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Nội dung chi tiết: PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945


State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945 Alfred I.. 1889-1982Puryear. George W.. 1894-1919Inclusive Dates:1890-1945. bulk 1918-1925Scope & Content:Collection contains 209 digital linage file

s: they are scans of tliree photograph albums, seven loose photographs, a map. and a hand-bound volume of magazine articles. The photograph albums wer PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

e scanned cover to cover (minus any blank pages) and were labeled by Teimessee State Library and Archives staff as simply Album 1. Album 2. and Album


3. Material from the albums comprise the vast majority of the digital images (183 of the 209), but these digital images are scans of the entire album

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945sible because the Items within each album were glued to the pages, and none had labels or captions to accompany them. If there was any-identifying inf

ormation written on the backs of the items, there was no way to read it unless the item had come loose from the page. There are also several photograp PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

hs with duplicate copies in more than one album, and the copies have been cross-referenced to each other within the Container List below. Items were n


ot placed into any of the albums in a strict chronological order, so items on one page might postdate items on later pagesIt should be noted that for

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945om only a slight distance, it is difficult to tell the two apart. Since both were in France during World War I. they visited each other on more than o

ne occasion, and identifications 111 these photographs were based largely on details of the military unifonns shown For example. Alfred did not become PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

a pilot until 1921. so if a uniform bore pilot’s wings, then the person wearing that uniform would have been George. Similarly. Alfred was stationed


111 Pans throughout the war. so if a uniform bore the Distnct of Pans1shoulder patch (see DB# 36228). then the person wearing that uniform would have

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945se. Although there are a few items in Album 1 that were clearly added after George’s death, there are many Items in It and the other two albums which

would have held little, if any. meaning for then mother but would have been meaningfill for George and Alfred. Album 3 also contains several items tha PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

t postdate Faiuiie w. Puryear's death.Album 1 is a green photograph album with "George w. Puryear" and "U.S. Air Service" painted in black on the fron


t cover, and it is composed of 57 of the 209 digital images. Many of the photogr aphs in this albrun ar e r elated to George's time in the U.S. Army A

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945ith the 95th Aero Squadron The photogr aphs do depict the wide var iety of the aircraft, pr edominantly of French manufacture. used by the Air Service

during World Wai I. and the types of aircraft depicted have all been identified.Most of the other Ail- Service personnel in the photographs are unide PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

ntified: however, there ar e two photographs of Irby R. Curry. the star quarterback on Vanderbilt University's football team. Curry went tluougli flig


ht training with George, joined the 95th Aero Squadion on the same day that George did. and was killed in action on August 10. 1918. There is also a t

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945er president Theodore Roosevelt. Quentin Roosevelt was killed 111 action on July 14, 1918. while flying with the 95th Aeio Squadron (two days before G

eorge joined the squadion).This album also contains items related to Geoige's capture and subsequent escape from a German prisoner of war (POW) camp T PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

here are two gl oup photographs of American POWs (including George Ptuyear) at Burg Trausnitz in Landshut. Germany, and George's identification card f


rom the POW camp at Villmgen. Germany. There are photographs of George that were taken in Beni. Switzerland, after his successful escape from Villinge

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945the western United States. Some of them were taken while George was en route to or while stationed with the 9th Aero Squadron at Rockwell Field. San D

iego. California. Other photogr aphs of the western U.S. were taken while George was a pilot with the No. 3 (Far West) Flight of the Victor}' Loan war PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

bond campaign, during April-May 1919. One of the photographs from the Victory Loan war bond campaign shows the commanding officer of the Far West Fli


ght. Major Carl A. Spaatz. Spaatz would later command U.S. Army An Forces 111 the European Theater during World Wai II and became the first Chief of S

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945forming her of George's death in an airplane accident.Album 2 has a black leather cover and "Photographs" embossed ill gold upon it. and it is compose

d of 80 of the 209 digital images in the collection. It was compiled by Allied Puryear and documents his time in the Air Service from World War Ĩ thro PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

ugh rhe mid-1920s. It includes numerous photographs of George Puryear, some of which were taken when he V isited Alli ed in Paris, France. as well as


ail ar tist’s proof of a portrait drawing of George by Joseph Cummings Chase, rhe finished portrait would be used ill chase's book Soldiers Ail: Portr

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945w ar. including photographs of the headquarters building of the Material Div isron (to which Alfred was attached) at 45 Avenue Montaigne as well as ph

otographs of rhe World War T victory7 parade down the Champs-Elysees on Bastille Day. July 14. 1919. The album also includes several photographs taken PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

while Allied was oil leave ill Monte Carlo in February7 1919.Album 2 also contains numerous photographs taken after Alfred’s return to rhe U.S. in Se


ptember 1919. There arc several photographs from his trip to San Diego. California, to visit George, including one of the Hotel del Coronado. There ar

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945ere are also numerous photographs from Alfred's time as an airship pilot. Among them aie photographs of the wreckage of Army Airship TC-2. which Clash

ed in Octobei 1924. severely injuring Alfred. There are also several aerial photographs of San .Antonio. Texas, and Brooks Field. Texas, taken from Ar PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

my Airship TC-3 in November 1923.The last eight pages of the album arc photographs and clippings from the Gordon Bennett Aviation Cup race held outsid


e of Paris in August 1920. Most of the clippings come from French newspapers or magazines, and English translations of the text and captions are av ai

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945it, and it is composed of 46 of rhe 209 digital images. It was also compiled by Alfred Puryear, and it contains a veritable hodgepodge of photographs

and clippings ranging fr om around the 1890s tluougli approximately 1915. of the nine studio portrait photographs in rhe album, the subjects in only t PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

wo have been positively identified: one portrait is of David B. Puryear (ca. 1907), and another is of Alfred (ca. 1900-1910). .Among tire disparate ph


otographs in the album, there is one of George's grave (ca. October 1919). a panorama of Orleans, 1 rance (ca. 1918). a photograph of lire U.S.S.. Íga

State of TennesseeDepartment of StateTennessee State Library and ArchivesPuryear Family Photograph Albums, 1890-1945COLLECTION SUMMARYCreatorPuryear,

PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945rcadia. California (1921). and an aerial photogr aph of Camp Leonar d Wood. 1 oi l Benning. Georgia (1931). There are also several pages of clippings

and postcards from Miami and Key West. Florida (ca. 1935).3Most of the clippings 111 the album document events 111 the lives of various family members PURYEAR_FAMILY_PHOTOGRAPH_ALBUMS_1890-1945

. There is an obituary for Alfred's father. William Pressley Puryear (1913). two obituaries for his bl other David (1929), two clippings about the mar


riage of his niece Cornelia Puryear to William p Weisiger (1938). and a clipping about the election of his nephew. William p. Puryear, Jr., as mayor o

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