Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

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Nội dung chi tiết: Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionand Bozidar StojadinovicCorresponding author: Gregor}' L. FenvesMailing address:Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Califor

nia, Berkeley Berkeley,'CA 94720-1710Phone: 510-643-8543Fax: 510-643-5264Email: fenves<§)ce.berkeley.eduI Submission date for review copies:Febftwty-l Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

ubc3£H-, 2004Submission date for camera-ready copies:■«

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

finite elements. I prefer to put finite differences and finite elements on an equal footing to avoid controversy. Otherwise we would have to add a mor

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionyou please add (lie authors' di filiations on (lie next page? Please copy from Paper 2. Ako, please reformat the abstract to conform to EarthquakeIBie

ldk?- 2Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, M.EER1, Antonio Fernandez,' M.EER1, Gregory L.F Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

enves,2_f)-M.EERI, Jaesung Park,2rf and Bozidar Stojadinovic2,r' M.EERĨThe objective OÍ this study is Io examine, by computer computational simulation

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

, the spatial and temporal distribution of the earthquake response OÍ idealized smtcmres to neat-source ground motiongroimd motion near a causative fa

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionampling for frequencies up to 5 Hz. Two scenario events are considered, a a-strike-slip fault and a thrust fault, in a layer on a halfspacer by the us

e of finite dislocation models. These idealized models are representative of two common types- of earthquakes, in which the directivity of the rupture Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

generates large, short-duration, velocity pulses tn (he forward direction, and large spattai variation of the free-surfaee-motion-dHeHgheuf-the-ept€e

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

nifal-regtem-_We-ebtam-a-dense-spatial sampling of ground motion over a large region for frequencies up to 5 Hz in order to elucidate the effec ts OÍ

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motiontivity effect with a strong pulse-type motion approximately twice the amplitude of the motion in the fault parahd-direciion. The dynamic effect in the

fault parallel direction produces a pulse-type motion near the epicenter. For the thrust fault event the greatest concentration of ground displacemen Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

t occurs near the corners ol the fault opixisite the hviX)center, in the rake direction. In contrast with the strike-slip fault, the ground displaceme

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

nt in the direction of the slip is greater by a factor of two than in the direction normal to the slip.. In a companion paper, we examine how the Iree

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionsingle -degiee-of-frecdom elastoplastic systems.A-fompanton-paper-then-ttses-ihe-syntheác-reeords-toexamine-how-rhe-ftee-field gimiiKl mouon for the t

wo scenario earthquakes influences the spatial distribution of structural response of a family of SDF elustopluslie systems tn a region dose to the ca Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

usative fault.Professor. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, liiLi.formerly. Graduate Stude

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

nt Reseaivher, Depaitment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1S2I3; cinrently. Manager of internation

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionsity of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720.f Graduate Student Reseairher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univeisitv (it California. B

erkeley, C.A, 94720." Associate Professor. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. University of California, Berkeley.CAr 94720Bielak - 1IN Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

TRODUCTIONLarge earthquakes in urban regions cause a highly variable spatial distribution of damage to the built-infrastructure because of source effe

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

cts, path effects, large-scale geological structures such as sedimentary' basins, site response effects, and the structural characteristics of the bui

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionen-Nanbu, Japan, M„=6.9 earthquake (Akai et al., 1995) raised profound questions about these effects, with particular concern about the large velocity

pulses at sites near the faults. Additional data obtained from the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, jVf,.=7.4 earthquake (Rathje et al., 2000) and the 1999 Chi- Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

Chi, Taiwan, Mw=7.6 earthquake (Li and Shin, 2001) provided further evidence that the spatial distribution of ground motion in a region is related to

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

the fault mechanism and path effects. The large number of ground motion data recorded in these earthquakes confirmed that near-fault pulse-type ground

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motione spatial distribution of ground motion based on the extensive records obtained in the 1994 Northridge earthquake atttl its aftershocks. Aftershock re

cords obtained by Meremonte et al. (1996) and Hartzell et al. (1997) showed that the amplitude of peak ground velocity varied by a factor of two or gr Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

eater at different sites with the same general geological structure but separated by distances of only 200 m. Boatwright et al. (2001) developed corre

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

lations between ground motion parameters and effects on structural response, as measured by an intensity measure based on building tags. The correlati

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionocity (between 0.3 and 3.0 seconds period), which is Uneariwrelated to PGV, is a good predictor. Contours of PGV and averaged pseudo-velocity correspo

nd to the spatial distribution of damage based on a tagging intensity. In another study using 1994 Northridge earthquake strong motion data, Bozoignia Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

and Bertero (2002) examined varietts-respensethe spatial dỉsưibution of structural response parameters associated with damage. quamfties-asseeiated-w

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

rth-sifHeiwal-damage-as (he spatial dtstributioft-eFdamage-parameters^ .The spatial distribution of ductility demand for single-degree-of-freedom (SDF

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motiontr analysis shows that 1-sec- and 3-sec- period SDF systems reacft a ductility demand of 9 and 5, respectively:—-The large ductility demands are conce

ntrated in the updip region direction of slip of-fhe-burted-thrust-fault-for the 1-sec case and the updip direction and epicentral area for the 3-sec Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

case. Additional results are presented for spatial distributions of structural damage measures that include the effect of ductility and hysteretic ene

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

rgy demands and capacities.An important feature of large-magnitude earthquakes in the near field is rhe large amount of seismic energy from the ruptur

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motionon (e.g., Somerville et al., 1997). Somerville (1998) defines the forward directivity effects occurring at sites where the fault rupture propagates to

wards the site and rhe direction of fault slip is aligned in the direction of the site. These conditions are met with strike-slip faults and dipslip r Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

upture in thrust faults. Forward directivity effects in the fault normal direction occur in all locations along a strike-slip fault. For thrust faults

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I Ground Motion

, however, forward directivity effects occur mostly in the surface projection of the fault, updip from the hypocenter. BackwardBielak2- 2

Spatial Distribution of Simulated Response for Earthquakes, Part I: Ground MotionJacobo Bielak, Antonio Fernandez, -Gregory L. Fenves, Jaesung Park, a

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