Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1

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Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1igraine GinkAlison FrithClinical Research SisterThe City of London Migraine CUnk©WILEY-BLACKWELLA John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., PublicationBMJI BooksThis e

dition first published 2009. o 2009 by Blackwell Publishing ltdBMJ Books is an imprint of BMJ Publishing Group Limited, used under licence by Blackwdl Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1

Publishing which was acquired hy John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell's publishing programme has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific.

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Technical and Medical business to form Wilcy-BbckwclLRegistered office: John Wiley & Sons 1 td. The Atrium. Southern Gate. Ghichesaer. West Sussex. P

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1eet. Hoboken. NJ :tO-!,774. USAFor details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and tor information about how to apply for perm

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ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

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publication IS designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding th

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1ompetent professional should be sought.The contents of this work arc intended to further general scientific research, understanding. and discussion on

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s work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In view of o

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1quipment, and devices, the reader is urged to review and evaluate the information provided in the package insert or Instructions for each medicine, eq

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al source of further information does 1X11 mean dial the autlsor or the publrslier endorses the UiforriMtion lire organicatkm or Website may provide o

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1en this work was written and when it is read No warranty may be created or extended by any promotional statements for dirs work. Neidter die publisher

nor die author shall be liable for any damages arising Isereftom.Library ofCongre» Calolvỵing in PubỉicutHrn l>aluABC of lieadaclx- / edited by Anne Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1

MacGregor. Alison Frith.p.: cm.Includes bibliographical rtferetKO and index.IbBN 978 I 1051 7066 6 (alk paper)I. 1. MacGregor, Anne, I9601

Ebook ABC of headache: Part 1

1. Frith, Alison.DNLM: 1. Headache diagnosis. 2. Headache Disorders diagnosis. WL 312 A112 20081RCW2.A27 2CNM616.8*491—dcZ221X1X00198'1ISBN: 978-1-405

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

ABGHeadacheEdited by Anne MocOegor dnd A!i$©n Frith’ WILEY-BLACKWELL.BooksAB€HeadacheAnne MacGregorDirector of Clinical Research The City of London Mi

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