Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2 species, plasmatic nonesteritied fatty acids, tumor necrosis factor-a. and interleukin-6 that act synergistically to bring about hepatic insulin resi

stance.1 Insulin resistance evokes a subnormal hepatic storage of glucose into glycogen and increases glucose production by the liver from glycogen, a Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

s well as de novo synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis) accounting for a fasting glycaemia, above 6.1 minol/L (110 ing/dL) and below 6.9 mmol/L (125

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

mg/dL)? In a stale of insulin resistance, insulin is unable to suppress lipolysis in adipocytes and to activate adipose tissues endothelial lipoprotei

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2ity lipoprotein levels and atherogenic hyperlipidemia?-5 According to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III defin

ition, metabolic syndrome will be present if at least three of the following criteria are met: waist circumference more than 40 inches (men) or 35 inc Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

hes (women), blood pressure more than 130/85 mmHg, fasting triglyceride level superior to 150 mg/dl, fasting high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol belo

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

w 40 mg/dL (men) or 50 mg/dL (women), and fasting blood sugar above 100 ing/dL? Excess of plasma glucose and triglycerides in metabolic syndrome resul

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2e and accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol in the liver with natural products constitute one therapeutic strategy to prevent or manage insuli

n resistance in metabolic syndrome.3.1Myristica fragrans Hout.Synonyms: Myristica aromatica Lam.: Myristica moschata Thunb.; Myristica officinalis L.f Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

. Common names: buah pala (Malay): ru du ku (Chinese); nutmegSubclass Magnoliidae. Superorder Magnolianae. Order Myristicales, Family Myristicaceae Me

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

dicinal use: facilitate digestion (Malaysia)Pharmacological targets: atherogenic hyperlipidemia: insulin resistanceMacelignan from Myristica fragrans

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2 in reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde, which is a marker of lipid peroxidation? Insulin binding to its hepatic receptor stimulates the expre

ssion of the transcription factor sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c in the liver mediating most of insulin effects on fatty acid synthesis? Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

Afcso-dihydroguaiaretic acid (Figure 3.1) from this plant at a concentration of 10 pM repressed the transcription factor sterol regulatory element-bi

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

nding protein-lc and consequently fatty acid synthetase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase in HepG2 cells.10 Furthermore, this lignan reduced by more than 50%

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2activated receptor-a and dow nstream carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 and uncoupling protein-2.10 w hich catalyze fatty acids oxidation in177178Medici

nal Plants in Asia for Metabolic SyndromeFIGURE 3.1 Mcso-dihydroguaiarctic acid.the liver." In hepatocytes, protein tyrosine phosphatase IB is a negat Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

ive regulator in insulin signal transduction by dephosphorylating the activated insulin receptor or insulin receptor substrates.12 Meso-dihydroguaiare

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

tic acid and otobaphenol inhibited the enzymatic activity of this enzyme with ICjo values equal to 19.6 and 48.9 m.\l. respectively.13 implying increa

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2ne resulting from insulin binding and increased insulin sensitivity.1’ For every 30 mg/dL. reduction in plasmatic low-density lipoprotein, the relativ

e risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is lowered by approximately 30%.14 Myrislicafragrans tetrahydrofuran lignans mixture given orally to C57B Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

L/6 at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day poisoned with a high-fat diet for 6 weeks resulted in a 30$ reduction of epididymis fat compared with untreated animals

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

, a mild reduction in food intake, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. cholesterol, and glyceamia.15 Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2ergy deprivation) ratios, adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase is phosphorylated in the ot-subunit.16 Activated adenosine monophosphate-ac

tivated protein kinase phosphorylates and inhibit acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which is the rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acid synthesis.17 Fatty acid synt Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

hetase is the rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acid synthesis by catalyzing the final step."* Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase promotes f

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

atty acid oxidation by upregulating the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-ơ. and carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1.19 Activated

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2eductase.20 The lignans tetrahy-drofuroguaiacin B. nectandrin B. and nectandrin A isolated from this plant at a concentration of 5 |1M induced the act

ivation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and downstream inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase.14 Lipid peroxidation in the liver is Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

linked with insulin resistance.213.2Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) BlumeSynonyms: Cinnamomum chinense Blume: Cinnamomum dulce (Roxb.) Sweet: La

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

ttrus burmannii Nees & T. Nees: Lauras dulcis Roxb.Common names: yin ziang (Chinese); kayu manis (Malay); Indonesian cassia Subclass Magnoliidae. Supe

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2 Cinnaniaklehyde.In the postprandial slate, insulin inhibits phosphocnolpyruvatc carboxykinase and glucosc-6-phosphatase to block the production of gl

ucose also termed gluconeogenesis.72 Cinnamomum biưmannìi (Nees & T. Nees) Blume contains cinnamaldehyde (Figure 3.2), which given orally at a dose of Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

20 mg/kg/days for 60 days to streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats decreased glycaemia from 396 to 152 nig/dL, decreased weight loss and polydi

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

psia and an increased plasma insulin.23 Al the hepatic level, a normalization of phosphocnolpyruvatc carboxykinasc was observed as a possible conseque

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2he liver, and the expression of this enzyme is used as an indicator of liver glucose secretion.2’ Ethanol extract of bark given at a single oral dose

of 500 ing/kg to hyperglycemic C57BI/6J mice lowered fasting glycaemia by 18.9% after 6 hours.7' Decrease of glycaemia in fasting rodents by natural p Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

roducts, if not owed to increased insulin secretion, can be explained by stimulation of glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, correction of insulin re

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

sistance, inhibition of liver glucose production, or stimulation of glycogen synthesis by stimulating glycogen synthetase activity. The extract at a d

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 26-phosphatase.25 Aqueous extracts of bark of Cinnamomum burmanii inhibited the enzymatic activity of protein tyrosine phosphatase IB with ICjo values6

.2pg/mL respectively implying increased insulin sensitivity.26 From this extract. 5'-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-4".5“-methylenedioxy- Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

5-cycloheptatriene and cinnamaldehyde inhibited the enzymatic activity of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 B with ICjo values of 29.7 and 57.6 pM. respe

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

ctively.26 Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 B decreases the sensitivity of insulin to its receptor and contributed to insulin resistance.273.3Cinnamomum

Inhibiting Insulin Resistance and Accumulation of Triglycerides and Cholesterol in the LiverVisceral obesity favors the generation of reactive oxygen

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2tes. Family LauraccacMedicinal use: indigestion (India)History: the plant was known of Hippocrates. Greek physician (circa 460-370 BC) Pharmacological

targets: atherogenic hyperlipidemia: insulin resistanceTn hepatocytes, excess of fatty acids brought by the plasmatic circulation from adipose tissue Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

s activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-a that binds to the peroxisome proliferators response element of DNA and induce the transcriptio

Ebook Medicinal plants in asia for metabolic syndrome - Natural products and molecular basis: Part 2

n of genes encoding hepatic fatty acid ^-oxidation." Spontaneous type 2 diabetic obese db/db mice receiving orally bark powder of Cinnamomum zeyl-anic

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