Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

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Nội dung chi tiết: Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

Aging and Working in the New EconomyAging and Working in the New Economy Changing Career Structures in Small IT FirmsEdited byJulie Ann McMullinUniver

Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firmsrsity of Western Ontario, CanadaandVictor w. MarshallUniversity of North Carolina at Chape! lid I, USAEdward ElgarCheltenham. UK • Northampton. MA. US

A©Julie Ann McMullin and Victor w. Marshall 2010All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or tr Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

ansmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.P

Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

ublished byEdward Elgar Publishing LimitedThe Lypiatts15 Lansdown RoadCheltenhamGlosGL50 2JAUKEdward Elgar Publishing. Inc.William Pratt House9 Dewey

Aging and Working in the New EconomyAging and Working in the New Economy Changing Career Structures in Small IT FirmsEdited byJulie Ann McMullinUniver

Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms7769FSCMixed SourcesProduct grrxip from well nwnogod forocti iód oihor controlled courcetorg Cort no. SACOC-15C.5e 19« Forest Strwardshlf. CouncilISBN

978 1 84844 177 4Printed and bound by MPG Books Group. UKContents Aging and working in the new economy changing career structures in small IT firms

Aging and Working in the New EconomyAging and Working in the New Economy Changing Career Structures in Small IT FirmsEdited byJulie Ann McMullinUniver

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