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Nội dung chi tiết: University_andthe_Creative_Economy


Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyrate new inventions and patents, and spin-off its technology in the form of startup companies. As such, there has been a movement in the U.S. and arou

nd the world to make universities “engines of innovation,” and to enhance their ability to commercialize their research.Universities have largely boug University_andthe_Creative_Economy

ht into this view, both because it makes their work more economically relevant and as a way to bolster their budgets. Unfortunately. not only does thi


s view oversell the immediately commercial function of the university; it also misses the deeper and more fundamental contributions made by the univer

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economy the "3T*s” of economic development: Technology. Talent, and Tolerance To do so. it examines a wide range of data and trends on technology transfer, s

tartup companies, talent, brain drain, tolerance, and creativity- for U.S. metro regions?Its mam findings show that the university plays an important University_andthe_Creative_Economy

role across all 3 T’s.• Technology: As major recipients of both public and private R&D funding, and as important hotbeds of invention and spin-off com


panies, universities are often at the cutting edge of technological innovation•Talent: Universities affect talent in both directly and indirectly. The

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyal people and firms to locate nearby, ill part to diaw on the universities’ many resources.: ị•Tolerance: Large research universities help shape a reg

ional environment open to new ideas and diversity They attract students and faculty from a wide variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds. economic sta University_andthe_Creative_Economy

tuses, sexual orientations, and national origins University communities are meritocratic and open to difference and eccentricity; they' are places whe


re talented people of all stripes interact in stimulating environments that encourage open thought, self-expression, new ideas, and experimentation.Un

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyniversity’s even more powerfill role across the two other axes of economic development—111 generating, attracting. and mobilizing talent, and in estab

lishing a tolerant social climate—drat is open, diverse, meritocratic and proactively inclusive of new people and new ideas.The university thus compri University_andthe_Creative_Economy

ses a powerfill creative hub in regional development. Alone, though, die university is a necessary but insufficient component of successfill regional


economic development. To harness the university’s capability to generate innovation and prosperity, it must be integrated into the region’s broader cr

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economygeneration. Recently, they- have proven key contributors to regional development, too. Any discussion of the university’s role in innovation and econo

mic development quickly circles back to the now classic cases of Stanford University- and MIT. which played critical roles 111 the development of Sili University_andthe_Creative_Economy

con \ alley and the greater Boston area. Something similar has emerged in Austin. Texas, and dw North Carolina Research Triangle. • From these cases,


many have concluded that the university' serves as an innovative engine of economic development. One entrepreneur. when asked yet again for “the secre

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economycal underpinning for the view of the university- as an “engine of innovation.” Il traces back to die Nobel prize-winning studies of MIT economist Robe

rt Solow in the late 1950s. Solow argued that productivity growth was only partly attributable to the traditional explanatory factors, gains to capita University_andthe_Creative_Economy

l and labor. The unexplained "residual” productivity growth, he surmised, must have been due to technological change, which lie defined broadly. ' Mor


e recent studies suggest that universities have significant effects on both coiporate innovation and regional economic development Investments in acad

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economys also been found to make corporate innovation more efficient, according to Adam Jaffe; businesses dial arc located in close proximity to university r

esearch generate greater numbers of patents.5 University research also lends to attract corporate research labs, according lo other studies.6 A 2005 s University_andthe_Creative_Economy

tudy by the regional economists. I laivey Goldstein and Joshua Drucker examined rhe contribution of universities to economic development broadly acros


s more dian 300 metropolitan regions in the United States, They found that universities tend to increase average annual earnings. bill dial the bigges

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economy-end of the innovation process. According to the so-called "linear model of innovation” ideas flow naturally from university science and technology th

at can be commercially exploited and turned into economic growth. The key thus lies in developing new and belter mechanisms to make this transfer of u University_andthe_Creative_Economy

niversity science and technology to die commercial sector more effective and efficient, increasing the output of university "products" that are of com


mercial value to rhe economy.The university as engine of innovation has been criticized as oversimplified because it sees the steps of innovation as d

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyer within large companies or via spin-offs) and ultirnately resulting in job generation and economic growth®This perspective has been criticized by so

me as distorting the fundamental scientific mission of the university. The sociologist Robert Merton long ago contended that academic science should b University_andthe_Creative_Economy

e an open project because It is firmly centered on the efficient creation of knowledge and movement of frontiers. Finns, on the other hand, seek scien


tific advance in order to increase profits and acquire intellectual property. 9The economists Pailha Dasgupta and Paul David have argued strongly for

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyscience, tliat any intermixing of the two would negatively impact social welfare, (’lose ties between industry and university might, they argue, draw

academic scientists toward research enterprises with immediate short-term benefits to industry, but away from research with broader and long-term impa University_andthe_Creative_Economy

cts to society and the economy.Conversely, Nathan Rosenberg and Richard Nelson, two leading studentsof the history of technology, argue forcefully tha


t university and industry research, basic science and applied science have always been intertwined, and that it is difficult to even discern the divid

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economy drive contemporary thinking about the university’s role in economic development.rhe university’s increasing role in innovation and economic growth st

eins from deeper and more fundamental forces. The changing role of the university is bound up with the broader shift from an older industrial economy University_andthe_Creative_Economy

to an emerging Creative Economy. The past few decades have been one of profound economic transformation. In the past, natural resources and physical c


apital were the predominant drivers OÍ economic growth. Now. human creativity is the dining force of economic growth. Innovation and economic growth a

Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, gener

University_andthe_Creative_Economyssing indigenous talent and attracting It from outside.I he creative sector is tile propulsive sector of economic growth. Il has generated roughly 20

million new jobs between 1980 and 2000. and is projected to add another 10 million between 2001 and 201 -1. This creative sector currently employs som University_andthe_Creative_Economy

e 40 million Americans, accounting for approximately one-third of total employment and more than $2 trillion dollars in wages and salaries as much as


the manufacturing and service sectors combined.Economic growth in the Creative Economy is driven by 3 T’s: Technology. Talent and Tolerance. Since the

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