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Nội dung chi tiết: sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014


ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014 remedytech optimizationRemedial Design-Stage Optimization Review ReportSandy Beach Ground Water Plume Superfund Site Tarrant County, Te

xas EP A Region 6Prepared for United StatesEnvironmental Protection AgencyPrepared by Tetra Tech. Inc. and GS1 Environmental. Inc.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOpt sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

imization BackgroundU.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines optimization as the following:“Efforts at any'phase of the removal or remedial respon


se to identify and implement specific actions that improve the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of that phase. Such actions may also improve the reme

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014se a systematic site review by a team of independent technical experts, apply techniques or principles from Green Remediation or Triad, or apply some

other approaches to identify opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness. Contractors, states, tribes, the public, and PRPs are also encour sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

aged to put forth opportunities for the Agency to consider.An optimization review considers the goals of the remedy, available site data, conceptual s


ite model (CS.M). remedy performance, protectiveness, cost-effectiveness and closure strategy'. A strong interest in sustainability has also developed

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014remediation and environmental footprint reduction during optimization reviews.An optimization review includes reviewing site documents, interviewing s

ite stakeholders, potentially visiting the site for one day, and compiling a report that includes recommendations in the following categories:•Protect sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

iveness•Cost-effectiveness•Technical improvement•Site closure•Environmental footprint reductionThe recommendations are intended to help the site team


identify opportunities for improvements in these areas. In many cases, further analysis of a recommendation, beyond that provided in this report, may

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014of the optimization review team. These recommendations do not constitute requirements for future action, but rather are provided for consideration by

the EPA Region and other site stakeholders. Also note that while the recommendations may provide some details to consider during implementation, the r sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

ecommendations are not meant to replace other, more comprehensive, planning documents such as work plans, sampling plans and quality assurance project


plans (ỌAPP).■ U.S. Envircsunent 11 Protection Agency. 2012. Memorandum: of the National Strategy to Expand Superfund Optumzatico Pract

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014fund National Policy Managers (Regions 1 - 10). office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) 9200.3-75. September 28.Sandy Beach Rood Ground W

ater Plume SuperRmd SiteTarrant County. TexasRemedial Design-Stage Optimization Review ReportES-1Site-Specific Backgroundrhe Sandy Beach Road Ground W sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

ater Plume Superfund site. CERCL1S ID No. TXN000605649. is located within incorporated areas of Pelican Bay and Azle. Texas and an unincorporated port


ion of 1 arrant County, Texas, lhe site is the location of a former unpermitted landfill where existing ravines were used to deposit waste and later b

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014ce of drinking water. 1 he former landfill has since been converted to residential property' with significant open space. 1 he source area is currentl

y owned by an innocent owner operator (1OO). The basis for taking action at the site is the exceedance of drinking water standards in private water we sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

lls and in Pelican Bay public water supply (PWS) wells screened in the 1’aluxy Aquifer.hl 2004. the Texas Commission on Envữonmental Quality I1CEQ) re


ported that pws wells in Pelican Bay. as well as private residential wells, were contaminated by TCE at concentrations exceeding the Maximum Contamina

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014e installed on the affected private water wells. The site was added to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2005 and a remedial investigation (RD and

feasibility study (FS) were finalized in 2011. The Record of Decision (ROD) was published in 2011. Water supply connections from the City of Azle dis sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

tribution system have replaced all of the filtration systems, except for the residences located along Liberty School Road and one residence located on


Sandy Beach Road, to address exposure pathways associated With contaminated water supplies. In addition to providing clean water for residents, remed

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014or P&T) remedy components. The Site IS currently in the remedial design phase.The optimization review team along with the site project managers and re

gional consultants conducted a site visit in April 2013. This site optimization review report includes recommendations based on review of site documen sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

ts, finding of the site visit and meeting with EPA remedial project managers (RPM).Summary of C onceptual Site Model and Key FindingsIn site decision


documents, the most likely source of contamination to soil and groundwater was identified as an unpermitted landfill that operated from 1958 to 1971 n

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014stigations including a passive soil gas survey anil geophysical surveys. Histone records on the type and quantity of material buried at the site arc u

navailable. Minimally invasive source characterization was performed to comply with the wishes of the current IOO.The optimization renew team has iden sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

tified uncertainties about materials remaining in the source as a data gap in the GSM. The primary release mechanisms al the landfill is believed to b


e historic direct disposal of ICE into the ravines (RI. June 2011). however, the potential presence of intact drums of chlorinated solvents or other p

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014nd the ravines, where TCT may volatilize or leach to groundwater. Shallow' soils consist of a mixture of silty to sand clays, clayey sands and silty s

and. Saturation occurs at a depth below 70-75 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) in the source area. The precise distribution of ICE in shallow and sa sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014

turated soils, including Its distribution in soils of varying porosity (for example clays versus sands), is another data gap affecting the design of t


he source remedies.1 he Paluxy Aquifer IS a shallow water table aquifer underlying the former landfill. The Paluxy Aquifer generally has no more than

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

sandybeachroad_optimizationreport_april2014 Review Report

ĂEPẠUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5203P)EPA 542-R-14-003April 2014 superfimd

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