimed at those considered deviant or somehow ill fit to contribute to the accumulation process. *(I)t seems to be precisely this incapac Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

ity to make a clear distinction between ‘threats’ and ‘resources’, between the ‘dangerous’ and the ‘labourious’ classes or, to follow another sociolog

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

ically successful dichotomy, between ’social junk’ and ’social dynamite’, which compels the institutions of social control to regroup whole sectors of

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargaingi 2006: 76). Wacquant makes a similar argument that stresses the rise of the disciplining penal state which renders what are often mere survival stra

tegies into pathological and deviant behaviour, thus ‘penalizing the poor’ (Wacquant 2009).Recent strides in critical migration studies have emphasise Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

d attempts by the state not only to control mobility per $e, which is not a new empirical phenomenon as Torpey’s (1999) study of more rigorous physica

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

l and legal control mechanisms emanating primarily from the nineteenth century documents. In addition, the state creates new boundaries that extend be

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainde Genova, 2010). Domestically, the creation of ‘deportability’ jeopardizes rhe political, economic and social embeddedness of migrants and renders th

e status of certain migrant groups precarious as part of a deliberate political strategy. Indeed, one might go so far as to link this temporality even Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

of any legal status proffered to disposability (Peutz and de Genova, 2010: 12, de Genova 2010: 47). If denominations of belonging and deserving citiz

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

ens on the one hand and intruding outsiders on the other are inherently artificial, however, this in no way precludes the enforcement of such distinct

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargainlassic principal-agent dilemma, privatization, once pursued, may well create selfreinforcing dynamics and lock-in effects with the growth of a migrati

on prison industry complex that is difficult to control and curtail. By involving private actors in migration5control, new policy dynamics are created Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

in at least three different ways, which this article aims to illustrate. Firstly, path-dependent lock-in effects are being created that shape - thoug

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

h not determine - subsequent developments. The privatization of detention facilities has proven in practice a self-perpetuating policy choice that see

Neoliberalism, Privatisation and the Outsourcing of Migration Management: A Five Country ComparisonGeorg MenzCurrent debates in migration studies unde

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain..have contributed to the development of a more complex and rapidly changing policy environment' (Heinz et al. 1993: 371). New actors in migration pol

icy present a potential for regulatory capture (Stigler 1971) in the sense of agents successfully influencing the principal’s position. This is somewh Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

at ironic, given that privatization was often pursued to widen margins of manoeuvre by allowing speedy and flexible provision of detention space, unen

Enduring Optimism- Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain

cumbered by lengthy public sector routines. Thirdly, involvement of private sector companies can also be seen as a way of outsourcing legal liability

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