Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1mentPractical Case Studies inHypertension ManagementSeries editorGiuliano TocciRome, ItalyThe aim of the book series “Practical Case Studies in Hypert

ension Management" is to provide physicians who treat hypertensive patients having different cardiovascular risk profiles with an easy-to-access tool Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

that will enhance their clinical practice, improve average blood pressure control, and reduce the incidence of major hypertension-related complication

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

s. To achieve these ambitious goals, each volume presents and discusses a set of paradigmatic clinical cases relating to different scenarios in hypert

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1ional guidelines regarding diagnosis and trealmenl.While the available guidelines have contributed significantly in improving the diagnostic process,

cardiovascular risk stratification. and therapeutic management in patients with essential hypertension, they are of relatively limited help to physici Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

ans in daily clinical practice when approaching individual patients with hypertension, and this is particularly true when choosing among different dru

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

g classes and molecules. By discussing exemplary clinical cases that may better represent clinical practice in a “real world" setting, this series wil

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 124Giuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managementệy SpringerGiuliano TocciDepartment of Clinical and Molecular Medicine Un

iversity of Rome Sapienza St Andrea Hospital RomeItalyISSN 2364-6632ISSN 2364-6640 (electronic)Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementISBN 9 Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

78-3-319-25095-3 ' ISBN 978-3-319-25097-7 (eBook) DO I 10.1007/978-3-319-25097-7Library of Congress Control Number: 2015958250Springer Cham Heidelberg

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

New York Dordrecht London© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016This work is subject to copylight. All rights are reserved by the Publis

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1roadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, co

mputer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trad Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

emarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relev

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

ant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice a

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1 a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.Printed on acid-

free paperSpringer International Publishing AG Switzerland is part of SpringerPrefaceThe natural history of hypertension is characterised by the devel Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

opment and progression of structural and functional abnormalities al cardiac, vascular and renal levels, which arc in turn related to an increased ris

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

k of developing major cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and renal complications.During this course, the proper assessment and prompt regression of hyper

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1specific antihypertensive drug therapies can interfere with the progression and promote the regression of markers of organ damage, being associated wi

th improved prognosis and reduced risk of complications. In particular, the identification of serial changes of different signs of organ damage has be Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

en viewed by physicians as an easy, simple and cost-effectiveness way to evaluate the individual global cardiovascular risk profile and to test the ef

Ebook Hypertension and organ damage - A case based guide to management: Part 1

fectiveness of antihypertensive strategy in patients with hypertension at high cardiovascular risk.

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

Practical Case Studies in Hypertension ManagementSeries Editor: Giuliano TocciGiuliano TocciHypertension and Organ DamageA Case-Based Guide to Managem

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