Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

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Nội dung chi tiết: Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control MentalThe topic for the first panel to be today is a water regulator and whether there is a case for a new water regulator. Before we start I'd like to deli

neate the discussion because it's important to keep focused on the matters which the Inquiry wants to hear about. The Inquiry's concerned with drinkin Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

g water safety and price regulations outside the scope of the Inquiry so although there's a lot that could be said about price regulation via a regula

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

tor, that is outside the scope of this discussion, could be mentioned incidentally but otherwise we're not addressing the price regulation. In relatio

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mentalhowever, the discussion should cover the supervision of and accountability to a regulator for the DWAs. So that aspect of DWAs fits into this topic. E

ssentially the topic that we're asking you to address is the idea of a new water regulator which would have within its jurisdiction laboratories, samp Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

lers, DWAs. water suppliers, water carriers and any other key components of the delivery of drinking water. Can I start by asking what you see as the

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

role of a regulator and the importance of a regulator in the delivery of safe drinking water. Dr Pricker?DR FRICKER:Well I would say the initial role

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mentalthat those standards are met. And when you look at data internationally you see that where there are regulators with enforcement capabilities and wher

e they actually use those enforcement189capabilities then compliance with the regulations is generally higher than in other countries where there is n Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

ot a regulator of that type.MR GEDYE:Just before we move on from you could you speak briefly about the experience in the UK and the question of regula

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

tion there, particularly with regard to the DWIs?DR FRICKER:So the DWI is the drinking water quality regulator, it's been in existence for a number of

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental of principal inspectors below that position and then inspectors below that. Virtually everybody employed by the DWI is an ex-water company person and

they are. have a great deal of expertise in that area. They have responsibility for water quality in England and Wales both public and private suppli Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

es and they have, they perform regular audits which are often several days in length for each utility. They provide advice but they also will use thei

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

r statutory powers to ensure that water companies adhere to the standards and when they don't they prosecute and that's a regular occurrence in the UK

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental's unfit for human consumption.MR GEDYE:And in your observation does that form of regulation work well and is it beneficial?DR FRICKER:I think It's ce

rtainly beneficial, in my view, and the water companies all have a principal inspector assigned to them. They're in regular contact with them and the Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

inspectorate has a number of experts on specific aspects of water quality whether that be forms of treatment, as an (inaudible 09:07:10) uv. filtratio

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

n, coagulation et cetera and any of the water companies can seek advice from190the inspectorate for those kinds of issues and that, I think that syste

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental in my view it works very well and if you look at compliance levels with the standards the UK or England and Wales compliance levels are among the bes

t in the world.MR GEDYE:Dr Deere what do you see as the role and importance of regulation and water supply, drinking water supply?DR DEERE:I think I’l Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

l just support what Dr Pricker said and add a couple more points. One is that there needs to be some sense of independence and so there’ll be directly

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

or indirectly and I'm of Government and ideally they won't be seen as one party's regulator they'll be seen and we have to have cross party support o

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mentalit above politics which is very difficult but that would be the ideal regulator and they need to have public safety, public health as a goal and not f

eel compromised by the need to also placate other interests and there can be often other competing interests financial and other, competing interests Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

that can compete with water safety and that can undermine their role if they aren't clearly focused on just water safety. That is two things I’d add t

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

o what Dr says.JUSTICE STEVENS:Just John on that, you're familiar with the UK model?DR DEERE:Yes.191JUSTICE STEVENS:And in terms of ensuring independe

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mentalt but their powers are independent?DR DEERE:They seem to be given some degree of independence, they don't feel the need to cowtail to a particular pol

itical flavour of a particular month. I think that's an important benefit to the better regulators that I have seen are deliberately given that indepe Silva, José - El Método Silva de Control Mental

ndent role in the public interest.MR GEDYE:Dr Rabbitts?

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

188DAY 2 INQUIRY RESUMES ON 8 AUGUST 2017 AT 9.00 AMJUSTICE STEVENS:Good morning counsel, good morning to members of the panel and Mr Gedye.MR GEDYE:T

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