Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1vity of thyroid gland. The condition is characterized by generalized enhancement of metabolic rate and oxygen consumption with or without weight loss.

Common manifestations of the disease comprise nervousness, emotional lability, insomnia, frequent bowel movements, heat intolerance, excessive sweati Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

ng and increased weight loss Dyspnoea and palpitations along with oligo-menorrhoea and amenorrhoea in premenopausal women also tend to occur.THYROTOXI

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

COSISTYPES AND CAUSESThe term thyrotoxicosis signifies the clinical condition when tissues are exposed and respond to excess thyroid hormones The aeti

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1Therefore, thyrotoxicosis is not a specific disease but a clinical condition which can originate from a variety of problems (Table 16.1) and may' or m

ay not be associated with hyperthyroidism. The sustained overproduction of thyroid hormones by the gland itselfTabi« 16.1: types and causes of thyroto Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

xicosis•w»rft hyperthyroidismI.Hypwthyrotropism (increased TSH)•Pituitary* tumour•Pituitary- resistance to thyroid hormonesII.Abnormal stimulation•Gra

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

x-es" disease•Trophoblastx tumourIII.Functionally autonomous tissue•Adenoma•Multinodular goitre•Without hyperthyroidism•Thvrotoxic tactitia•Functionin

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1ary tumour or associated with resistance of pituitary to the raised levels of thyroid hormones Sometimes, the source of thyroid hormones can be extra-

thyroidal also, e.g., functioning metastatic carcinoma of thyroid and thyrotoxicosis factitia (Hamburger s toxicosis) that results from accidental ing Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

estion of meat containing animal thyroid tissue.Autoimmunity also plays a significant role in the causation of thyrotoxic state. In the most common fo

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

rm of hyperthyroidism, i.e.. Graves' disease, the culprit is specific .antibodies“Contributed by Professor R Chawla. MSc. DMRÌT. PhD. Professor of Bio

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1 2: Laborator/ Investigationsagainst the TSH receptors, which provide homeostatically- unregulated stimulation oi the gland, known as long acting thyr

oid stimulator (LAIS). Thyrotoxic state also appears, albeit transiently, in Hashimoto's thyroiditis because of the leakage of preformed thyroid hormo Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

nes from the gland due to inflammatory injury-.NoteThe distinction between hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis is, thus, very much essential and must b

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

e considered not only' for diagnosis but also in selecting the treatment protocol Although, the diseases that cause thyrotoxicosis make their own cont

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1y associated with hyperthyroid state and autonomy- of the nodules is an underlying phenomenon Most often than not, it is a consequence of a long stand

ing simple goitre and therefore, multinodular goitre is a disease of the elderly.Sometimes hyperthyroidism is also observed in case of trophoblastic t Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

umours, e.g., chorio-CỉUVÍnoma and hydatidiform mole.The Jodbasedow phenomenon is another unusual type ot thyrotoxicosis and is induced byexposure to

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

large doses of iodine particularly in areas of endemic iodine deficiency. Similar situation can develop in patients with non-toxic nodular goitre on r

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1 not the clinician is able to make a diagnosis on the basis of clinical presentation and the laboratory- investigations play- a supportive role only.

The evaluation of thyroid status under these circumstances also serves as baseline for monitoring of the therapy and progression of the disease. Tire Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

various thyroid function tests available for evaluation and diagnosis of hyperthyroidism are described under the heads of in vivo and in vitro investi

Ebook Clinical chemistry (organ function tests, laboratory investigation - 2nd edition): Part 1

gationsI."In Vivo" Thyroid Function TestsAlthough the in vitro estimation of the thyroid hormones and related tests have virtually eclipsed the in viv

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

Chapter 16Hyperthyroidism*INTRODUCTIONThe term hyperthyroidism denotes the biochemical, physiological and clinical findings associated with hyperactiv

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