Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

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Nội dung chi tiết: Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx miceproves muscle pathology of adult mdx miceNgoc Lu-Nguyen. Alberto Malerba. Linda Popplewell. Fred Schnell. Gunnar Hanson.George DicksonPll:S2162-2531(1

6)30367-5DOI:10.1016/j.omtn.2016.11.009Reference:OMTN 10To appear in:Molecular Therapy: Nucleic AcidReceived Date: 31 October 2016Revised Date: 21 Nov Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ember 2016Accepted Date: 21 November 2016Please cite this article as: Lu-Nguyen N. Malerba A, Popplewell L. Schnell F. Hanson G. Dickson G. Systemic i

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ntravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improves muscle pathology of adu

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx miceed for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, type

setting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be disc Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

overed which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPTAbstractAntisense-mediated exon

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

skipping is a promising approach for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare life-threatening genetic disease due to dystrophin def

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micentisense therapy can be used to induce destructive skipping of myostatin pre-niRXA. knocking-down myostatin expression to enhance muscle strength and

reduce fibrosis. We have previously reported that intramuscular or intraperitoneal antisense administration inducing dual exon skipping of dystrophin Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

and myostatin pre-mRNAs was beneficial in mdx mice, a mouse model of DMD. although therapeutic effects were muscletype restricted, possibly due to the

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

delivery routes used. Here, following systemic intravascular antisense treatment, muscle strength and body activity- of treated adult ntíỉx mice incr

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx miceing therapy, as compared to those receiving dystrophin antisense therapy alone. Our results support the translation of antisense therapy for dystrophi

n restoration and myostatin inhibition into the clinical setting for DMD.Keywords: antisense oligonucleotides. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, dystrophin Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

, exon skipping, myostatin2ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPTIntroductionDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMĐ) is the most common fatal muscular disease in children, aff

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ecting approximately 1 in 3500 male births1. This X-hnked recessive disorder is characterized by the absence of dystrophin protein due to mutations in

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx miceintain muscle integrity3-4. The absence of dystrophin makes myofibers extremely susceptible to injury during muscle contraction that leads to progress

ive muscle deterioration and weakness, respirator}' insufficiency, cardiac failure, and premature death5 6.Since the identification of the genetic cau Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

se of DMD almost 30 years ago2, many strategies have been developed for symptomatic treatment of the disease, but none has yet pl oven to be curative.

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

Cun ent therapies are able to address several dystrophinopathy symptoms to improve the quality of life for DMD patients or delay the disease developm

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micehown abilities to collect the faulty D.\iD gene1112, to add a modified form of the D1\£D gene13-10, or to generate myofibers from engrafted mesoangiob

lasts1 Among these, antisense therapy has been considered as one of the most promising approaches1819 and so far the only genetic therapy to be condit Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ionally approved by FDA for DMD treatment (i.e. EXONDYS 51™ - Eteplirsen. Sarepta Therapeutic Inc.). The approach uses small antisense oligonucleotide

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

s designed to silence enhancer motifs on out-of-fiame exons in rhe DMD pre-mRNA to restore the DMD reading frame and recover production of dystrophin

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micePTmodels of DMD2-23. However, such approach suffers rhe limitation of DMD being often diagnosed when skeletal muscles are severely wasted and only a m

inor portion of muscle tissue remains. Furthermore, multiple problems developed in advanced stages of the disease (i.e. muscle infiltration with fat a Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

nd connective tissue, respiratory and cardiac dysftmction. and reduced muscle function as a consequence of substantial muscle fiber loss6,24-*8) are v

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ery challenging for this treatment. Hence, several adjunctive therapies have been recently investigated, in particular for entrancing muscle strength

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micegrowth and differentiation*9, an enhancer of muscle fibroblast proliferation30, and an indirect modulator of adipogenesis31. Myostatin downregulation

has been reported to increase muscle mass and muscle strength in a mdx mouse model of DMD through the use of niyostatill-blocking agents like monoclon Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

al antibodies3233, recombinant myostatin propeptides34,35, myostatin antagonists36'37, or soluble myostatin receptors38. We and others have demonstrat

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ed that it is possible to employ antisense therapy inducing destructive exon skipping of myostatin pre-mRNA for inhibiting myostatui expression. This

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micerial therapy with an antisense approach restoring dystrophin in md.x mice, tlirough intramuscular41 or intraperitoneal injection22, enhanced the thera

peutic benefits offered by dystrophin restoration alone.Heie we performed intravenous systemic delivery of phosphorodiainidate morpholino oligomers co Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

njugated with B peptide (BPMOs). an arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide, for open-reading4ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPTframe rescue of dystrophm and destruct

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx mice

ive exon skipping of myostatin. Following ten consecutive weeks of treatment. treated rndx mice displayed increase in muscle strength to comparable le

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

Systemic antisense therapeutics for dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation improve muscle pathology of adult mdx micewide dystrophin restoration is combined with myostatin inhibition, compared to the single dystrophin therapy.5

Accepted ManuscriptSystemic intravenous administration of antisense therapeutics for combinatorial dystrophin and myostatin exon splice modulation imp

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