Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

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Nội dung chi tiết: Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARniversity of California, Irvine* For their encouragement and suggestions on the research, we thank H. Russell Bernard, Linton Freeman, and A. Kimball

Romney. Discussion with Tom Snijders on the p* models was most helpful. We also thank Mike Burton for suggesting the matrix permutation approach. On a Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

more personal note, we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the influence of Linton Freeman on our careers. On a visit to Lehigh University in the

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

Fall of 1968 to give a talk. Lin advised John, a double major in Sociology and Mathematics, to do his graduate work at Pittsburgh with a young profes

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARnces at the University of California. Irvine in 1979 as dean and catalyst for the Social Networks Program that Katie s research interests turned to so

cial networks. It was also Lin who encouraged Katie to go to the University of South Carolina, thereby making possible the collaboration that led to t Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

his research.ABSTRACT: The research we report here tests the "Freeman-Linton Hypothesis" which we lake as arguing that the structure of a set of relat

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ional ties over a population is more strongly determined by type of relation than it is by the type of species from which the population is drawn. Tes

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARies. We introduce the idea of a structural signature to refer to the profile of effects of a set of structural properties used to characterize a netwo

rk. We use methodology described in Faust and Skvoretz (forthcoming) for comparing networks from diverse settings, including different animal species, Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

relational contents, and sizes of the communities involved. Our empirical base consists of 80 networks from three kinds of species (humans, non-human

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

primates, non-primate mammals) and covering distinct types of relations such as influence, grooming, and agonistic encounters. The methods we use all

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARts as a replication of a previous study that outlined the general methodology. However, as compared to rhe previous study, the current one finds less

support for the Freeman-Linton Hypothesis."My overall goal... is to learn something basic about the foundations and consequences of the sociability of Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

social animals."Linton Freeman, 1999, Research in Social Networks(”... just as the physical differences bet

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ween men and apes diminish in importance and cease to be a bar to a relationship when they are studied against the background of mammalian variation,

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR so much in common that the gap ceases to be of great importance."Ralph Linton. 1936, The Study of Man (New York: The Free Press)IntroductionThe passa

ges of Ralph Linton quoted above suggest that the behavioral commonalities between humans and animals are substantial. The claim would extend to socia Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

l behavior, in particular, behavior in regard to others of the same species, "the sociability of the social animals." This view is echoed in Lin Freem

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

an's work. That is, both authors would contend that the networks of baboons and school children, of cattle and bank clerks, and of fraternity brothers

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARxplore what we will call the Freeman-Linton Hypothesis, named after the scholars quoted above. In particular, we examine 80 different networks from th

ree types of species (humans, non-human primates, and non-primate mammals), varying in size from 4 to 73 units. Many distinct types of relations are i Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ncluded: from liking, influence and grooming to disliking and victory in agonistic encounters. Our specific research question is whether patterning in

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

a network can be better predicted by type of animal or type of relation. The Freeman-Linton hypothesis leads US to expect that type of relation will

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARugh they may vary dramatically in size, in type of social animal, and in relational contents. The methodology should provide an abstract way of charac

terizing the structure of a network apart from the particular individuals involved. It should also provide a set of guiding principles for what it mea Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ns to say that two networks are similarly structured. The method we build on has been described in detail elsewhere (Faust and Skvoretz forthcoming).

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

In the next section we outline the steps in that method. We then apply it to our networks, replicating the original analysis, which was restricted to

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARamong networks of different species and different types of relations. We conclude the paper with a discussion of directions for future work with parti

cular attention to the theoretical questions our project may address.Representation of the Structural Signature of a NetworkFaust and Skvoretz (forthc Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

oming) propose a method that allows researchers to measure the similarity between pair of networks and to look at the overall patterning of similariti

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

es among a large collection of networks from diverse settings. Their basic argument is that two networks are similarly structured, that is, have the s

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARnitudes and directions of network's structural properties is to use a statistical model. In that case, two networks are similarly structured if the pr

obability of a tie between i and j is affected by the same set of structural factors to the same degree in both networks. To explicate this idea, cons Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ider a single structural factor, say, mutuality and two networks: A is a network of advice ties between sales personnel and B is a network of helping

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

relations between blue-collar workers. Mutuality, the tendency for actor i to return a tie to actor j if j sends a tie to i, might be one structural f

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARof social network analysts (Katz and Powell 1955: Katz and Wilson 1956) and the measurement of mutuality remains a focus of contemporary research (Man

del 2000). It is a "structural" factor because it refers to aproperty of the arrangement of ties in any pair in the graph rather than to properties of Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

the individuals composing the pair.With just this one factor, Faust and Skvoretz would propose that networks A and B are similarly-structured if a te

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ndency toward mutuality is present or absent in both networks and to the same degree. Specifically, their method calibrates the strength of such struc

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARing, networks A and B are similarly structured if the standardized tendency toward mutuality is identical in both networks. Of course, with just one s

tructural factor, fine discriminations among the structural patterns in different networks are just not possible. Networks that may be structurally di Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

stinct for other reasons (such as different tendencies towards transitivity) would be classed as similar because only one structural factor, mutuality

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

, has been taken into account.As additional factors are considered, finer and finer discriminations among entire sets of networks become possible. But

Relations, Species, and Network Structure*John SkvoretzDepartment of Sociology, University of South CarolinaKatherine FaustDepartment of Sociology, Un

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KARated on each network (mutuality, transitivity,...) and then compare these collections, but a more coherent approach is to estimate a set of effects si

multaneously in the context of a statistical model for the network. Thus the first step in the comparison methodology proposed by Faust and Skvoretz ( Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

forthcoming) is to estimate statistical models for the probability of a graph in which the set of predictor variables is expanded beyond simple mutual

Raison d''Etat and Unipi with statement for KAR

ity. Until recently, no statistical models were able to incorporate any structural effects beyond mutuality. However, with the development of family o

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