Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

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Nội dung chi tiết: Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08SSw Istaft Symcol CG-52213PSO-1 United StatesPhone:202-372-1405Coast GuardFacsimile: 202-372-1926COMDTPUB 16700.4INVIC XX-0$7NAVIGATION AND VESSEL INS

PECTION CIRCULAR NO. XX-087Subj: MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EVALUATION GUIDELINES FOR MERCHANT MARINER CREDENTIALSRef: (a) International Convention on Stand Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

ards of Training. Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW)(b)46 United States Code, Subtitle II. Part E(c)46 Code of Fede

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

ral Regulations (CFR) Subpart B(d)46 CFR Parts 401 and 402(e)Marine Safety Manual (MSM), Vol. Ill, Chapter 4, COMDTINST M16000.8(series)1.PURPOSE. Thi

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08icates of registry and STCW endorsements, collectively referred to as “credential(s).” This Circular also provides guidance for evaluating the physica

l and medical conditions of applicants for merchant mariner credentials (MMC). if the Coast Guard begins issuing MMC as supplementally proposed in 72 Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

FR 3605 (January 25, 2007). The guidance in this document should assist medical examiners, the maritime industry, individual mariners and Coast Guard

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

personnel in evaluating a mariner’s physical and medical status to meet the requirements of references (a) - (d). This guidance is not a substitute fo

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08ast Guard practices with respect to the physical and medical evaluation process have considerably evolved, consistent with developments and advancemen

ts in modern medical practices, since NVIC 2-98 was published in 1998. This Circular replaces the outdated NVIC 2-98. It puts the current Coast Guard Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

practices into writing, making them transparent for all to see and promoting their consistent application.b.The guidance in this Circular applies to a

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

pplicants for original, renewal and raise in grade credentials. Enclosure (1) specifically details the standards that apply to applicants foreach of t

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08___________________________A e c D £ F G Har>caer0h11k1n0pQfstuV*«*223331*12NON-STANDARD DISTRIBUTION: See Page 6NAVIGATION AND VESSEL INSPECTION CIRC

ULAR NO. xx-087changecurrentCoastGtratdpracticeswithtespecHO(hephysicalandmedicalevaluation process.2.ACTION. Medical personnel who conduct examinatio Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

ns of applicants for credentials, and Coast Guard personnel who review applications for credentials should use the information in this NVICx to determ

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

ine if applicants-ate-physically iind medically quahried-fo-hold-the-eredenũalGThetng-retptesteth3.DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. NVIC 2-98 and National Maritim

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08flicts with the guidance in this NVIC. Until reference (e) is updated, the guidance in this NVIC supersedes reference (e) in any areas where they may

conflict.4.BACKGROUND.a.Reference (a) requires each party to establish standards of medical fitness for seafarers. It (i.e. STCW) only applies to seag Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

oing vessels. It does not apply to the inland mariners.towiftg industry^ References (b) and (c) require (hat mariners be physically able to perform th

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

eir duties, using terms such as “general physical condition,” “good health” and “of sound health." Reference (d) contains special requirements for reg

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08ces contain specific standards, with the exception of visual acuity and color vision, for determining if mariners are physically and medically qualifi

ed.b.Due to the lack of specificity in references (a) - (d), the physical and medical standards upon which credential applicants are evaluated - and t Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

he medical tests and other information needed to make these evaluations - may be unclear, leading to confusion and unnecessary delays. This may also l

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

ead to inconsistent evaluations by medical practitioners conducting examinations of credential applicants, and ultimately by Coast Guard personnel det

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08nd the recommended data reqtwed-for evaluation of each of these conditions to determine fitness for service. It also details physical ability demenstr

attoH-guidelines, and acceptable vision and hearing standards. It is not possible to incorporate the detailed specificity of this NVIC into references Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

(a) - (d) due to the nature of the international, legislative and regulator}' processes; however, this detailed specificity is necessary to reduce th

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

e subjectivity of the physical and medical evaluation process and promote more consistent evaluations. It will also reduce the time required to proces

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08n needs to be submitted to process their applications.2NAVIGATION AND VESSEL INSPECTION CIRCULAR NO. xx-087d.The information contained in this NVIC do

es net clHmge Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

king them transparent for all to see. As such, it is not anticipated that this N VIC will result in higher rates of disqualification for service, nor

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08

in increased processing time for credential applications with physical and/or medical issues. To the contrary, as explained above, the Coast Guard exp

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

Task-Statement-61-Final Medical NVIC - 08 April 08 what infonnation is needed at the outset of die application5.

U.S. Department of ỊfỊfỊỊỊ^Ccmmandant2100 Second Street swHomeland Security /KgSSJunited States Coast GuardWashington. DC 20593 0001_____________ ZUsS

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