Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks
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Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks
VIETNAM NATION AL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STI DIES it*******************NGUYÊN H Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooksHÀI YÉNDIFFICULTIES FACED BY SIXTH GRADE STUDENTSIN LEARNING THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS(Những khó khãn học sinh lóp 6 gặp phai trong quá trình học chương trình sách Tiếng Anh mới)M.A. MINOR PROGRAMME THESISField: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 8140231.01Hanoi, 12/ 20181VIETNAM NATIONAL U Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooksNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACT TTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES ********************NGUYỀN HẢI YẾNDIFFICULTIESDifficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks
FACED BY SIXTH GRADE STUDENTSIN LEARNING THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS(Nhũng khó khấn học sinh lóp 6 gặp phâi trong quá trình học chương trình sách Tiếng VIETNAM NATION AL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STI DIES it*******************NGUYÊN H Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks2TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.......................................................iACKNOW LEDGEMEM s................................................iiABSTRACT........................................................iiiLIST OF TABLES....................................................VABBREMATIONS.. Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks...................................................viCHAPTER I: IM RODLCTION...........................................31.1.Rationale of the study....Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks
...................................31.2.Aims of the study............................................41.3.Research questions..........................VIETNAM NATION AL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STI DIES it*******************NGUYÊN H Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooks1.6.Design of the thesis.........................................61.7.Chapter summary..............................................6CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REMEW......................................72.1.Review of previous research..................................7 Difficulties faced by sixth grade students in learning the new english textbooksVIETNAM NATION AL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STI DIES it*******************NGUYÊN HGọi ngay
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