Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2na Dostler. and Christian Ell1IntroductionOver the last 10-20 years, the incidence of adenocarcinomas in Barrett’s esophagus has increased enormously

in many Western countries [1-5], The increase in these countries is greater than that of all other malignant epithelial tumors, so that the term "new Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

epidemic " has even been applied [6],The aim of gastroenterologists and pathologists must therefore be to diagnose this neoplasia at as early a stage

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

as possible and thus enable curative endoscopic therapy. A review of the older literature up to the middle of the 19Ws leaves the impression that we a

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2arying between 7% and 20% [7J.Over the last 5 years, however, as a result of great advances in diagnostic endoscopy there has been a positive change.

Tver more frequently, early-slage neoplasia is being detected endoscopically, diagnosed in biopsy material, and treated via the endoscope [8 111- lèn Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

years ago. we al the Institute of Pathology of lhe Bayreuth Hospital diagnosed advanced Barrett’s carcinomas almost exclusively. The above-mentioned p

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

rogress in diagnostic endoscopy has resulted in an increase in the percentage of early neoplasias we have diagnosed over the last 5 years to 50%-60%.2

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2s mucosa could be diagnosed only histologically, and therefore quadrant biopsies at intervals of 1-2 cm were recommended [12, 13], “Dysplasia," howeve

r, is defined as unequivocal intraepithelial neoplasia [14]. We therefore earlier postulated that, where something "new” is growing, the surface struc Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

ture of the mucosa must also be altered, and were of the opinion that, with special endoscopic techniques such as chromoendoscopy and magnification vi

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

deoendoscopy, such neoplasia could be recognized and submitted to targeted biopsy [15].With regard to the endoscopic diagnosis of early Barrett's carc

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2Our initial evaluation of the macroscopic types of early Barrett’s carcinoma in analogy to early gastric carcinoma in 200 endoscopic mucosectomy speci

mens, however, then showed that the early carcinomas in Barrett's esophagus often present no uniform macroscopic appearance, but. rather, show a mixed Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

pattern (see Table 1). This is due in particular Io the fact that the early carcinoma often does not grow focally. but in a circular fashion over a l

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

arger area (see Fig. 1).On the basis of the macroscopic and histological findings. the following endoscopic presentations can be con-Table 1. Macrosco

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2I0.115lype Ila7X3%Type lib0.177Type lie:t.x%Type III0.017Mixed lype.37.0%Fig. I. Operative specimen with a circular growing early mucosal Barrett's ad

enocarcinoma with irregular surface143144 Ill. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusFig. 3. Increased vascularization of Barrett's mucosa with high-g Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

rade intraepithelial neoplasia (immunohistochemistry with Cl) 34 antibody)Fir. 2. Normal vascularization OÍ Barrell’s mucosa without neoplasia (immuno

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

histochemical marking of the endothelial cells OÍ the capillaries with CD 34 antibody)Figs. 4 and 5. Focal adenocarcinoma in a short Barrett s esophag

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2esult of the “new growth.” the following changes in the surface structure of Barrett's mucosa may occur:—irregular verrucous or papillary areas, and —

elevations or broad-based polyps.Such alterations must therefore be detectable with high-resolution video-endoscopy and magnification videoendoscopy.2 Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

Invasive neoplasia is also characterized by infiltrative and destructive growth. Erosions and ulcers inBarrell’s mucosa must be considered as suspicio

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

us findings that require targeted biopsy.3Neoplasia also leads to the replacement of the goblet cells, which can be visualized with negative methylene

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2ch should also be for foci of increased redness in the salmon-colored Barrett's mucosa.5Early carcinomas in Barrett's mucosa reveal considerable disru

ption of the architecture of the neoplastic tubules (irregular budding and branching). This1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett s Esophagus 143 Ebook Carly cancer of the gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, pathology, and treatment (1st edition): Part 2

III. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus1. Early Neoplasia in Barrett’s EsophagusManfred Stoi.te. Michael Andrea May. Liebwin Gossner, Irin

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