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Nội dung chi tiết: Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt


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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt-scholarly purpose, please contact AERAdirectlvAmerican Educational Research JournalSummer 2000, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 349-393“That Dog Won’t Hunt!”: Ex

emplary School Change Efforts Within the Kentucky ReformShelby A. Wolf, Hilda Borko, Rebekah L. Elliott, and Monette c. McIverCRESST/University of Col Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

orado at BoulderThis research presents case studies of four exemplary schools as they worked to meet the demands oj' the Kentucky Education Reform Act


(KERA) as well as the system designed to assess results—the Kentucky Instructional Results Information System (KIRIS). We argue that the teachers’ re

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntward learning as well as their principal’s leadership. Thus, human capital, the knowledge and willingness to learn on the part of individuals, is inex

tricably linked to social capital, the relationships of trust and Willingness to risk among school personnel, The way in which the four schools succes Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

sfully met the challenge of KERA and KIRIS was unique to each site. Still, there were critical commonalties among the teachers: their regard for histo


ry andShelby A. WoiJ- is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is co-principal investigator

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunts literature, literary response, and writing.Hilda Borko is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder and co-pri

ncipal investigator of this CRESST research. Her research addresses teacher cognition and the process of learning to teach. Her current work explores Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

teachers' learning of reform-based practices, and the teacher education and professional development experiences that support such learning.Rebekah L.


EiJJOTr is a doctoral candidate in mathematics education and research on teaching at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her professional interest

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt University of Colorado at Boulder and a third-grade teacher in rhe Adams Twelve Five Star School District. Her research interests include writing and

professional development in writing instruction.Wolf el al.heritage; the efficacy of their cooperative leadership; their careful reflection on the re Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

form itself which ultimately allowed them to teach well beyond the KIRIS test (particularly in writing); and, most important, their dedication to stud


ents.In :i certain pan of the country called Appalachia you will find dogs named Prince or King living in little towns with names like CoalCity and Sa

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntho push old bikes against the hill roads they call hollows. These are mostly gtxxl dogs and can be trusted. (Rylant, 1991, p.DOn one of our initial tr

ips to Kentucky, we sat in the office of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and discussed our research plans with the administrators who overs Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

ee Kentucky’s educational reform. In our first interview, we learned an instructive lesson about untrustworthy dogs. We had been explaining our intere


sts in simultaneously conducting a widespread survey of Kentucky teachers of writing and mathematics with case studies of exemplary teachers who were

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntteachers who were not “stars”—unique to their communities—but hardworking teachers who were well supported by their school contexts.2One administrator

was especially pleased with our focus on exemplary sites and suggested that it would be smart to study “sites that are doing things that can be done Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

in other areas.” Although he was not implying immediate transferability, there was a sense of an “existence proof.” He explained, “If you can find a s


chool that has a lot of challenges and see what they’ve done, then... people say if they did it, I can do it. and I’m willing to look for my own solut

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntad from his school that has 80% of the kids on free and reduced. ..lunch, and they have made progress and they arc at a higher absolute rank. So what

he says to his teachers is. “Don't bring up to me about how our kids are disadvantaged. That (log won't hunt!" That’s the Kenlucky-ism. And part of th Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

at phrasing from the principal is a characteristic that people in the department talk more about, and this is a "no excuses" approach. That is, you do


n’t say why things can’t be done; you say, "What is it that we need to do?" And what the principal was saying was, “If you can show me a place that ha

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt't do it. (A90F)Exemplary School Change EffortsWith (his lesson in mind, we set out to find schools with good hunting altitudes, schools that could be

trusted to ask, “What is it that we need to do?” and (hen set out IO do it. We found two in an urban area and two in the Appalachian coal towns where Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

good dogs chase rabbits up the hollows.Background on the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) and the Kentucky Instructional Results Information Syst


em (KIRIS)Before we describe a conceptual frame to indicate how schools shift within educational reform efforts, we need to present some background on

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntther, set out to prove that “all students can learn at high levels” (White, 1999, p. 20). The reform initiated by the state was both complicated and c

ourageous. One Kentucky school superintendent wrote:Only Kentucky had been lx)ld enough an education system that included all of the piece Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

meal reform efforts in existence in other pans of the country—and then some. Preschool education, site-based management, ungraded primary schools, per


formancebased teaching and testing, technology integration, rewards and sanctions for schools—all these initiatives...were pan of the state's ambitiou

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunter Education, Inc., 1989) that declared the state's public school system unconstitutional. The “justices gave remarkable weight to student outcomes...

. The court concluded that a school system in which a significant number of children receive an inadequate education or ultimately fail is inherently Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

inequitable and unconstitutional” (Foster, 1991. p. 34).As a result, (he legislature created a new school system through KERA. The Kentucky Education


Reform Act of 1990 brought about substantive changes in finance, governance, and curriculum. In terms of finance, KERA was guided by three concepts: “

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt White, 1997, P- 168). In terms of governance, school-based decision making became the norm. In fact, 5 years after KERA began, the Partnership for Ke

ntucky School Reform described school governance as:A two way street. A new, decentralized system is in place, one that relies on and incorporates ini Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

tiatives, partnerships, and communication between school administrators (from the lop down) and (hose active at the “point of instruction,” i.e., teac


hers, parents, and community memlxns (from the bottom up). (Boston, 1995, p. 18)Still, in this triumvirate of reform, nothing has been more important

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Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Huntystem was pervasive: “Ask almost any teacher in Kentucky about KERA, and invariably the response will be about KIRIS, while KERA has resulted in many

progressive changes... KIRIS, the assessment and accountability component of KERA, has commanded everyone’s attention” (Jones èt Whitford, 1997, p. 27 Wolf_et_al_That_dog_Wont_Hunt

6). Part of the reason for the attention has been the high-stakes nature of the KIRIS results. Schools that performed well were given rewards (includi


ng cash bonuses for teachers). 'Chose that performed poorly were sanctioned, which resulted in a state-mandated improvement plan and/or assistance by

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