Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
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Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA Gow Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economieswer BooCorporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
ontribute in order to provide access and the necessary skills, then individuals will have the capabilities to achieve their aspirations, including earCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA Gow Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesility of individuals is improved. Beyond that, this book shows that sustainable development goals can be achieved when the company's CSR programs and social capital development in improving people's capabilities are combined with necessary finance access and market access for the poor. The theoretic Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesal model developed from the journey of Astra International, one of the largest public-listed companies in Indonesia, is replicable for other companiesCorporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
aspiring to be sustainable in developing countries. The model shows a virtuous cycle between the corporate aim. CSR programs, social capital and corpCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA Gow Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesustainable development of developing countries. It also appeals to professionals in industry associations, development agencies and international organisations, as well as NGOs that arc concerned with the achievement of sustainable development goals by 2030.Risa Bhinekawati is a corporate sustainabi Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economieslity advisor and a lecturer who is very passionate about improving sustainable development in developing countries. She is now a lecturer at PodomoroCorporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
University. Indonesia, and also serves as an Advisory Board Member of Women in Global Business. Indonesian Chapter.Finance, Governance and SustainabilCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA Gow Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesDC. USAFocusing on the studies of academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and government officers, this international series aims to contribute to the progress in matters of finance, good governance and sustainability. These multidisciplinary books combine strong conceptual analysis Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economieswith a wide range of empirical data and a wealth of case materials. They will be of interest to those working in a multitude of fields, across financeCorporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
, governance, corporate behaviour, regulations, ethics and sustainability.For a full list of titles in this series, please visit FinCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA Gow Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesarketsEdited by Giiler ArasSustainable Governance in Hybrid OrganizationsAn International Case Study of Water CompaniesLinne Marie LauesenTransforming GovernanceNew Values. New Systems in the New Business EnvironmentEdited by Maria Aluchna and GulerArasStrategy. Structure and Corporate GovernanceNab Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economiesyla DaidjCorporate Behavior and SustainabilityDoing Well by Being GoodEdited by GiilerAras and Coral IngleyCorporate Social Responsibility and SustainCorporate social responsibility and sustainable development social capital and corporate development in developing economies
able DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing Economies Risa RhinekawatiCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA GowCorporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital and Corporate Development in Developing EconomiesRisa BhinekawatiLULULUA GowGọi ngay
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