Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2vvwvv.AlasofSutittingk:dmiqiies.C0iiLApplicationThis is the standard benchmark suture used for closure and epidermal approximation. It may be used alo

ne in the context of small wounds under minimal to no tension., such as those formed by either a small bunch biopsy ora traumatic laceration. Il is al Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

so frequently used as a secondary layer to aid ill the approximation of the epidermis when the dermis has been closed using a dermal or other deep sut

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

uring technique.Suture Material ChoiceWith all techniques, it is best to use the thinnest suture possible in order to minimize the risk of track marks

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2 placed with the goal of: (1) acco m p I ish ing ep iderm a I app rox im a-lion in a wound under moderate tension, such as a laceration or punch biops

y, or (2) fine-tuning the epidermal approximation of a wound where the tension has already been shifted deep utilizing a deeper dermal or fascial sutu Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

ring technique.On the face and eyelids a 6-0 or 7-0 monofilament suture may be utilized for epidermal approximation. When the goal of simple interrupt

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

ed sutureplacement is solely epidermal approximation, this suture material may be used on the extremities as well. Otherwise. 5-0 monofilament suture

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2cement is relieving tension as well as epidermal approximation. hl select high-tension areas, 3-0 monofilament suture may be utilized as well, particu

larly in the context of a mul-limodalily approach, for example when mattress sutures are placed in the center of the wound to maximize tension relief Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

and eversion, and simple interrupted sutures are placed at the lateral edges of the wound to minimize dog-ear formation.Technique1The needle is insert

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

ed perpendicular to the epidermis, approximately one-half the radius of the needle distant to the wound edge. This will allow the needle to exit the w

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2st, the needle is rotated through the dermis, taking the bile wider al the deep margin than al the surface, and lhe needle tip exits the skin on the c

ontralateral side.3The needle body is grasped with surgical forceps in the left hand, with care being taken to avoid grasping theneedle lip, which can Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

be easily dulled by repetitive friction against the surgical forceps. It is gently grasped and pulled upward with the surgical forceps as the body of

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

the needle is released from the needle driver. Alternatively, the needle may be released from the needle driver and the needle driver Itself may be u

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2e suture material IS then tied off gently, with care being taken to mini-m izc tension across the epiderm is and avoid overly constricting the wound e

dges (Figures 5-1A through 5-ID).Figure 5-1A Overview of the sinplc inlcmiplcd suture technique.Figure 5-IB. Beginning of the simple interrupted sutur Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

e. Note tint The needle enters the skin at a 90-degiee angle before curving slightly away from rhe wuund edge to take a fask-like bite of tissue."Die

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

Simple tolcmipccd Suture IffFigure 5- 1C. Cbmpklkjn of the sinplc inlenupted suture. Note that tlx.- needle now exits the skin al a 90-dcgrcc angle.Fi

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2h-correcting simple interrupted Mflure, wlrose postoperative appearance is identical to that of the simple intermixed sutureTips and PearlsIt is impor

tant to cuter the epidermis at 90 degrees, allowing the needle to travel slightly laterally away from the wound edge before fully following the curvat Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

ure of the needle when utilizing this technique. Illis will allow for maximal wound eversion and accurate wound-edge approximation. The final cross-se

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

ctional appearance of the needle’s course should be a f ask-like shape, wider at the base than al the surface.The simple interrupted suture may also b

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2facilitate178Atlas of Suturing Techniques: Approaches to Surgical Wound, Laceration, and Cbsmctrc Kl‘|xiu‘eversion, occasionally (he wound edges may n

ot be fully approximated. A small simple interrupted suture, placed at the point where the wound edges are farthest apart, may be used to solve this p Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

roblem and effect accurate approximation of (he wound edges.Care should be taken to avoid skimming the needle superficially beneath the epidermis. Thi

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

s results from failing to enter (he skin al a perpendicular angle and (0 follow the curvature of the needle. This may result in wound inversion as the

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2t anatomy is critical. When placing a simple interrupted suture it is important to recall that the structures deep to the epidermis may be compromised

by the passage of the needle and suture material, l or example, the needle may pierce a vessel leading to increased bleeding.Similarly, particularly Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

if the knot is lied relatively tightly, structures deep to the defect may be constricted. I his can lead to necrosis due to vascular compromise or eve

Ebook Atlas of suturing techniques approaches to surgical wound, laceration and cosmetic repair: Part 2

n, theoretically, superficial nerve damage.

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

CHAPTER 5Suture Techniques for Structures:rficialCHAPTER 5.1The Simple InterruptedVideo 5-1. Simple interrupted sutureAxess to video can be found viav

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