Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
Colonial Rule &Social Change in Korea1910-1945ỉxỉii-cỉb. HONG YUNG LEE, YONG-CHOOL HA, ê CLARK w. SORENSENCenter for Korea Studies PublicationsThe Nor Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)rthern Region of Korea. History, Identity, and CultureEdited by Sim Joo KilnReassessing the Park Chung Hee Era, 1961-1979.Development, Political Thought, Democracy, and Cultural Influence Edited by Hyung-A Kim and Clark w. SorensenThe Center for Korea Studies Publication Series published by the Univ Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)ersity of Washington Press is supported by the Academy of Korean Studies Giant funded by the Korean Government (MEST) (AKS-201 l-BAA-2101).«12012 ■«£sColonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
K- -rfls (AKS-2012-BAA-2101).The Center for Korea Studies Publication Series b dedicated to providing excellent academic resources and conference voluColonial Rule &Social Change in Korea1910-1945ỉxỉii-cỉb. HONG YUNG LEE, YONG-CHOOL HA, ê CLARK w. SORENSENCenter for Korea Studies PublicationsThe Nor Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)al Rule and Social Change in 1945Edited byHONG YUNG LEE, YONG C11OOL HA, and CLARK w. SORENSENA CENTER FOR KOREA STUDIES PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESSSEATTLE & LONDONColonial Rtde and Social Change in Korea, I910-Ỉ945htt nc//khrrthi ivickn mmEdited by Hong'Yung Lee. Yong Cliool Ha. and Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications) Clark w. Sorensennaps 7/KnomU VI©2013 by rhe Center for Korea Studies, University of WashingtonPrinted in rhe United States of America 18 17 1Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
6 15 14 13 1 2 3 4 5All rẹirts reserved. No pan of Illis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechaColonial Rule &Social Change in Korea1910-1945ỉxỉii-cỉb. HONG YUNG LEE, YONG-CHOOL HA, ê CLARK w. SORENSENCenter for Korea Studies PublicationsThe Nor Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)enry M Jackson School of International StudiesUniversity of WashngtonBox 353650, Seattle. WA 98195-3650http: is is. Washington, edn KoreaUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESSP.O Box 50096, Seattle. WA 98195 U.S.A.uwvAvashington.ediiirwpressLIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATAColonial rule and Colonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications) social change in Korea. 1910-1945 edtted by Hong Yung Lee. Yung Clrool Ha. and Clark W. Sorensen.p. cm. — (A Center for Korea Studies publication)"AColonial rule and social change in korea, 1910 1945 (center for korea studies publications)
Center for Korea Studies publication."Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-295-99216-7 (pbk. : a Ik. paper)Colonial Rule &Social Change in Korea1910-1945ỉxỉii-cỉb. HONG YUNG LEE, YONG-CHOOL HA, ê CLARK w. SORENSENCenter for Korea Studies PublicationsThe NorColonial Rule &Social Change in Korea1910-1945ỉxỉii-cỉb. HONG YUNG LEE, YONG-CHOOL HA, ê CLARK w. SORENSENCenter for Korea Studies PublicationsThe NorGọi ngay
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