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Nội dung chi tiết: Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK


UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft4—-1AC Urban EnvironmentContention 1 is Urban NeoliberalismScenario 1 is the Ulban EnvironmentUrban spaces are area

s of discrimination, conflict and suffering produced by neoliberalism Goonewar dena 03 [Kanũhka Goonewardena, teaches planning, urban design and criti Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

cal theory in the Department of Geography at the University of Toronto: The Future of Planning at the ■ End of History ’. Planning Theory Vol. 2, Issu


e 3. Date: lt'2003 Pages: 183-224, Accessed: July 17th 2012 BP]If on closer inspection the Th

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Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK neoliberai Right, then where can we turn instead to a more principled critique of neoliberalism and its effects on planning worldwide? In the realm o

f theoretical discourse with some influ- ence in the public sphere, at least in Europe, two critics in particular repre- sere political positions that Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

stand apart from the mainstream consensus: radical French sociologist and philosopher Bourceu on the Left, and conservative British political theoris


t and former champion of Tbatchet John Gray on the Riglx. As leading European intellectuals, both - together with Jurgen Habettnas - offet vital count

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WKeir interventions W ith the influence of the Third Way in order to highlight some fundamental contradictions of neolibetaiism bearing on planning theo

ry and practice - contradictions that may open up forms of planning more radically democratic and socially equi- table than the ones currently profess Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

ed in Washington and London.'Turning to Bourdieu' after engaging Giddens, writes Callinicos (1999: 85) in a fine comparative assessment of their diver


gent responses to neo- liberalism, 'seems to enter a different world.’ In the Frenchman's tecent waitings, indeed, the figure of the 'engaged intellec

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WKeft to which he always belonged and his assumption of the role of die leading public intellectual hi France, after a distinguished career as the leadi

ng sociologist of the Continent. had everything to do with the rise of neo- liberalism under the auspices of 'soáalist' regimes in his country - the d Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

eplccable affects of which he and his colleagues vividly documented as early as 1993 in La Misére du monde (translated as The Weight of the World: Bou


tdleu et al, 1999) In order to produce this 'massive mdknnent of the human consequences of the neolibetal order installed by French socialism.’ the fo

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WKg. as well as the suffering of those who are poorly adjusted to die rapidly changing conditions of their lives.'13The thick descriptions and analyses

of this best-selling book, which Triggered '1 wide-ranging public debale on inequality, politics and civic solidarity in France, thus lure on issues < Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

?f utmost importance 10farmers and artisans, of teachers and the unemplovea and partly e-Th~r Thinif n~ ilr niediaLed-QULcome.■ent noneand regional ‘I


coiitiadiciions.(Bourdieu « al., 1999).Rejecting the idea of neoliberalisni is critical to reclaiming freedom and distance from the neoliberalist orde

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK'article_commenu,a_shoi1_history_of_neol>beralism_and_how_we_can_fix_it II Accessed: July 24th 2012 H BP)1 1 I*XT w 11 1 1 >;«J 1 ~ 111 > I. 1-^ 1 lM

»Ji l-v* ~ 111 1 M 11 t-J1wnw1411 MJ 'it-? JAtfW.ukie and g,\plfl. and license tor the few to gain|. We have to assert thatthoughtful reeulaiiun Gill Urban_Mass_Transit_Neoliberalism_Aff_7WK

III :.;C( pl[. if by freedom we mean freedo have the baric human dignity afforded by good education, housing, and healthcare.from a hard day s work. I


nstead of accepting ths: freedom means unhinging the economy from the

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

UM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aff1******URBAN MASS TRANSIT AFFUM7WEEKJUNIORS-CLARKUrban Mass Transit Aft3******1AC Urban Mass TransitUM7WEEKJ

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