FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

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Nội dung chi tiết: FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

dinNGÂN HÀNG CÂU HÓI TRẮC NGHIỆMPART 1-VOCABULARYRedd the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.1Joannawith her mother, but she

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3e’s always arguing with her father. A. has a quarrelB. gets on wellc. interruptsD. complains2Can I ask a? Would you mind opening the window for me? A.

favourB. flavourc. favouriteD. puzzle3Whenever they are arguing, 1 prefer to mind my own. I don’t get involved. A. activityB. actionc. businessD. job FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

4Hayley hasus over for dinner at her house. Can we go? A. requestedB. suggestedc. offeredD. invited5Those neighbours are- they’re always playing loud

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

music and making a mess. A. liarsB. a nuisancec. interrogatorsD. interrupters6Sheher neighbours immediately. They were really friendly and chatty. A.

dinNGÂN HÀNG CÂU HÓI TRẮC NGHIỆMPART 1-VOCABULARYRedd the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.1Joannawith her mother, but she

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3 on my- he’s always complaining about even thing. A. mindB. nervesc. eyesD. brain9My neighbor is very. For example he fixed my car last week. A. frien

dlyB. talkativec. generousD. helpful10My best friend lives in a house on a big newin Bristol. A. industrial estate B. housing estatec. high streetD. s FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

hopping centre11I'm studying English for six weeks in a(n)in Bath. A. primary schoolB. secondary school c. language school D. education organization12

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

I buy my food in thebecause it’s more convenient than going to lots of small shops. A. outdoor market B. kioskc. supermarketD. food market13There is a

dinNGÂN HÀNG CÂU HÓI TRẮC NGHIỆMPART 1-VOCABULARYRedd the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.1Joannawith her mother, but she

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3for tennis, so I play it really well. A. expertB. attitudec. aptitudeD. specialization15I'man apprenticeship in an internet company. A. doingB. making

c. workingD. joining16She just got her driving. A. examB. licencec. certificateD. qualification17In my, Tokyo is the world’s greatest city. A. viewB. FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

opinionsc. thinkingD. thought18Let meyou an example of what I mean. A. makeB. takec. giveiD. leave19Those people shouldtheir own business. A. thinkB.

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

mindc. imagineD. dream20I often use searchto find out information. A. machinesB. sitesc. toolsD. engines21Come in andyourself at home. A. beB. takec.

dinNGÂN HÀNG CÂU HÓI TRẮC NGHIỆMPART 1-VOCABULARYRedd the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.1Joannawith her mother, but she

FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3ingD. period241 have my ownto write my day-to-day thoughts and publish them on the internet. A. travel siteB. news sitec. blogD. personal homepage25I

useto make new friends and find out what my old friends are doing. 1A. a social networking siteB. a dating site26272829303132 FILE 20220610 121252 ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn tập 2 3

dinNGÂN HÀNG CÂU HÓI TRẮC NGHIỆMPART 1-VOCABULARYRedd the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.1Joannawith her mother, but she

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