The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam

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The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnams by Learned Exorcists." In Religion, Science, and Magic: In Concert and In Conflict, ed. Jacob Neusner, Ernest s. Frerichs, and Paul Virgil McCracken

Flesher, 27-58. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.________. "An Early Form of the Witchcraft Ritual Maqlú and the Origin of a Babylonian Magica The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam

l Ceremony." In Lingering Over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran, ed. Tzvi Abusch, John Huehnergard, and

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Piotr steinkeller, 1-57. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990."Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Literature: Texts and Studies. Part I: The Nature of Maqlủ: Its C

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnamonian Witchcraft Ceremony Maqlủ: Some Observations on the Introductory Section of the Text, Part II.” In Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical,

Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas c. Greenfield, ed. Ziony Zevit, Seymour Gitin, and Michael Sokoloff, 467-94. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenb The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam

rauns, 1995.Adams, James E. War Psalms of the Prince of Peace: Lessons from the Imprecatory Psalms. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publis

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hing Company, 1991.Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James. New International Commentary on the New Testament, ed. F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids: William B

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

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c., Jr. "The Pauline Epistles and the Synoptic Gospels: The Pattern of the Parallels." New Testament Studies 28 (1982): 1-32.Alter, Robert. The Art of

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnamgeance against Their Ancient Near Eastern Background." Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 18 (1992): 1-11.Anderson, A. A. The Book of Psalms, 2 vo

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nd Evildoers in the Book of Psalms." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 48 (1965): 18-29.Aquinas, St Thomas. Summa Theologiae, vol. 34, Charity. Tra

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam Eyre (Si Spottiswoode, 1972.. Summa Theologiae, vol. 38, Injustice. Translated by Marcus Lefebure. London: Eyre (Sf Spottiswoode, 1975.209Archer, Gle

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Contradictions, st. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1987.The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Edited by

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A. Leo Oppenheim, vol. 1, part 2. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1968.Auffret, Pierre. "Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 137." Zeitschri

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnamihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, vol. 235, ed. Otto Kaiser. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1995.. Voyez de VOS yeux: Etude s

tructurelle de vingt Psaumes dont le Psaume 119. Vetus Testamentum Supplements, vol. 48, ed. J. A. Emerton et al. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993.Augustin [ The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam

s/c]. Saint Augustin: Expositions on the Book of Psalms, ed. A. Cleveland Coxe. A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christia

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n Church, ed. Philip Schaff, vol. 8. Translated by J. E. Tweed, T. Scratton, H. M. Wilkins, c. Marriott, and H. Walford. New York: Charles Scribner's

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

The effect of social capital on innovation of SMEs in vietnam J. L. How to Do Things with Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962.

206BIBLIOGRAPHY207Published WorksAbusch, Tzvi. "The Demonic Image of the Witch in standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions

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