raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

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Nội dung chi tiết: raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

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Group Publishing Limited.Facets of User-Assigned Tags and Their Effectiveness in Image RetrievalNicky Ransom (UCA) and Pauline Rafferty (Aberystwyth raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

University)Purpose: This study considers the value of user-assigned image lags by comparing the facets that are represented in image tags with those t

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hat are present in image queries to see if there is a similarity in the way that users describe and search for images.Methodology: A sample dataset wa

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWge facets from Shatford’s matrix, which has been widely used in previous research into image indexing and retrieval. The facets present in the image t

ags were then compared with the results of previous research into image queries.Findings: The results reveal that there are broad similarities between raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

the facets present in image tags and queries, with people and objects being the most common facet, followed by location. However, the results also sh

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ow that there are differences in the level of specificity between tags and queries, with image tags containing more generic terms and image queries co

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWse the gap between specific queries and generic tags w ould improve the value of user tags in indexing image collections.Originality/value: Research i

nto tagging has tended to focus on textual resources with less research into non-textual documents. In particular, little research has been undertaken raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

into how user tags compare to the terms used in search queries, particularly in the context of digital images.Keywords: image retrieval; user tagging

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;Classification: Research paperIntroductionAdvances in digital image technologies over the last few decades have resulted in an explosion in the avail

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWage databases has resulted in users carrying out their own searches and so accurate and comprehensive indexing has become critical for resource discov

ery' (Matusiak, 2006: Trant. 2008a). Researchers have been investigating ways to improve image indexing, but unlike the full-text searching techniques raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

that can be utilized with written documents,https://khothuvien.cori!accessing the intellectual content of images is much harder to achieve due to the

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‘significant philosophical and practical problems' of creating indexing terms for visual content (Rafferty and Hidderley, 2005:52).The recent develop

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW2005), has been seen as offering a potential solution to the problems of scalability of traditional techniques. In particular, interest has grown in t

he use of ‘tagging’ as a potential means of indexing online content. Tagging, also known as social classification, collaborative tagging, or user-tagg raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

ing, is a Web 2.0 feature that allows users to add their own keywords or ‘tags' to online documents and images so that they can organise resources for

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themselves, share them with others, and find resources that others have tagged. One of the earliest web sites to offer this feature was Delicious (ht

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWto sharing web site: tagging has since been adopted by many other internet applications.The vocabulary that develops as a result of user tagging is so

metimes referred to as a ‘folksonomy’ (Vander Wall, 2007). Initially, there was speculation that user tagging would replace traditional indexing pract raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

ices (Shirky, 2006) as it was flexible, abundant and cheaper to produce than more traditional methods (Hammond et al, 2005). It was also suggested tha

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t its democratic nature would ‘better reflect the peoples’ conceptual model’ (Munk and Mork, 2007: 17). However, research has revealed that tag vocabu

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWement rather than replace formal classification systems (Hunter et al, 2008: Macgregor and McCulloch, 2006: Matusiak, 2006; Voss, 2007).Research into

user tagging has focused on three main areas: user behaviour and motivations to tag, the social systems in which tagging takes place, and the vocabula raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

ry of tags themselves (Trant, 2008a). Much of this research has concentrated on the tagging of2textual resources, such as bookmarks in Delicious or bl

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ogs in Technorati (, with lewer studies related to the lagging OÍ images. In spite of early speculation that tags would consist

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWtags compare to the terms used in search queries, particularly in the context of digital images. It is this aspect of image tagging that tills study w

ill consider.The aim of dlls study is to find out the value of tags for image retrieval by Investigating whether the way that users describe images in raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

tags is similar to the way they search for images. Specifically, this study will consider whether image lags describe the same properties or facets o

raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

f an image as those that are present in image queries. The focus of this study is on image facets rather than individual terms as previous studies hav

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWat the level of individual terms difficult to carry out. In order to overcome this difficulty, the individual terms have been grouped into broad categ

ories that reflect different aspects or facets of an image so that a more general pattern of tag usage can be identified.Image facets have been the su raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

bject of numerous studies into image queries as the identification of the aspects of images that form user queries is important in ensuring that the i

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ndexing of images can meet user needs. It is of little use. for example, to index the colours present in an image if this is an image facet that docs

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW to index comprehensively.With c urrent interest in the potential OÍ user lagging lor online indexing, particularly within the museum community, it is

hoped that this research will be of interest to those investigating ways OÍ harnessing the collective indexing potential of user tagging as a means o raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

f coping with the challenge of indexing the abundance of images available online.3Three broad research questions underpinned this study. These are:•Wh

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ich image facets are described in user tags?•How do these compare to those found in image queries?•What implications does this have for the future use

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWssages contained in images ‘cannot be named’ (2008: 534). In discussing these issues, many writers have referred to the work of Edwin Panofsky (1955)

whose discussions of meaning in an images have been influential in subsequent research on this topic (for example, Choi and Rasmussen, 2003; Peters an raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

d Stock, 2007; Rafferty and Hidderley, 2005; Shatford, 1986). Panofsky identifies three levels of meaning in a work of art: primary or natural subject

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matter (pre-iconographical description of objects, events or emotions); secondary or conventional subject matter (iconographical descriptions of them

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raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPWatford (1986) built on Panofsky’s work by re-interpreting his first two levels as describing what an image was ‘of’ and ‘about’ respectively, noting t

hat the first level could include both generic and specific elements which need to be indexed separately. She combined these three levels - Generic Of raport RE ws. dlugoterminowej przyszlosic systemu EKPCPW

, Specific Of, and About - with four facets of image description - Who, What, Where, When - to construct a matrix of indexing possibilities. While Sha

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tford acknowledges that: ‘subjectivity [...] enters into almost even' aspect of picture indexing’ (1986: 57), she felt that Panofsky’s highest level w

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