Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

DELUSIONSOF POWERNew Explorations of the State. War. and EconomyR0BER1GGSTHE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTEDELUSIONSOF powerNew Explorations of the State. War.

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy. and EconomyROBERTHIGGSOakland, CallfombThcK INI)EPE>gjENT INSTTfOTETH.https://khothuvien .comCopyright ©2012 by The Independent InstituterAll Rights

Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by electi onic or mechanical means now known or to be invented, including Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, witliout permission hi writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who ma

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

y quote kief passages in a review. Nothing herein should lie construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Institute or as an attempt to aid or

DELUSIONSOF POWERNew Explorations of the State. War. and EconomyR0BER1GGSTHE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTEDELUSIONSOF powerNew Explorations of the State. War.

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economymail inlbftiudcpendcnl.orgWebsite: WWW independent.01gCover Design: Christopher BuenaventuraCover Image: © Frederic Chou / GettyInterior Design and Co

mposition by Leigh McLellan DesignLibrary of Congress Caraỉoging-in-Piibìiearion DaraHiggs, Robert.Delusions of power: new explorations of rhe state, Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

war, and economy Ỉ Robert Higgs.p. cm.ISBN 978-1-59813-045-4 (pbk) ISBN 978-1-59813-052-2 (hardcover)1. Power (Social sciences)-United States. 2. Unit

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy

ed States-Military policy. 3. United States-Economic pohcy-20th century. 4. United States-History. Military-20th century. 5. United States-Polhics and

DELUSIONSOF POWERNew Explorations of the State. War. and EconomyR0BER1GGSTHE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTEDELUSIONSOF powerNew Explorations of the State. War.

Delusions of power new explorations of the state, war, and economy.JK271.H57 2012355’.033573-dc23201102748016 15 14 ỈĨ 125 4 52 1For David and Mary Theroux

DELUSIONSOF POWERNew Explorations of the State. War. and EconomyR0BER1GGSTHE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTEDELUSIONSOF powerNew Explorations of the State. War.

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