Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

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Nội dung chi tiết: Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central ChilePoblete1, s. Vicufia1, E Meza145‘Centro de Cambio Global, Pontificia ưniversidad Católica de Chile. Santiago. Chile62Civil Engineering Department, San

ta Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, USA^Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. USA8^Corresponding a Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

uthor,, 408-554-2178.10llProposed submission to J. Hydrometeorology1211213 Abstract14Central Chile is facing dramatic projections

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

of climate change, with a consensus for declining 15precipitation, negatively affecting hydropower generation and irrigated agriculture. Rising from

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile, especially at higher elevations. For 18understanding current mean and extreme conditions and recent hydroclimatological change, as 19well as to prov

ide a baseline for downscaling climate model projections, a temporally and 20spatially complete data set of daily meteorology is essential. We use a g Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

ridded global daily 21 meteorological data set at 0.25 degree resolution for 1948-2008. and adjust it using monthly 22precipitation observations inter

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

polated to the same grid using a cokriging method with elevation 23as covariate. For validation, we compare daily statistics of the adjusted gridded p

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chilem flow statistics with observed flow. We validate the high 26elevation precipitation by comparing the simulated snow extent to MODIS images. Results s

how 27that the daily meteorology with the adjusted precipitation can accurately capture the statistical 28properties of extreme events as well as the Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

sequence of wet and dry events, with hydrological 29model results displaying reasonable agreement for observed flow statistics and snow extent. This 3

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

0demonstrates the successful use of a global gridded data product in a relatively data-sparse 31region to capture hydroclimatological characteristics

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chilets of climate change on water resources, understanding the response of the 38land surface hydrology to perturbations in climate is essential. This has

inspired the development 39and assessment of many large scale hydrology models for simulating land-atmosphere 40intera( lions over regional and globa Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

l scales |e.g.,l.uw/orJ el ul., 2004; Milly and Shmakin, 2002;41 Nijssen et al., 2001a; Sheffield and Wxxl, 20071.4243A prerequisite to regional hydro

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

climatological analyses is a comprehensive, multi-decadal, 44spatially and temporally complete data set of observed meteorology, whether for historic

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chilevations have been generated, both over 47continental regions [e.g.,Cosgrove er al., 2003; Maurer er al., 2002] and globally [Adam and 48Letlenmuier, 2

003; Sheffield el al., 2006). These have benefited from work al coarser lime scales 49fC7ren er al., 2002; Daly er al., 1994; Mitchell and Jones, 2005 Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

; New’ er al., 2000; Wlllmott and SQMalsuura, 20011, with many products combining multiple sources, such as station observations, 51rcmotcly sensed im

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

ages, and model iranalyscs.5253Whilc these large-scale gridded products provide opportunities for hydrological simulations for 54land areas around the

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chileto represent complex SGtopography, or where the gridded spatial resolution is loo large for the region being studied.536https://khothuvien.cori!57Cent

ral Chile is an especially challenging environment for characterizing climate and hydrology 58since the terrain exhibits dramatic elevation changes ov Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

er short distances, and the orographic 59effects this drives produce high spatial heterogeneity in precipitation in particular. In general, the 60obse

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

rvation station density in South America is inadequate for long-term hydroclimate 61characterization ide Goncalves et al., 2006]. While some of South

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile and Allured, 2005].6465In this study, we utilize a new high-resolution global daily gridded dataset of temperature and 66precipitation, adjust it wit

h available local climatological information, and assess its utility for 67representing river basin hydrology. Recognizing the value in simulating rea Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

listic extreme events, 68we assess the new data product for its ability to produce reasonable daily streamflow statistics. 69We evaluate the potential

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

to reproduce climate and hydrology in a plausible manner, such that 70historical statistics are reproduced.7172The principal aim of this study is to

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile 74products that can be used for future studies of regional hydrology or climate. Given these 75regional results, we assess the potential to export th

e method to other relatively data-sparse 76regions, where representative climatological average information is available but long-term daily 77data ar Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

e inadequate. The paper is otganized as follows: Section 2 describes the study area. In 78Section 3 we describe the data, the hydrological model and t

Using a gridded global data set to characterize regional hydroclimate in central Chile

he methodological approach. Results74

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

1 Using ã gridded global data set to characterize regional hydrodiinate in central Chile23E.M.C. Demaria1, E. Maurer’, J. Sheffield3, E. Bustos1, D. P

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