Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

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Nội dung chi tiết: Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD, Sue Roulstonea*a Frenchay Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit, Nonh Bristol NHS Trust,Frenchay Hospital, Beckspool Road, Frenchay, Bristol BS1

6 1LE, UKb Charles Stun University, Bathurst, NSW, Australiac Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of the West of England, FrenchayCampus, Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

Bristol, BS16 1QY, UKd ALSPAC, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol.Oakfield House, Oakfield Grove Bristol. BS8 2BN, UKe Uni

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

versity of the West of England, Glenside Campus, Blackberry Hill, Fishponds, Bristol. BS16 1DD. UK* Corresponding author: Yvonne Wren, Frenchay Speech

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD19Email addresses: (Y. Wren), (S. McLeod), (P. White),i.Lmiller^ (

L- Miller), susan,roul$tQD€(g) (S. Roulstone)Highlights•Analysis of speech samples from a prospective population study•Three sample types co Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

nsidered: single word, connected speech and nonword repetition•Analysis of percentage of consonants correct (PCC), percentage of vowels correct (PVC),

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

substilulions/omissions/disiortions/addilions (SODA), and syllable level measures•Comparison with Shriberg et al. (1997) lifespan database•Single wor

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDpeech characteristics in a large scale population study. They will understand how measures of speech accuracy in connected speech compare with the Shr

iberg et al. (1997) lifespan database. The reader will also acquire information on how typically and atypically developing children differ on a range Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

of measures across different types of speech sample.Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyAbstrac

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

tSpeech disorder that continues Into middle childhood is rarely studied compared with speech disorder in the early years. Speech production in single

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDALSPAC). The majority (n=6,399) had typical speech and 50 of these children served as controls. The remainder were categorised as using common clinica

l distortions only (CCD. n=582) or speech difficulties (SDiff, n=409). The samples from the CCD children were not analysed further. Speech samples fro Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

m the SDiff and the control children were transcribed and analysed in terms of percentage consonants correơ, error type and syllable structure. Findin

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

gs were compared with those from children in the Shriberg et al. (1997) lifespan database (n=25). The 8-year-old children from ALSPAC in the SDiff and

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDores than the ALSPAC control group, with the following measures most clearly differentiating the groups: single word task (percentage of substitutions

and distortions), connected speech task (percentage of vowels correct PVC, percentage of omission of singletons and entire clusters, and stress patte Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

rn matches), nonword repetition task (PVC. percentage of entire clusters omitted, percentage of distortions, and percentage of stress pattern matches)

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

. Connected speech and nonword samples provide useful supplementary data for identifying older children with atypical speech.Keywords: Persistent spee

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDribe an interruption in the typical development of speech in young children. Increasingly however, it has been recognised that difficulties can persis

t beyond the early years and into older childhood. This is evident from recent studies that have investigated samples of children with persistent spee Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

ch disorder (PSD) (Clark. Harris. Jollef. Price & Neville. 2010: Goozee. Murdoch. Ozanne. Cheng. Hill & Gibbon, 2007; McGrath, Hutaff-Lee. Scott. Boad

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

a & Shriberg, 2008; Peterson, Pennington, Shriberg 8c Boada, 2009; Shriberg, Potter & Strand, 2011). Yet population data on the speech characteristics

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDfor children of this age and goes on to report the findings of speech samples from a large scale population study of 8-year-old children.Persistent sp

eech disorder has been defined as speech disorder which continues beyond the age of typical speech acquisition (Wren, Roulstone & Miller, 2012). Whils Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

t a definitive cut off age for the definition of PSD has not been agreed, it has generally been applied to children of approximately age 8 and above.

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

This is logical given that speech acquisition is generally considered to be complete by this age (Dodd. Holm. Hua & Crosbie. 2003: James. 2001: Smit.

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCDchildren whose speech disorder continues beyond this age are small in number but more at risk for long term persistence and associated sequelae, somet

imes into adulthood.Most standardized assessments of speech which extend to age 8 and beyond, sample single words only (Bankson & Bemthal. 2000; Fudal Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

a & Reynolds. 2000: Hodson. 2004: Masterson & Bernhardt. 2001). Yet a number of studies have highlighted the important contribution of connected speec

Wren McLeod White Miller Roulstone (in press) JCD

h in the assessment of children’s speech (Barnes. Roberts,Long. Martin, Berni, Mandulak et al., 2009: Howard, 2004; Klein & Liu-Shea, 2009;

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

Speech characteristics of 8-year-old children: Findings from a prospective population studyYvonne Wren**, sharynne McLeod6, Paul Whites Laura Miller4,

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