Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sectorA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAvni MisraB.Sc. (University of Delhi, India)M.Sc. (Universi

ty of Rajasthan, India) MBM (RMIT University, Australia)School of Economics, Finance and MarketingCollege of BusinessRMIT University43313DeclarationI Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whol

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

e Of in part, to qualify for any other academic award; the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official c

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sectorures and guidelines have been followed I acknowledge the support I have received for my research through the provision of an Australian Government Res

earch Training Program ScholarshipAvni MisraDate of Submission: August 2018)1AcknowledgementsFrom rhe outset, this research has been a joy and privile Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

ge, made possible by the generous help and support of countless people both al RM11 University and beyond.First. I would like to thank rhe Almighty, m

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

y parents (Mr Jitendera Misra and Mrs Neelain Misra) and my special friends Baba (Mr Surinder Sharma) and Ms Bindu Ahuja for giving me their rock-soli

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sectorof the faith they showed in me and the support they provided during the ups and downs. From the beginning, my supervisors Professor Mike Reid and Dr M

arion Steel have provided me with incredible support and guidance. 1 do not have enough words to thank you both for making this possible for me. Ĩ can Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

proudly say I had the best supervisory team at RMIT University. You have challenged my thinking collaboratively and constructively and have helped in

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

shaping my career towards becoming an academic. I would also like to thank you both for being so patient and supportive during the hard times—you alw

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sectoriences to provide solutions for any issues that I faced during this journey.In addition. I thank Professor Tim Fry and the RMIT School of Economics. F

inance and Marketing for providing me with the financial support and facilities that made this journey possible, especially the support provided foi c Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

onferciice-rclatcd travel and slay. The experiences were very inspiring.I have valued rhe wise counsel of many, including Associate Professor Angela D

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

obele. Professor Lisa Farrell. Kathleen Griffiths. Dr Bernardo Figueiredo. Dr Kieran licincy. Jane Fry, Associate Professor Aston De Silva, Dr Sandy F

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector. They were also very motivational and provided me with encouragement, inspiration and whiskey and beer.One of the highlights of conducting this resea

rch was the opportunity to meet and work with many talented experts from the Australian biotechnology industry. 1 hen generosity.inkindness and time i Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

s highly appreciated. In particular, I thank Mr Glenn Cross, Ms Tanya Daw and Ms Jo Beamsley from AusBiotech. There are also many who cannot be named

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

in the thesis for the sake of confidentiality, but I am deeply indebted to them all for their contributions.My thesis would not have been possible wit

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector. Aman, Shekhar. Akash. Bnjesh. Nupur. Sally. Jonathan. Alla, Walla and many more. You all know who you are and I thank you for your understanding whi

le I have been absent In addition, I thank Mollit and Anjali, members of my extended family, for constant support and inquiries about my progress and Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

the encouragement to 'get it done'—without which completing this thesis would not have been possible.I would also like to thank the person who was the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sector

re when I started but did not make It with me to the end of this journey. His contributions to support me at the beginning of this journey are appreci

RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

Doctoral thesis of philosophy how do business networks influence the commercialisation of innovative new technologies a study of the australian biotechnology sectorD and E of the Australian Standards for Editing PracticeIVTo Mum, Dad and Baba.VTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to Research..................

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RMITUNIVERSITYHow do Business Networks Influence the Commercialisation of Innovative New Technologies? A study of the Australian Biotechnology SectorA

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