NASA Engineer handbook

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NASA Engineer handbook

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbookttempt to demonstrate the potential dangers of relying on purely "cookbook" logical thinking, the mathematician/philosopher Carl Hempel posed a parado

x. If we want to prove the hypothesis All ravens are black," we can look for many ravens and determine if they all meet our cntena. Hempel suggested c NASA Engineer handbook

hanging the hy -pothesis to its logical contrapositive (a rewording with identical meaning) would be easier The new hypothesis becomes "All nonblack t

NASA Engineer handbook

hings are nonravens." This transformation, supported by the laws of logical thinking, makes it much easier to test but unfortunately is ridiculous Hem

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbookIn 1989, when the initial work on the NASA Systems Engineering Hanebook was started, there were many who were concerned about the dangers of a documen

t that purported to teach a generic NASA approach to systems engineering Like Hempel's raven, there were concerns over the potential of producing a "c NASA Engineer handbook

ookbook" which of fered the illusion of logic while ignoring expenence and common sense. From the tremendous response to the initial (September 1992)

NASA Engineer handbook

draft of the handbook (in terms of both requests for copies and praise for the product), it seems earty concerns were largely unfounded and that there

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbooky in light of recommendatons and changes within NASA. This handbook represents seme of the best thinking from across NASA Many experts influenced its

outcome, and ccnside'ation was given to each idea and criticism It truly represent* a NASA-wide p'cduct and one which furnishes a good overview of NAS NASA Engineer handbook

A systems engineering.The hantfccck is intended to be an educational guide written from a NASA perspective. Individual* who take system* e“gineering c

NASA Engineer handbook

ourses are the primary audence for ths work. Working professionals who require a guidebook to NASA systems engineering represent a secondary audience.

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbook from international sources, and we have seen told that the draft hand book is being used in university course* on the subject All of this may help ex

plain why copes of the original draft handbook have been in short supplyThe main purposes of the NASA Systems Engineer.-g Handbook are to provide: 1) NASA Engineer handbook

useful information to system engineer* and project manage-*. 2) a generic description of NASA systems engineering which can be supported by center-spe

NASA Engineer handbook

cific documents. 3) a common language and perspective of the systems engineering process and 4) a reference work which IS consistent with NMI 7120.4/N

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbooknd disposal.While it W-Ou'd be impossible to thank all of the people directly involved, it is essential to not* the efforts of Dr Robert Shishko of th

e Jet Propulsion Laboratory 8ob was argely responsible for ensunng the completion of this effort His technical expertise and nonstop dete-mlnation wer NASA Engineer handbook

e critical factors to ensure the Success of this projectMihaly Csikzenthmrhaii defined an optimal expenence as one where there IS 'a sense of exhiarat

NASA Engineer handbook

lon. a deep sense of enjoyment that IS long cherished and becomes a landmark In memory of what life should be like." I am not quite sure if the experi

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbook. NASA HeadquartersSpring 199Page iiiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForeword to the September 1992 DraftWhen NASA began to sponsor agency -wide clas

ses in systems engineering, it was to a doubting audience. Top management was quick to express concern. As a former Deputy Administrator stated "How c NASA Engineer handbook

an you teach an agency-wide systems engineering class when we cannot even agree on how to define it?' Good question, and one I must admit caused US co

NASA Engineer handbook

nsiderable concern at that time. The same doubt continued up until the publication of this handbook.The initial systems engineering education conferen

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbook that we needed to form a working group to support the development of appropriate and tailored systems engineering courses At this meeting the represe

ntatives from Marshall space Flight Center (MSFC) expressed a strong desire to docu ment their own historic systems engineering process before any mor NASA Engineer handbook

e of the key players left the Center. Other Centers also expressed a desire, if not as urgent as MSFC. to document their processesIt was thought that

NASA Engineer handbook

the best way to reflect the totality of the NASA systems eng neering process and to aid in developing the needed tra ning was to prepare a top level (

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbook we wanted a top level overview of NASA systems engineering. To this document would be appended each Center's unique systems engineering manual. The g

roup was well aware of the diversity each Center may have, but agreed that this approach would be quite acceptable.The next step and the most difficul NASA Engineer handbook

t in this arduous precess was to find someone to head this yet-to-be-formed working group Fortunately for NASA. Donna [Pivirotto] Shirley of the Jet P

NASA Engineer handbook

ropulsion Laboratory stepped up to the challenge Today, through her efforts, those of the working group, and the skilled and dedicated authors, we hav

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbookocument with the idea that we could always refine the document later. It was more important to capture the knowledge when we could in order to better

position our selves for later dissemination. If there is any criticism, it may be the level of detail contained in the manual, but this detail is nece NASA Engineer handbook

ssary for young engineers. The present document does appear to serve as a good instructional guide, although It does go well beyond its original inten

NASA Engineer handbook

t.As such, this present document is to be considered a next-to-fmal draft. Your comments, corrections and suggestions are welcomed, valued and appreci

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

NASA Engineer handbooke of Technology, 48Ữ0 Oak Grove Drive. Pasadena. CA 91109-8099.—Francis T Hoban Program Manager. NASA HeadquartersPage 5

NationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministrator)NASA Systems Engineering HandbookSP-610S34851PPM I =Page iiNASA Systems Engineering HandbookForewordIn an at

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