functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

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Nội dung chi tiết: functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse dol/10.1 F*Functional characterisation of c/s-regulatory elements governing dynamicEomes expression in the early mouse embryoClaire

s. Simon1. Damien J. Downes'. Matthew E. Gosden'. Jelena Telenius2, Douglas R. Higgs2. Jim R. Hughes2. Ita Costello1. Elizabeth K. Bikoff1. and Elizab functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

eth J. Robertson1Author Affiliations:1.The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. University of Oxford. Oxford 0X1 3RE. United Kingdom2.MRC Molecular H

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

aematology Unit. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine. University of Oxford. John Radcliffe Hospital. Oxford 0X3 9DS. United KingdomCorrespondin

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryoSummary statementTargeted genetic deletion and chromatin-conformation capture based characterisation ofcis-regulatory elements governing dynamic Eomes

expression identify an important endoderm enhancer required during mouse development.<£> 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists LtdThis Is an O functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

pen Access article dlsu-ibuted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( which permits

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction In any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.Development • Advance articleAbs

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryoments that direct expression in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), primitive streak (PS) and definitive endoderm (DE) have yet to be defined. Here,

we identified tlưee gene-proximal enhancer-like sequences functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

bryos. However, targeted deletion experiments demonstrate that PSE_a and PSE_b are dispensable and only the VPE is required for optimal Eomes expressi

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

on in vivo. Embryos lacking this enhancer display variably penetrant defects in anterior-posterior axis orientation and DE formation. Chromosome confo

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo) pre-formed compartment in ESC and activation during DE differentiation occurs in the absence of 3D structural changes. ATAC-seq analysis reveals tha

t VPE. PSE_a. and four additional putative enhancers display increased chromatin accessibility in DE associated with Smad2/3 binding coincident with t functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

ranscriptional activation. In contrast, activation of the Eonies target genes Foxa2 and LhxJ is associated with higher order chromatin reorganisation.

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

Thus diverse regulator)' mechanisms govern activation of lineage specifying TFs during early development.Development • Advance articleIntroductionRec

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functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryoecisely co-ordinate cell fate decisions during gastrulation. Nodal/Smad signals from the epiblast are required for specification of the AVE. a discret

e signaling center that establishes anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity (Brennan et al.. 2001; Robertson. 2014; Slower and Srinivas. 2014). The A-P axis functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

initially becomes visible at gastmlation. when proximal posterior cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) at the PS to form nasce

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

nt mesoderm. Slightly later, following distal extension of the streak, endoderm progenitors delaminate and emerge onto the surface of the embryo (Kwon

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo and orientation of the A-P axis (Arnold et al.. 2008a: Ciruna and Rossant. 1999: Nowotschin et al.. 2013). as well as EMT of nascent mesoderm cells (

Arnold et al., 2008a; Costello et al.. 2011: Russ et al.. 2000; van den Ameele et al.. 2012). At post-implantation stages Eomes is expressed in the Ex functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

E and embryonic-VE. robustly induced at the onset of gastrulation in the PS. maintained in the anterior PS as it extends, before being abruptly lost c

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

oincident with node formation (Kwon and Hadjantonakis. 2007). Fate mapping experiments demonstrate that transient Eornes expression marks progenitors

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryovided insight into cell type specific developmental enhancers governing expression of key genes responsible for partitioning the pluripotent epiblast

into discrete cell lineages. Proximal cÁs-regulatory regions within 20kb of the transcriptional start sites (TSS) directing spatiotemporal!}' restrict functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

ed expression of Nodal, Mespl/2 and Lhxl have been identified. Both the ASE. an intronic autoregulatory enhancer (Adachi et al.. 1999: Norris and Robe

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

rtson. 1999). and the Wnt signaling responsive 5’ PEE (Ben-Haim et al.. 2006) cooperatively regulate Nodal expression. Mutant embryos lacking these ge

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryomilarly, the Mespl/2 genes, essential for formation of nascent mesoderm, are jointly regulated by the EME, an Eomes dependent enhancer (Costello et al

.. 2011; Haraguchi et al.. 2001). Our recent workDevelopment • Advance articledemonstrates that Lhxỉ. required for AVE and anterior mesendoderm specif functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

ication (Barnes et al.. 1994: Shawlot and Behringer. 1995), is directly controlled by Eomes binding to a proximal promoter element (Nowotschin et al..

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

2013).Eomes. rapidly induced in the proximal-posterior epiblast coincident with the acquisition of A-P polarity (Ciruna and Rossant, 1999). is widely

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryos. Eomes represents the earliest lineage-specifying gene in the embryo-proper. However, relatively little is known about the c/s-acting regulatory ele

ments controlling its dynamic pattern of expression. Recent studies of mouse and human ESC have identified a conserved switch enhancer -7kb upstream o functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

f the TSS (Beyer et al., 2013; Kartikasari et al., 2013; Rada-Iglesias et al.. 2011) that is repressed under self-renewing conditions (Teo et al.. 201

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

1), and becomes activated during mesoderm and endoderm differentiation. However, possible functional contributions made by this genomic region have ye

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryoof function transgenic reporter assays identified three gene-proximal Eoines enhancer-like sequences (PSE_a. PSE_b and VPE). However, when we engineer

ed germline deletions to evaluate their functional contributions in vivo. surprisingly, only the VPE was found to influence expression in the early em functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

bryo. We also exploited Next Generation (NG) Capture-C technology (Davies et al.. 2016) to describe the 3D structural features of the locus. The Eomes

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

promoter occupies a discrete 500kb regulatory compartment in ESC. and this chromatin conformation is not appreciably altered during DE differentiatio

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryont display increased chromatin accessibility and acquire Smad2/3 occupancy during DE differentiation. This mode of 3D genome organisation probably ser

ves to facilitate rapid Nodal/Smad-dependent activation of the locus. In contrast, developmentally regulated Foxa2 and Lhxl promoter-promoter and prom functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

oter-enhancer interactions seem to require substantial structural changes during the shift from transcriptionally inactive to active conformation.Deve

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

lopment • Advance articleResultsIdentification of proximal Eomes enhancers active during gastrulationPutative enhancer elements containing DNase hyper

Development Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 7 February 2017 í hftns7/khothuviê com Access the most recent version at http://dev.biolog

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo27me3 (Rada-Iglesias et al.. 2011; Zentner et al., 2011). To identify candidate enhancers at the Eoines locus we examined ChlP-seq datasets from undif

ferentiated ESC. epiblast like cells (EpiLC) and mesodermal precursors (MES) (Alexander et al.. 2015: Buecker et al.. 2014: Consortium. 2012). corresp functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

onding to the E4.5 epiblast (ESC), the E5.5 epiblast (EpiLC) or E6.5 primitive streak (MES) cell populations.We identified three DNase hypersensitive

functional characterisation of cis regulatory elements governing dynamic eomes expression in the early mouse embryo

sites close to the Eotnes promoter marked by H3K4mel that show increased H3K27ac upon differentiation, including two sites (PSE_a and PSE_b) located c

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