The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolutionosimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition. Utilization, and Evolution3. Recipient's Catalog No. 5 Report Date January 2012 6. Pertonmng Organi

zation Code7. Authot(s) Rajesh Paleci, Naveen Eluru, Chandra R. Bhat, Ram M. Pendyala, Thomas J. Adler. Konstadinos G. Goulias8 Pctforining Organizati The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

on Report No. Report 161120-19. Perfotmmg Organization Name and Addreat. Center for Transportation Research The University of Texas at Austin 1616 Gua

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

dalupe Street. Suite 4.202 Austin, Texas 78701 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Southwest Region University Transportation Center Texas Transpor

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and EvolutionAgency CodeCollege Station. Texas 77843-313515Suppkmentary NotesSupported by general revenue from the State of Texas.16AUtractThe report describes a c

omprehensive vehicle fleet composition, utilization, and evolution simulator that can be used to forecast household vehicle ownership and mileage by t The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

ype of vehicle over time. The components of the simulator are developed in this research effort using detailed revealed and stated preference data on

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

household vehicle fleet composition, utilization, and planned transactions collected for a large sample of households in California. Results of the mo

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolutionl microsimulation model systems.17. KeywordsVehicle fleet composition, household vehicle ownership, vehicle transactions and evolution, transportation

demand forecasting, disaggregate microsimulation, behavioral choice model.18 Distribution StatementNo restrictions. This document is available to the The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

public through NTIS:National Technical Information Service5285 Port Royal RoadSpringfield. Virginia 2216116. Security Claaiifiofthia icpott) Unclassi

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

fied20 Security Clawif (of thia page) Unclassified21. No. of Pages 4622. PriceForm DOT F 1700.7 (8 72)Reproduction of completed page authorizedTHE DES

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and EvolutiontinDept of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering Email: rdieshp@mail.ulexas.eduNaveen EhiruMcGill University Department of Civil Engineerin

g and Applied Mechanics Email: naveen.eluru@mcgill.caChandra R. BhatThe University of Texas at Austin Dept of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Eng The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

ineering Email: bhat@niail-utexas.eduRain M. PendyalaArizona Slate UniversitySchool of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment Email:

The Design of a Comprehensive Microsimulator of Household Vehicle Fleet Composition, Utilization, and Evolution

ndyala@asu.eduThomas J. AdlerResource Systems Group. Inc. F.mdil: (ddler@rsginc.comKonstadinos G. GouliasUniversity of California Department of Geogra

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No.2. Government Accessxin No. SWUTC/12/161120-14. Title and Subtitle The Design of a Comprehensive Micro

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