Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work
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Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work
CONFRONTINGDYSTOPIATHE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION AND THE FUTURE OF WORKEDITED BY\/ ÀConfronting DystopiaThe New Technological Revolution and the Tu Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of workuture of WorkEdited by Eva PausILR PressAN IMPRINT OF Cornell University PressIthaca and LondonCopyright 0 2018 hy Cornell UniversityAll rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this hook, or parts thereof, must not he reproduced in any form without permission in writing from rhe pu Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of workblisher. For information, address Cornell University Press, Sage House. 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850. Visit our website at cornellpreConfronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work published 2018 by Cornell University PressPrinted in rhe United States of AmericaLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DaCONFRONTINGDYSTOPIATHE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION AND THE FUTURE OF WORKEDITED BY\/ ÀConfronting DystopiaThe New Technological Revolution and the Tu Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of workolution and the future of work / edited by Eva Paus.Description: Ithaca : ILR Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press, 2018.1 “Many of the contributions to this book were presented in an earlier version at the conference, “The future of jobs: the dual challenges of globalization and robotizati Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of workon," that rook place ar Mount I lolyoke College in February 2016”—Acknowledgments. I Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: I.CCNConfronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work
2017054549 (print) I 1 CCN 2017057124 (ebook) I ISBN 9781501719875 (epub/rnobi) I ISBN 9781501719868 (pdf) I ISBN 9781501719844 I ISBN 9781501719844 (CONFRONTINGDYSTOPIATHE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION AND THE FUTURE OF WORKEDITED BY\/ ÀConfronting DystopiaThe New Technological Revolution and the Tu Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of workrelations—Effect of technological innovations on—Congresses. I Work environment—Technological innovations— (Congresses. I Technological unemployment—Congresses.Classification: I cc 111)6331 (ebook) I ICC 111)6331 .C687 2018 (print) I l)l)(C 331.25—dc23I.c record available at Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work7054549ContentsAcknowledgmentsvii1The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be1Eva PansPari I. Trends: Job Destruction and Job Creation2The Rise of the Robots:Confronting dystopia the new technological revolution and the future of work
Impact on Unemploymentand Inequality27Marlin Ford3New Technologies, Innovation, and the Future of Jobs46Irmgard NiiblerCONFRONTINGDYSTOPIATHE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION AND THE FUTURE OF WORKEDITED BY\/ ÀConfronting DystopiaThe New Technological Revolution and the TuCONFRONTINGDYSTOPIATHE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION AND THE FUTURE OF WORKEDITED BY\/ ÀConfronting DystopiaThe New Technological Revolution and the TuGọi ngay
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