Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2•Antenatal ultrasound scanning during pregnancy detects a range of structural renal abnormalities which require assessment and follow updunnq infancy.

•Urinary tract infection is commoner in infants in children wth certain structural abnormalities of the urinary tract.•( Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

.i K Ilii'CcxiarKMK-sl C.IW- <>l rrri.ll l.iilutc in childlxxxi•Cicnetii .illy intx-riled rixi.i' (iv-.iM-. .XI'mini likely lo IXCMYII in cliildlxxxl

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

Ilii-X' im hxk- ixHtiMxml KM i~AÌvt'fx:lytyslii kidney div4V. AJfi

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2ommonly occurs between the ages of 1 and 5 years, in boys mere often than in giris.•The majority of children (80-85%; are responsive to steroid treatm

ent, though many of these will have a relapsing course. Other immunosuppressive therapy may be mdcated in children who relapse frequently, to minimize Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

die side-effects of steroids.•Most children'outgtov/ ix-phrotk -.ynrtmuH'by Ihrx Lite trx-ns witlxxil fx-nnurimt ct.irn.iqr Io their kidneys, and hav

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

e an rxcrl lent Icxiq Ilf m prognosis•Rrri.ll biopsy n norma’ Y rr-.rrvrd lex those who do not re-fxxid tn sterorrl treatment In these chridren, local

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2idney disease management are common to adults and children, the underlying disease spectrum is very different, and children are more than just ’small

adults* when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. In this chapter, we will therefore concentrate on conditions which arc specific to children nr where Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

there are particular issues relating to the diseases in childhood.Glomerulonephritis•(ilmriif uluixfiliiilA is an iiilLinviutkxi ol the qkxrxf uli ar

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

id nwy tx‘ tifiifxx.xy and reverstilr, nr it m.iy progress lit IliKXlic rrn.J (dilute. 11 is usually manilesl t>y tilcxxl pressure, rucriiwop

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2sis fee recovery.•Henoch-Schon’em Purpura IS frequently associated with renal involvement, though this IS usually clinically mild and self-limiting. A

minority may develop severe gfcmerulxiephntis.•Haemolytic uraemic syndrems IS the commonest cause of acute renal fa lure JI childhood. Fill recovery Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

ts usual when associated wth E. coll 0157 enteroco -JS and diarrhoeaRenal replacement therapy• l.xlurr, till lie nil 4<

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

I r-A .Itxl xilirrrnl c.itdix/nst Iilir iovl.ixlity means |X'ril

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2tiatily iix-vil.ihk- .11 Slime stage•Lnsng related donor transplantation ts increasingly undertaken in most paediatric centres, and this fee. tates pr

e-emptree transplantation whereby dalysts B avoided.Structural abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tractThese are commonly detected anlenatally ( Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

Table 8.1), usually al the 2(1 week anomaly scan,or in early childhood, often with urinary tract infection (IJTI). Some simple examples of congenital

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

urogeni tai abnormalities arc shown in Figure 8.1. Some presentations of ƯTI arc shown in Table 8.2.Renal pelvic dilatation (RPD)This is the most comm

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2s- A common approach is to start prophylactic trimethoprim at birth and perform ultrasound scans at 1 and 6 weeks after birth. If both are normal, the

n the infant needs no further investigation and prophylaxis can bestopped;40CKO. Dialysis a --------------------------1-----Table 8.1 Antenatal abnorm Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

alities of kidneys and urinary tractDiagnosisFeatures on antenatal scanObstruction: PUIRenal peMc dilation »/- calyceal dilatationVUJAs above. with ur

Ebook ABC of kidney disease: Part 2

eteric dilatationPUVAs above, with distended bladder; *!-oAgohydratmios

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

CHAPTER 8Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation in ChildrenJudy Taylor, Christopher ReidOVERVIEWCongenital and structural renal disease•

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