Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

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Nội dung chi tiết: Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontariotice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario1Welcome and Spiritual Reflection1.2.Mary Holmen (Chairperson), Cindy Elkerton (Sec

retary-), Kathy Edmison, Patricia O’Halloran, Joanne Biggs, Manin Shank, Philip Behman, Philip Weaver, Janice Neal, Francis Maza, Sandra Morrison, Lil Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

lian Curtis.1.3.Regrets: Larry Beech, Denise Russell, Robert Mundle1.4.Meeting called to order by Mary H at 0908 hours.1.5.Spiritual Reflections led b

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

y Joanne Biggs on day 1 and Robert Mundle via email on day 2.2Approval of Agenda and Agenda Process2.1.MOTION: Francis Maza and Patricia O’Halloran: t

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario“check-in.”4Approval of Minutes: October 28 & 29, 20114.1.MOTION: Lillian Curtis and Kathy Edmison: that the minutes from April in Toronto be approved

as corrected. Carried.5Business Arising from the October minutes5.1.Disaster planning - Cindy Momeault contacted Nicolas El-Kada to develop a present Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

ation at the CASC conference in Ottawa in 2013. He will be a contact person for anyone within our association with questions or concerns regarding dis

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

aster planning. CASC members with an interest in a specialty in Disaster Planning or Critical Incident Response can contact Nicolas El-Kada. Cindy Elk

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontarioen will check with Cindy Morneault about whether she wrote to Nicolas about getting his information on the website. If not, Mary Holmen will do this.P

age I 15.2.Nomenclature task - website and documents of the ESC and PPC need to be in sync and clear. Language issues to be looked at by small committ Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

ee of Sandra Morrison, Fay Louch, Ron Falk, Maty Holmen, they have not met but plan to shortly.MOTION: Marvin Shank and Janice Neal: that a Pastoral C

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

ounsellor be on the small task force looking at nomenclature in the ESC and PPC. Carried.5.3.Peer review process - should CASC notify the member’s emp

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontarioor a non-participation in the Review. Perhaps a letter can be sent ahead of the Review, informing the employer that the employee is up for Review and

encouragement to support the member through the review.5.4.Peer review letter sent to employer from CASC notifying them of a successful completion of Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

the Peer Review - who sends this?MOTION: Marvin and Philip Weaver: that the Peer Review Coordinator will send out the letter to the employer acknowled

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

ging the successful completion of the peer review when the member has indicated that they want a letter to be sent. Carried.5.5.Update on PR person -

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontarioall pail of this process and the direction now is not clear but the Board is working on what the next steps need to be. Having a strong national leade

r would be very helpful.5.6.Advocacy issues - The advocacy group is a working group with a 2 year lifespan to April 2014. The report does not include Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

all the concerns across Canada. More members are needed so that all provinces are represented on this Working Group. BC has put together a Framework f

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

or BC spiritual Care Providers (Appendix 1) please send any comments to Philip Weaver.5Approval of Reports as posted (Appendix 2-17)5.1.MOTION: Patric

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontarioearning content related to competencies (L’AIISSQ)6.2.Standardized continuing education form for peer reviews (ONE) - Robert Mundle not here to speak

to this, PPC reviewed the form as circulated by Robert Mundle by email. This would be a useful form for us to have. Lillian Curtis, Robert Mundle and Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

Philip Weaver will work together to develop at template for US to look at our Pickering meetings in October 2012.6.3.Pastoral Counsellors voice on ESC

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

(Appendix 16) - PPC recommend to the ESC to permanently add a Pastoral Counsellor’s rep to the ESC. PPC will raise this during joint meeting on Tuesd

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontariohing about PC on the website. Recent additions have been made. Also awareness and attention on the PPC and the CASC leadership. Include PCs in PR pers

on, nomenclature, scopes of practice and Advocacy group discussions.Page I 26.5.Need for year-long insurance for PCE students - has been a frustration Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

for PCE Units and their students. Ihis is an ethical issue for the leaching Supervisors who have to sign the form confirming that the person is a reg

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

istered student in a unit. We can ask Tony to clarify what happens il a student breaks the contract, what responsibility does the teaching supervisor

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontariohis topic, lie informed the PPCE that in 2004-5, Teaching Supervisors was 1200 per year there wore only 12 Teaching Supervisors in total so it was har

d to gel a deal. So Tony looked for group insurance that would be simpler. Errors and Omissions and General Ĩ.lability are the two tilings that are no Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

w covered in our full coverage. Coverage is May r to May 1". Then Tony stated that the issue of students came up so he negotiated coverage for student

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

s. It is S75 for Errors and Omissions and General T.lability from May 1” to May 1”. Why does it have to go from May T' to May r ? The only reason this

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario the insuranc e coverage continues until May 1steven though they are no longer in a unit, the ethical implications to CASC. must be explored. Tony inf

ormed the PPC that he believes this is a very good deal and that Tony has not found anything better. The details are on the CASC website. He could not Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

speak to the ethical issue of having a Teaching Supervisor sign a form for students that may not register in the next unit.6.6.Budget for PC teleconf

Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes April 16 & 17, 2012 Sydney, Ontario

erences and other communications - not for the PPC, this is a governance issue. Maty I loltnen will take this item to the board.

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

RESEAR’SPIRITUAL CAREPASTORAL COUNSELLINGCASCIACSSCanadian Accocialion for spiritual Care Association canadienne de soins spiritualsProfessional Pract

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