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Nội dung chi tiết: history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii


History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iihus, the hero general of the Reformation, was born at the royal palace at Stockholm, Sweden. December 9th, 1594, a little more than one hundred years

after the birth of Luther, nearly fifty years after his death, and five years before the birth of Cromwell.Washington and Lincoln, as to date of birth history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

, were only seventy-seven years apatt; had Washington lived but nine years more, they would have been contemporary.Washington may, in a sense, be said


to have made this country, and Lincoln to have preserved it a united people. Just so Luther brought about the movement known as Protestantism, but it

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii a little later it was given Cromwell to stop that curious movement toward Romanism which is even yet the puzzle of the historian.Gustavus IL was the

son of Charles, Duke of Sudermania, youngest son of Gustavus Vasa, who may be considered the founder of the Vasa family.8During the entire sixteenth c history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

entury Sweden was torn by external wars and internal dissensions. Sweden, by the contract of Calmar, in 1397, had become a dependency of Denmark. A tr


ade among rulers had made a brave people the reluctant subjects of an alien power. Gustavus Vasa conceived the project of freeing his country from Den

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iid, with the help of these sturdy and valiant mountaineers, the Danes were expelled from Sweden and his country was restored to liberty.His grateful co

untrymen elected him king. Gustavus Vasa saw the moral degradation of his land, and brought disciples of Luther to the country to instruct in both rel history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

igious and secular learning. Among the most distinguished of these was Olaus Petri. Of course, the hierarchy of Rome and priests of Sweden made great


opposition to any change.Gustavus Vasa reduced the gospel to this simple message, which a child could understand, viz.: "To serve God according to His

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iiourselves; to observe the ten commandments." He distinctly said that the Scriptures speak neither of tapers, nor palms, nor of masses for the dead, no

r of the worship of saints, butthat the Word of God. in many places, prohibited these things. He added, "The sacrament of the Lord's Supper has been g history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

iven to US as a token of the forgiveness of sin, and not to be carried around in a gold or silver frame to cemeteries and other places."Now, was not t


hat a clear statement for a youth brought up a Catholic, whose thought heretofore had seemed only of war?As in England, politics had a hand in expelli

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iin Church at that time possessed two-thirds of the soil, and that the wickedness of the church was as great as its possessions. Take Henry VĨĨĨ. of Eng

land, Gustavus Vasa needed the lands to enrich the crown and to secure the friendship of the nobles. He deeply hated priests because they were unionis history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

ts, that is, they desired to keep the three Scandinavian countries under one crown, which would have left Gustavus crownless.When dying, this great ki


ng wrote as his last message: "Rather die a hundred times than abandon the gospel." He pointed the way to glory for Sweden for generations yet unborn.

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iirous folly. He proposed at the same time for the hand of Elizabeth, Queen of England, Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, Princess Renee, of Loraine, and

Christina, of Hessen, and after all that, married a peasant woman.At last he was declared incapable and was imprisoned. This shortened his life. His c history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

hildren were excluded by law from the succession, and his brother John ascended the throne.John had married Catherine Jagellon, daughter of Sigismund,


king of Poland. She influenced her husband to admit the Jesuits to Sweden, and he made an effort to restore the Romish Church.When the Swedes were co

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iifriendship from their king, whom they considered false to the faith he had promised to sustain.At the death of John the states determined that their r

ights should not be invaded, so they forced from his son, Sigismund, a decree prohibiting any religion in Sweden except the Lutheran. Sigismund (who h history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

ad become a Catholic to secure the throne of Poland) signed this decree with great bitterness of heart.In spite of this decree, which he had evidently


signed with mental reservations, he ordered a Catholic church to be built in each town in his kingdom. He further enraged his subjects by refusing to

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iipriests of Rome. These foreigners could scarcely appear on the streets without causing quarrels and bloody encounters.In the midst of these disturbanc

es he was recalled to Poland, of which he was also king, his father having secured his election by bribery, and he left Sweden never to return as a we history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

lcome king.Duke Charles, youngest son of Gustavus Vasa, and uncle to Sigismund, was the only son of Gustavus Vasa who showed himself worthy of the nob


le inheritance to which he had been born. The troubles of the time, the dangers to Protestantism, caused him to listen to the loud call of the Estates

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_iirsons and our property, and all that we have in this world will be sacrificed, if it is necessary, rather than abandon the gospel." Diet after Diet ap

proved of the administration of Duke Chalies.Four years after the departure of Sigismund he returned with five thousand troops of Poland to reclaim hi history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

s crown. He was defeated, but the Swedes agreed to take him (because by heredity he had a just claim to the crown) as king if he would send away his f


oreign troops and properly administer the Lutheran form of religion.But in a year he proved so unfaithful that he was deposed and sent back to Poland.

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii brave men were to die, homes were to be desolated, and both lands were to have weeping widows and fatherless children for half a century.In 1604 Char

les was crowned king, the crown entailed to the eldest son. being Protestant, under a law that declared that any ruler who deviated from the Augsburg history_of_the_life_of_gustavus_adolphus_ii

Confession should by that act lose his crown.The heirs of Sigismund were by law forever excluded from the throne, and it was decreed that the king sho


uld forever make his home in Sweden.CHAPTER II.CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS.During the stormy scenes described in the preceding chapter, G

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II., the Hero-General of the ReformationByHarriet Earhart MonroeFreeditoriol^CHAPTER I.FAMILY.Gustavus Adolph

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