Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

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Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2 wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2sen randomly, then we can use their answers to infer how the entire population would answer. We can also quantify how far off our estimate is likely t

o be.Somewhere in your town or City, possibly at this very moment, people are participating in a survey. Perhaps they are filling out a customer satis Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

faction card at a restaurant. Maybe their television is automatically transmitting information about which show is being watched so that marketers can

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

estimate how many people are viewing their ads. They may even be text messaging In response to a television survey. Most of you will receive at least wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2other. The information gathered by these surveys is used to poece together, txt by bit, a picture of the larger world.You've reached a pivotal point i

n the text. In this chapter, the data summary techniques you learned in Chapters 2 and 3. the probability you learned about in Chapter 5. and the Norm Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

al distribution, which youstudied in Chapter 6, are all combined to enable US to generalize what we learn about a small sample to a larger group. Poli

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

ticians rely on surveys of 1000 voters not because they care how those 1000 individuals will vote. Surveys are important to politicians only if they h wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2sample to the larger world is.Whenever we draw a conclusion about a large group based on observations of some pans of that group, we are making an inf

erence. Inferential reasoning lies at the foundation of science but Is far from foolproof. As the following case study Illustrates, when we make an in Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

ference, we can never be absolutely certain of our conclusions. But applying the methods introduced in this chapter ensures that if we collect data ca

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

refully, we can at least measure how certain or uncertain we are.CASE STUDYSpring Break Fever: Just What the Doctors Ordered?In 2006. (he American Med wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2luded, among other things, tliat “eighty-three percent of the [female, college-attending I respondents agreed spring break trips involve more or heavi

er drinking (him occurs on college campuses and 74 percent said spring break trips result in increased sexual activity.” This survey made big news, pa Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

rticularly since the authors of the study claimed these percentages reflected the opinions not only of the 644 women who responded to the survey Inn o

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

f all women who participated in spring break.The AMA's website claimed the results were based on "a nationwide random sample of 644 women who . .. cur wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2ific, doesn't it?However, some survey specialists were suspicious. After Cliff Zukin. a specialist who was president of (he American Association for P

ublic Opinion Research, corresponded with the AMA. it changed its website posting to say the results were based not on a random sample, but instead on Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

"a nationwide sample of 644 women ...www.downloadsllde.cofnw ho are part of an online survey panel. . . [emphasis added].” “Margin of error” is no lo

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

nger mentioned.Disagreements over how co interpret these results show just how difficult inference is. In this chapter you'll see why the method used wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2 uncertainty. At the end of the chapter, you’ll see why the AMA changed its report.SECTION 7.1Learning about the World through SurveysSurveys are prob

ably the most often encountered application of statistics. Most news shows, newspapers, and magazines report on surveys or polls several limes a week— Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

and during a major election, several times a day. We can learn quite a bit through a survey if I Ik* survey is done correctly.Survey TerminologyA pop

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

ulation is a group of objects or people we wish to study. Usually, this group is large—say. the group of all U.S. citizens, or all U.S. citizens betwe wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2 know the value of a parameter, a numerical value that characterizes some aspect of this population. For example, political pollsters want to know wha

t percentage of people say they will vote in lire next election Drunk-driving opponents want to know what percentage of all teenagers with driver’s li Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

censes have drunk alcohol while driving. Designers of passenger airplanes want to know the mean length of passengers' legs so that they can pul the ro

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

ws of seats as close together as possible without causing discomfort.In this text we focus on two frequently used parameters: the mean of a population wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2(Ik- parameter by conducting a census. A census is a survey in which every' member of the population is measured. For example, if you wish to know the

percentage of people in your class room who are left-handed, you can perform a census. The classroom is the population, and the parameter is IÍK' per Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

centage of left-handers. We sometimes try to take a census with a large population (such as the U.S. Census), but such undertakings are too expen sive

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

for nongovernmental organizations and are tilled with complications caused bytrying to track down and count people who may not want Io be found. (For wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2nteresting are loo large for a census. For this reason, we instead observe a smaller sample. A sample is a collection of people or objects taken from

the population of interest.Once a sample is collected, we measure the characteristic we re interested in. A statistic is a numerical characteristic of Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

a sample of data. We use statistics to estimate parameters. For instance, we might be interested in knowing what proportion of all registered voters

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2

will vote in tire next national election. lire proportion of al) registered voters who will vole in the next election is our parameter. Our method to wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2s ate sometimes called estimators, and the numbers that result are called estimates. For example, our estimator is the proportion of people in a sampl

e who Ebook Essential statistics - Exploring the world through data (2nd edition - Global edition): Part 2 wnloa dslidtì .cơmO Survey Sampling and Inference.,TW, yare .n Very Goo['J GoodFairPoor324www.downloadslide.comTHEMEIf survey subjects are chos

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