Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2ject of report writing by assuming the role of operations analyst at Technisolt. Inc Much of your work at this large software company involves getting

information lor your buss. Yesterday, lor example, you looked into the question of excessive time spent by office workers on the Internet A lew days Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

earlier, yuu worked on an assignment to determine the causes of unrest in one of the branch locations. Before that assignment you investigated a super

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

visor's recommendation to change an evaluation process. You could continue rhe list indef-■nlefy because investigating problems is a part of your work

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2ommunication lurms. Written reports are a good medium lor con vnying detailed findings. They also makepermanent records. Thus, those who need the info

rmation contained m these reports can review and study them at dieir convenience Plus, written reports are a convenient and efficient means ol distrib Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

uting information be cause they can be easily routed to a number of readers.Your report writing work IS not unique to your job. In fact, report writin

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

g is common throughout the company. For example, the eng -leers often report on the technical prob lems they encounter. The accountants regularly repo

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2regularly report on marketing matters. Such reporting IS vital to your company’s operations—as It is to the operations 0Í all companies.Writing to ext

ernal audiences can also be critical to an organbstinn’s success. If theorganization is a consulting firm, reports to the client may beds primary deli Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

verable. If the company IS publicly traded. Il IS required by law to publish financial reports to the government and lo shareholders. Depending on die

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

nature of Ils business, a company may have lo research and write reports for various agencies about Ils impact on the environment, its hiring pracbce

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2h others. Even if one person has primary responsibility lor a report he or she wil often need contributions from many people. Indeed, report writing d

raws on a wide variety of communication skills, from getting information to presenting it clearly.This chapter and the following chapter rtn-senbo flo Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

w to prepare ƯIIS vital lonn of busi ness communication.DEFINING REPORTSYou probably have a good idea of what reports are. Even so. yon might have a h

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

ard time defining them. Some people define reports to include almost any presentation of information. while others use the term to refer only to the m

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2n our definition is brood in meaning. Il covers all ways ut Uunstnil-ting meaning: speaking, writing, using visuals, or a combination of these, llie b

asic ingredient of reports is factual information. Factual information is based on events, statistics, and other data. 1‘inally. a business report mus Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

t xerve a buxinea purpoxe. Research scientists, medical doctors, ministers, students, and manyA business report is an orderly and objective communicat

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

ion of factual information that serves a business purpose.orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business purpose.As

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2The objective quality of a report is its unbiased approach. Gorki reports present all the relevant facts andothers write reports, but to be classified

as a business report, a report must help a business solve Its problems or meet its goals.Business reports can he short or long, formal or informal, e Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

lectronic or printed, mostly text or mostly visuals. Whatever their specific qualities, though, all reports should help readers make informed business

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

decisions.200 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportscommunication mattersHow Far Should Your Report Go?All business fBports should help solve business pr

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2orderly information followed bymlerpretatiorứỉ Or orderly Information toll owed by HìỉerpreỉatM/s and rocommao-datlontflet's say a hardware chain IS c

onsul ering a site lor a new store. The report you write to help the management determine theappropriateness of live site might take one of the forms Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

in die table belowWhen determining your report's purpose, be sure you ask yoursell what the reader lias asked tor and what your data will support Then

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

deliver exactly that—no more and no less.Informative ReportAnalytical ReportRecommendation ReportA report tfial lists all Die competition witflin a 5

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2bout the likely demand for a new hardware store II the area.A report that lists all Vie competition witlmi a 5 mile radius and draws conclusions about

Vie likely demand for a new hardware store in the area and recommends a decision or further action. Ebook Business communication (3/E): Part 2

Researchingand Writing198 PART 4 I Writing Effective Reportsworkplace scenarioResearching and Writing Reports on the JobIntroduce yourself to the subj

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