A practical application of supply chain management principles
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A practical application of supply chain management principles
Copyrighted Materials Copyright c 2C08 American Society for Quality (ASQ) Retrieved from w«w knovel comA Practical Application of Supply Chain Managem A practical application of supply chain management principlesment PrinciplesThomas T. SchocnfcldtASQ Quality PressAmerican Society for Quality. Quality Press. Milwaukee 53203© 2008 by ASQ 'All rights reserved. Published 2008Printed in the United States of America 14 13 12 11 10 09 0854321Library' of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataSchoenfcldl. Thomas 1 A practical application of supply chain management principles.. 1946-A practical application of supply chain management principles Thomas I. Schoenfeld I.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN:A practical application of supply chain management principles
978-0-8/389-736-5 (alk. paper)1. Business logistics. I. Title.HD38.5.S35 2008658.7 dc222008001858ISBN: 978-0-87389-736-5No part of this book may be rCopyrighted Materials Copyright c 2C08 American Society for Quality (ASQ) Retrieved from w«w knovel comA Practical Application of Supply Chain Managem A practical application of supply chain management principlesisher.Publisher: William A. TonyAcquisitions iidilor: Malt 1. McinholzProject F.ditor: Paul O'MaraProduction Administrator: Randall BensonASQ Mission: The American Society for Quality advances individual, organizational, and community excellence worldw ide through learning, quality improvement, and A practical application of supply chain management principlesknowledge exchange.Attention Bookstores. Wholesalers. Schools, and Corporations: ASQ Quality Press books, videotapes, audiotapes, and software are avaA practical application of supply chain management principles
ilable at quantity discounts with bulk purchases for business, educational, or instructional use. l or information, please contact ASQ Quality- Press Copyrighted Materials Copyright c 2C08 American Society for Quality (ASQ) Retrieved from w«w knovel comA Practical Application of Supply Chain Managem A practical application of supply chain management principlesPress Publications Catalog, including ASQ membership information, call 800-248-1946. Visit our Web site at www.asq.org or http://www.asq.org/quality-press.Printed in the United States of AmericaPrinted on acid-free paperAS©Quality PressÓ00 N. Plankinton Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 Call toll fr A practical application of supply chain management principlesee 800-248-1946Fax 414-272-1734www.asq.orghttp://vAvw.asq.org/quolity-pressCopyrighted Materials Copyright E 2008 American Society for Quality (ASQ) RA practical application of supply chain management principles
etrieved from MW knovel com ICopyrighted Materials Copyright c 2C08 American Society for Quality (ASQ) Retrieved from w«w knovel comA Practical Application of Supply Chain ManagemCopyrighted Materials Copyright c 2C08 American Society for Quality (ASQ) Retrieved from w«w knovel comA Practical Application of Supply Chain ManagemGọi ngay
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