Aristotles economic thought

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Nội dung chi tiết: Aristotles economic thought

Aristotles economic thought

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

Aristotles economic thoughtland Bangkok Bombay Calcutta Cape Town Dar ts Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madras Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairob

i Pant Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associated companies in Berlin IbadanOxford u a trade mark of Oxford University PreuPublished in the United Aristotles economic thought

States by Oxford University Preu Inc.. New Yorkc Scott Meikle 1995All right! reserved No part of thứ publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrie

Aristotles economic thought

val system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permúíion in writing of Oxford University Preu.Within the UK, exceptions ar

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

Aristotles economic thoughtns and Patents Act, 19&8, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the term! of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing A

gency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these term and in other countries should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Aristotles economic thought

the address aboveBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data availableLibrary of Congreu Cataloging in Publication Data Meihle. ScottAristotl

Aristotles economic thought

e"s economic thought / Scott Meikle. Includes bibliographical references and index1 Anslotle Contributions in economics 2 Economics History.I. TitleHB

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

Aristotles economic thoughttd . Guildford & King's LynnTo KirstenACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt is a pleasure to thank my friends and colleagues Pat Shaw and Chris Martin for reading large

parts of the manuscript, and for much critical discussion. To Hillel Ticktin and Geoff Kay I owe a special debt for having introduced me to the murky Aristotles economic thought

depths of exchange value.Some of the material has appeared in print before. I am grateful to the Journal of Hellenic Studies, Polis, the Classical Qua

Aristotles economic thought

rterly, Phronesis, and Basil Blackwell, for permission to make use of it here.Lindsay Judson’s article ’Aristotle on Fair Exchange’ deals in part with

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

Aristotles economic thoughtform as Chapter 7 of the present book. Judson’s article also presents arguments addressing issues that are fundamental to the interpretation of Aristo

tle offered here, but it unfortunately reached me too late to be taken account of.Translations are always from Ross. Rackham, Barker, or Irwin. On the Aristotles economic thought

few occasions when another translator has been used, this has been indicated in the text.Iacknowledge the granting of one term of study leave towards

Aristotles economic thought

preparing the book by the Department of Personnel Services (Academic) of Glasgow University.S.M.Glasgow1994

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

Aristotle’s Economic ThoughtSCOTT MEIKLECLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD1995Oxford University Preu, Wdllon Street, Oxford 0x2 6l>pOxford New York Athens Auckl

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