Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

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Nội dung chi tiết: Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi.D) who provided me valuable comments and guild me how to apply all theory into real business activities.My sincerely thanks is also extended to my ma

nager Ms. Nguyen Huong Quynh as Associate Director of Nielsen Company Vietnam who offers me precious advices for my research paper as well as the rese Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

arch survey' methods applied.Ĩ would like to thank to all lecturers in CFVG for the past two years for knowledge, skills gained in MBA program.Especia

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

lly, my thanks are also given to my family, friends, my boss, co-workers and class members of 17 Intake who support me during the hard time of researc

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoithe past decade with significant increase in production and consumption. Il has become ven,' lucrative markets especially for the retail industry in g

eneral and FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) in particular.In order to compete in the potential market, it is required to make out a sound marketingu’ Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

strategy to build a strong brand. Television advertising has been chosen as the very effective mean to promote and strengthen product’s image in the

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

customer’s mind. The more economic is developed, the more sophisticated the demand of consumer is. Vietnamese customers are considered as very potenti

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoipast decades, the customers have more choices for the products. Under the data by TNS Gallup Media, everyday people are exposed to around 3,000 advert

ising messages on average. With the overloaded advertisings, consumers are harder to please. Advertising is not merely a mean of communication, a tool Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

of marketing mix, but it is an art which requires the different elements, especially cultural element. In the research paper, the author focuses on c

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

ultural factors which are considered the hard barrier to win the customers’ preference. However, it is not easy for the advertiser, especially for the

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoinoi, the author is ambitious to analize the appealing cultural factors for Hanoians in specific FMCG products. With the research paper: ‘'Appealing cu

ltural factors for television advertising on FMCG in Hanoi”, the author expects it can analyze all the factors especially cultural ones to appeal cust Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

omers in television. In order to give insights on the importance of those factors as well as the effects on their consumer behaviors, the author condu

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

ct the survey for 150 questionnaires (92 out of those are valid) to understand what the audience/consumer think about the cultural factors appealing t

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoireport. With the utmost objective of the research paper, the author shall provide recommendations for advertisers as well as the companies'enterprises

to evaluate successful television advertising.2CHAPTER I: RESEARCH BACKG&AU^IL1.1 Research ProblemsVietnam economy has experienced rapid development Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

for the last two decade. Especially, after being official member of WTO, Vietnam has been known as fast emerging economy in Asia. Since then, Vietnam

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

has made progressive integration into the global economy. With the total population of around 86 million people ranking 3rd in ASIAN countries and 13r

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoied to increase up to 70 million by 2018. It is not exaggerating to affirm that Vietnam is a promising and lucrative retail investment market with huge

number of consumers. Even undergone hard time in economic crisis in 2009, Vietnam retail market is still an attractive destination not only for domes Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

tic enterprises but also international/global one.Though being promising market, Vietnam is not easy market for international/global companies to domi

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

nate. As our living conditions have been improved incredibly especially in Hanoi and Hochiminh city, the consumers are more and more sophisticated and

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoiotential market. Many international/global companies in their “first landing” and “go native” stage believe that advertising shall be dangerous weapon

in their marketing plan to win customers rapid developing markets such as Hanoi and Hochiminh city.They have aggressively launched advertising progra Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

ms in Vietnam with huge budget in order to lure more customers. Obviously, annually those companies often spend huge amount on TV advertisements with

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

an aim to attracting new triers and maintaining the loyalty of their customers, and strengthen their brand image in Vietnam. However, whether those ad

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoigional advertising video. Many of adverts have showed high effectiveness in some other countries in the region. However, when launching the same adver

tising in Vietnam, it copes with barriers which are traditional Vietnamese customs and practices. Mr. Sam, director of Bates advertising company said: Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

“Before 1 do not understand clearly about Vietnamese culture. When working in Vietnam, especially in this creative sector, 1 need to study thoroughly

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

your country’s customs and practices to initiate ideas appropriate with Vietnamese culture”.It does not mention only the different traits by countrie

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoinh city and Hanoians are well-known to be the hard to please customers.In fact, not all advertising campaigns work well as desired by marketers. Lesso

ns from international big guys so far show that not all their advertising campaigns work well and they even worsen their brand image. In order to pene Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

trate successfully into this lucrative market, it is required for international firms/enterprises to understand Vietnamese consumers’ traits and to ad

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

apt into its typical market’s features. “Thinking globally, acting locally” is famous slogan by HSBC seems to be also appropriate for other foreign en

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoimpaigns has been great concern of marketers in international companies operating in Hanoi in particular and Vietnam in general. This concerns by inter

national/global companies has inspired me to pursue my research on “cultural factors in TV advertising campaigns on FMCG for Hanoians” for the final d Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

issertation.3As mentioned above, in order to solve (he concerns by international marketers in Hanoi market in particular and Vietnam market in general

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

, my dissertation shall analyze comprehensive factors contributing to the most effective advertising. Due to limit time, the research paper cannot go

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoition docs not constrain to understand which cultural factors to be taken into consideration lor TV advertising campaigns but also to investigate Hanoi

an consumers’ attitude towards those and to develop best advertising campaign. Therelore, the dissertation set out all objectives clarified as bellow: Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

>WHAT? Clarify whic h cultural factors need to be taken into consideration lor TV advertising on FMCGs. ft is very important to define c ultural fac t

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

ors in advertising as they shall be the basis for strategy of international marketers for their decision making in Hanoi market.>WHY? Assess the impor

Acknowledgmenti or the completion of this dissertation, I would like to express my special appreciation to my Supervisor, Professor Vu Minh Due (P.ĨĨ.

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi cultural factors.r HOW? Give a guide on how to customize TV advertising effectively in Hanoi market. The author shall provide recommendations on how

to build a successful TV advertising campaign as the ultimate objective of the research for the advertising companies as well as the companies/enterpr Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

ises.I do expect that by answering those three questions “WHAT”, “WHY”, and “HOW” by the end of the research, it somehow can help internationabglobal

Appealing cultural factors for television advertising on fmcg in hanoi

companies acknowledge important issues to tailor TV advertising campaign in Hanoi in particular and in Vietnam in general.1.3 Research MethodologyIn t

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